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Member Since 30 Sep 2013
Offline Oct 01 2013 07:53 PM

Topics I've Started

Hello, I'm new

30 September 2013 - 10:31 AM

This is a new place for me, even though I've been on neopets for years. Just lately, I've been getting frustrated with the site, for a multitude of reasons. Doesn't mean that I don't still love it, just that certain trends I see just get to me a bit.

I have one acccount. Period. However, I have access to a few others that were abandoned specifically to me. BUT- the last thing I want is iced! A google search of the eating contest brought me here.

I really do love the Kougras, and all the items associated with this species! I've been working on my gallery since the feature was first implemented. My only real source of frustration in that area are a)- the rarity and cost of a few items, and b)- the addition of NC species items! I wouldn't mind advice, suggestions, etc, in either of those areas!


Anyway, not sure what all to say here, so I'm off to explore the forums!

