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Member Since 03 Aug 2015
Offline Aug 29 2015 08:40 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Has anybody else noticed...

23 August 2015 - 01:07 PM

I could get over the horrendous artwork if they fixed things faster and had better content writers. Sure, it sucks because we got used to having such great images, but a lot of us have been around for the 2000 artwork.


The fact that the content staff doesn't even know most of the Neopian culture is horrendous, and just makes the bad artwork the icing on a terrible, terrible porkchop.


(but actually, it's 2015, get some interns to do artwork for free and offer them good references. Win-win).

In Topic: What is A Magical, Mystical Tour of Roo Island worth right now?

20 August 2015 - 05:39 PM

Its pretty much going to drop to 5k in 2 weeks or so

Because its new you might fetch 50k~ish

And yeah the same for strawberry book


@Swim I actually got someone to take it for 105k so, cool! thanks.





@Megazord thanks so much!

In Topic: What is A Magical, Mystical Tour of Roo Island worth right now?

20 August 2015 - 05:35 PM



Maybe 100k since it's new. But it's only R78. It will drop like a freaking rock over the next week. Unload it, and fast.


That's what I thought. Same thing for The Story of the Elusive Strawberry Fields ? 

In Topic: What did you eat today?

19 August 2015 - 06:07 PM

3 Red Bulls (one of those days...)

Pulled Pork Quesadilla

Egg Salad Sandwich

Vegetarian Chili

1/4 cup of froyo


2 Cokes


Funnily enough, I actually have an eating disorder (recovering) and I used to frequent a forum that was hosted by the same hosting website as Neocodex. When I saw this topic, I had to reply and told myself I had to reply honestly and not hate myself (didn't sleep enough, overate today).


I did it (:

In Topic: Just found out all of my Devices have the same public IP

19 August 2015 - 05:27 PM

lol Im just so bad at the internet, then I guess it doesnt matter one bit and I am gonna continue doing the same damn thing I always have, hopefully I keep flying under the radar, I definitely wont be doing that stock glitch ever again lol, #Jesustakethewheel


Out of sheer curiosity (I'm a bit of a chicken, ironically), what stock glitch?