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Member Since 03 Mar 2014
Offline Private

Topics I've Started

I-staff reflecting question

09 March 2014 - 07:50 PM

Can someone explain the how the I-staff reflects light, its a bit confusing. Also what would happen if someone attacks with both dark and light icons.

WoDF + I-staff question

08 March 2014 - 07:14 PM

Does the heal effect work simultaneously if you use them both together? Like will it heal me 25% from WoDF and 20% from the I-staff? Also how does the I-staff reflect light if you get hit with BOTH light and dark icons?

overhealing & resistance question

08 March 2014 - 01:49 AM

I have a question regarding overhealing. What exactly is overhealing? Also is it true that scorchstones overheal? I have LEV currently but if the Jade SS overheals than would it be better? Also In terms of resistance which one is easier to block fire or air icons? I know both are hard to block icons, but which one is easier to block?

BD set advice

03 March 2014 - 08:27 PM

Nvm friend helped me with it