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Member Since 20 Apr 2014
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In Topic: Speaking your mind is trolling?

30 April 2014 - 01:52 AM

Why are you even in a forum if you just choose to ignore the opinions of others? Or maybe you're just here for the attention and wanting people to read your bullshit although you don't want theirs. Which is very much the definition of a troll.

I choose to ignore the opinions of idiots. Oh yes I love attention! That's why I'm always attention whoring everywhere I go, duh!

Holy fuck though I pissed y'all off some serious shit! I hit a hidden goldmine of haters! This is fucking fantastic!

In Topic: Feminism

27 April 2014 - 07:46 AM

My father is from ATL


Your father grew up in diff times, unless you're REALLY young, before social desensitization, before all the violence, thug culture being predominant, the internet, etc, etc.


We'll see. She may turn out to be a piece of shit, or completely psycho, she did put a knife to my throat when we were playing, like I said she's smart so she could just be that well of an actor. All I have to go on right now is my psych analysis, and the "honesty" she's shown me, and the fact her pussy isn't blown to shit.


I do have high hopes, but I try to keep my expectations low. She's still playing some games with me, or rather trying to... I'm letting her think my guard's down to see if she tries to take advantage of me.

In Topic: Feminism

27 April 2014 - 07:23 AM

Why would I want to be in the game, if you play the game all you are gonna find is game players. If you want to find someone who is actually serious you're not gonna find them messing around in the ATL game. 


Not at all I'm pretty sure most of the people here that are in relationships don't dish crap out to their SO male or female. Plus no one wants shots fired at them, you've already stated that you treat girls like crap, but don't put up with theirs aren't you kind of talking about yourself there. Boom

Do you live in ATL? No? Didn't think so.


Let me break it down for you; the good girls go bad young. All any of them want is a daddy to take care of them and they do their absolute best to capitalize off of their good looks ASAP. Now there are a couple exceptions to this; we have the bible thumping religious weirdos for one, though they really are just as bad only without the sluttiness. Now on the other hand we have the ugly ones; now I have actually dated "ugly" girls, and despite being critized and my social stature dropping several points as a result of even being seen with them, they become so hung up on the high and ego boost I give them that they will do anything, and I do mean ANYTHING, to keep me around. Blackmail, death threats, attempted pregnancy trappings... I've legit had a bitch jumped cause she wouldn't back down. Yet they say they "love" me, does that sound like "love" to you? I go out of my way and put myself in a bad position to give them a shot and they repay it with manipulation, threats, and other bullshit? I'm sorry but bitches like that can die, and if I could snap my fingers and make them all drop dead I would.


Now at this time I have actually found an honest to goodness "good girl", we just had sex last night, well now the night before, we hangout again tonight, and we really enjoy each others company. She's cool with me doing my thing, the hustle, and the grind, and she's young so she's malleable. I have nothing but completely honestly good intentions for her, yet I had to fuck her head up good to get her to this point, and it took me flaunting player status and everything else I have going for me to get her to be this obedient. She's smart, etc, etc. She's gonna hold my heart while I make a run at some HUGE game. Now mind you she's nice to me because of everything I represent. I watched her laugh hysterically as she was toying with some poor desperate fucker's head that was chasing her for a long time, granted I don't know the whole story and all that. Still though, if I didn't have serious game this wouldn't even be a thing. See my point? Women are attracted to what we represent, they care about everyone's opinion of us first and foremost. If I was ugly, couldn't make her laugh hysterically, let her push me around (which she tried to do, but I put my foot down), etc etc. She wouldn't give a fuck about me. Again, I am a trophy. I will die one.

OH and you mentioned players; wanna quote a lil something for ya, stud.


"Dating is a game, and all the men and women are players"

In Topic: Is the world better with or without religion?

27 April 2014 - 06:52 AM

I'm still on the fence on this.


"Religion keeps the poor from murdering the rich"

"All religion is created by man"


In short religion is a tool used to shepherd the masses; yet it does cause many hindrances as a result of it's existence. We would probably be stuck in the stone ages still murdering each other over trivial things while raping and pillaging everyone and everything in our paths if religion were never invented. So the hindrances we experience would likely never of even been able to be a problem.


Though with as little information s we have it's hard to properly weigh the pros and cons effectively.


Thus I am undecided, and likely will remain so.


Though in hindsight with the way the world is headed nowadays I think it may be best if we give the "ignorant" something to keep them in line. Though there may be another answer to that problem the only one I can think of is properly educating people and making them understand the way things have to be.


There's just too many variables at play to pin something down with even a slight bit of certainty.

In Topic: Small suggestion & question

27 April 2014 - 02:39 AM

I'm glad that we finally agree on something.

I said it hoping that you would crack the shits at the website supposedly being down so often and decide that you'd go spend your trolling efforts elsewhere.

If only I were trying to troll... Honestly this place seems pretty immune to trolls, I usually prefer to troll places with large amounts of idiots, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.