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Member Since 28 Dec 2014
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Topics I've Started

Fave starter pokemon?

21 January 2015 - 09:39 AM

Who doesn't love starters? They're totally adorbs and some even evolve into competitively-worthy little destroyers. I think they're all lovely, but I seem to have always had an obsession with charmander and its evolution line. I literally over played fire-red when I was younger, always picking the same starter. Anyways, what is your favorite or go-to starter poke and why? Is it power? Looks? Emotional attachment? Personally charmander's design is very appealing to me, I think the mega evolutions in the line are incredible too, as well as super-powerful. 

Best series you've ever watched?/Favorite series?

16 January 2015 - 06:14 PM

Hey! So, I'm asking mainly because a.) I'm curious about what you guys like. and b.) I need some new series to watch :D Anyways, I really want to hear what you think. You can even mention the ones you didn't like too. There's plenty of great series out there, I'm pretty quick to get hooked on almost anything, I don't really have a preferred genre. I'll share a few that I've liked a lot myself : Sons of anarchy (still watching) and Gossip Girl (pretty much opposites, ikr?) Others that I've seen but haven't liked as much would be The vampire diaries, Teen Wolf, and Switched at birth. 

Advice on selling HTS items?

13 January 2015 - 09:24 AM

So! I've gotten about 10-12 UB items from ABing that are apparently reaally hard to sell, but they have some pretty great profits. I've tried making posts in the neoboards (completely unhelpful), and posting them on the TP. I'm scared of the auction house because I've had some pretty bad experiences with it of loss rather than gain, in other words...I don't trust it...In general, I'd be grateful if anyone wanted to share any tips? Or is this a lost cause?

Anyone else having trouble with changing active neopets?

09 January 2015 - 07:16 AM

Soo..I thought this thing would only be yesterday's problem, buut, truns out the annoyance persists up until this morning. I can't change my active pet until after a grueling session of constant refreshing, all I want is to get my pets to fish! It's not much to ask T__T anyways, I just wanted to know if anyone else is experiencing this? Does anybody know why? Just curious, I don't think it's just me...

Hi :)

29 December 2014 - 10:12 AM

Hello to everyone!! I look forward to forming a part of the site and meeting you guys. I'll tell you a bit about myself, as an introduction. I'm a girl currently attending her last years of high school, I adore being relatively active, sports are one of my favorite activities, specifically running. I also enjoy reading, writing, art, sleep :3, pokemon, and animals. Speaking of animals, I own quite a few, even horses and some birds. Anyways, that's it for me :p