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Member Since 09 May 2014
Offline Apr 07 2017 01:56 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: 1 million dollars but you have drink one full 12oz can of sprite within 24 hours

21 August 2015 - 06:15 AM

you want me to poison myself for 1 mil dollars? :/

I'm with you, man. I haven't had soda in 5+ years, and for good reason

...but yeah, I'd do it for a million dollars. I think there are very few things I wouldn't do for 1 mil

In Topic: Have millions, what should I do?

16 August 2015 - 02:21 PM

If I were you, I would invest in BD stuff. That is the whole reason I am playing again. I heard news of the automatic match up system and am excited to rock it out :)

What? Is this currently implemented, or a future plan?

In Topic: Hallucinogens

16 August 2015 - 12:52 PM

I've done Acid once (no visuals), Ambien a few times, and Salvia a few times.

Ambien hallucinations are weird. Ambien is weird. It's got a very weird feeling to it, and after I tripped on it I no longer wanted to take it for its intended purpose. I always woke up not feeling completely rested, and after I stayed up through it I think I saw why. Ambien just fucks your brain up into a sleep-like state, but I don't think it induces real sleep. Anyway, lots of visual wiggles, and lots of blending of internal imagery with external stimuli. Very weird, and it always makes me feel like I'm crooked and like whatever room I'm in is larger than it actually is.

Salvia is illegal here now but I did it a few times when it was legal like 7 years ago. My most memorable trip was a time I smoked with my (then) gf. She went first (since it was her first time, and I had smoked before) and all she did was laugh. When she came down she said that she was imagining what life tasted like. There is another part with this, but it's impossible to convey through text I think; it's an example of how life tastes, which doesn't make any sense. 

When I went, after I started laughing she asked me to describe what was happening, and I was weirdly able to. I was unable to speak properly every other time I did salvia, so that's weird. I looked down at my arm and my perspective kinda "zoomed" into the inside of my arm. Underneath the skin of my arm were thousands of elf/gnome things and each of them was holding a pole and together they were using the poles to hold my skin up like a tarp. I was one of these elf/gnome things, and this was apparently a privileged job because I had an "up" job, which was good. I then somehow experienced a "day in the life" of this creature that I now was, and because of my "up" job I was able to afford a very good house/apartment/living space and my roof was made out of flock of flying birds. The door to my house thing was yellow, and by leaving it open at different angles I was able to replicate different sensations like touch on a certain part of my body, or smell of somethine, or taste.

That's all I really remember about that trip, but after I came down, my she told me that what I was saying was "the most retarded shit she's ever heard" in a very serious, condescending tone which completely killed my happy buzz. I was still sorta in salvia land, and in that moment my mind told me that she was a manifestation that I made to challenge myself and find out what the limits of what I could tolerate are. For whatever reason, my car was not at her house and I was very offended by this, so I ordered her to drive me to a friend's, where I told them the same trip and they loved it and thought it was awesome. Later (or the next day) she wanted to talk, but I just wanted to break up with her haha. We ended up staying together, but I do regret not breaking up with her then, because that interaction was really a perfect example of the relationship that would follow.

Another notable time, I smoke some with my friend and I could tell the exact ages of all the trees around us. I could tell which tree was the oldest and which tree was the youngest, even though the oldest tree didn't really look like it would have been the oldest tree in reality. They appeared to me as sorta Eastern Island heads, except more Indian and some had headdresses. I have no idea if the ages I perceived were correct (probably not)

In Topic: Your Real Life Self vs Keyboard Self

20 November 2014 - 01:15 PM

Do you speak the same way you type?

Relatively. For whatever reason, the more "proper" you speak socially, the more uptight, self righteous, full of yourself, or "unapproachable" you come off. If you use a "two dollar" word IRL, you often alienate people which might color their perception of you negatively. Online, people can just google the word.

How similar or different are the two?

They are the same, with the caveat that I am less aware/caring of how I am perceived by others online, so I'm unafraid speaking how I would like to. I don't believe that I've got the most extensive vocabulary, but I often find myself "dumbing down" words IRL if I'm with people whom I think might frown upon it, or if I think they might perceive me differently because of it. Online, I'm also able to edit sentence structure if I begin a sentence and realize that it would sound better another way, whereas I don't have that "luxury" IRL.

Do you feel like a different person whenever you type?
Nah, just a more pruned version 

In Topic: Fighting Games

19 November 2014 - 08:25 AM

I was kinda excited about Smash 4 also, but then I got the 3DS version and it dissuaded my from buying a Wii U

The ledge mechanics are weird (no ledge hogging), rolls are OP while throws are UP, and it's still just as floaty as Brawl and doesn't have grounded momentum carry into jumps.

IMO it's more casual than Brawl, but we'll see when the Wii U version hits. Everyone is under the impression that all of their problems with the game will be solves by a real controller, but I just don't see it going that way. It *could* go that way, but I'm not hopeful

EDIT: Yeah, I understand the SF4 thing. Fortunately for me, SF4 was the first time that I actually learned the moves and played the game instead of button mashing, and I have very little fighting game experience outside of SF4. Third Strike looks fun, but like I said I don't have many RL friends who are interested at all in real fighting games, so that's another game I haven't played. I do prefer the look of 2d sprites over 3d models for fighters, and I'd like to see what the new characters would look like as sprites. I'm interested in how Omega will turn out, since it's looking to be a very "for fun" kinda of game.

I will say though that I feel I can appreciate the slowness you're referring to, because I feel like Melee -> Brawl is the same sense.