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Member Since 12 Feb 2015
Offline May 09 2018 08:10 PM

Topics I've Started

Hi Everyone! :)

04 March 2015 - 11:57 AM

I really should be studying for my midterms at the moment but I decided to do the NeoCodex Newbie Scanvanger Hunt.. Lol. So I'm posting 5 fun facts about myself for anyone who's interested...


1. I'm pretty beast for a girl's who's 5"6 at 106 lbs. I currently bench around 65 lbs and squat 110 lb. I'm hoping to raise that to around 100 lbs for bench and 180 lbs for squat.

2. I'm currently studying industrial engineering.. Which is considered the super soft engineering discipline. But realistically, every job in the industry is either inde or ECE.

3. I participated in a pageant back in 2012 where I won the most popular award lol

4. I am the crazy cat lady making. I have a cat who's the fluffiest thing ever!

5. I wana be a movie star ;p

What are the best shops to earn quick profits?

03 March 2015 - 12:12 PM

Since I don't have a "premium neocodex" account, I was wondering how I can maximize my profits/time with the current limitations? Any help would be fantastic! :)