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Member Since 14 Jul 2014
Offline Mar 27 2015 09:27 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Tell me about your dreams

27 March 2015 - 09:20 AM

I don't usually remember my dreams, but... I've been having a lot of really off-the-wall type dreams as of late. It's really, really silly. Like, the sky being green and the grass being blue but everything else is normal was one of my more recent ones. And I was the only one in the dream going "????"

In Topic: What Song Are You Listening To Right Now?

21 August 2014 - 09:01 PM

Dead Bite - Hollywood Undead

In Topic: What really grinds YOUR gears?

21 August 2014 - 09:00 PM

Oh look now I sprained my ankle. The other ankle, not the one I twisted.


Why does August always suck so hard.

In Topic: What is your favorite role?

17 August 2014 - 10:25 PM

Main support. My friends always bug me to play Nami. xD

In Topic: What really grinds YOUR gears?

14 August 2014 - 12:08 PM

Being sick or otherwise hurt.


For a month now it's been one thing after another.


Stomach flu.


Twisted ankle.


Now I have a sinus cold.