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Member Since 31 Dec 2016
Offline Dec 31 2016 01:26 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Do you like your neopets?

31 December 2016 - 10:43 AM

Yeah I LOVED my Neopets throughout the Years. Went through some phases in life and stuff, sold my account and due to my bond with my lovelies the buyer kindly passed the account back to me as a surprise after clearing out the items and stuff. Which brought my bond even closer. About 2 years later and Lots of Life Changes throughout I decided to sell and be done. I truly miss my Neopets I had grown awfully attached to but they're hopefully still being fed by the Buyer and haven't been brought into the ice-age many of you guys so sadly have become a part of. 


I do however have my 2nd ever account still as an alt which I never login on. 


Longshot that you'll reply but maybe someone will! How exactly does one sell an account?

In Topic: I'm here because I'm a horrible Neopets player

31 December 2016 - 09:57 AM

I'm actually pretty bad.  I just don't have the time to devote to becoming a master, and yet there are things I want (such as an Alien Aisha) that a community like this could help me with.  I'd also like to hang with other people who enjoy playing Neo like myself.  Basically some nice people who share my interests would be fun to talk with occasionally


Other than that, there's not too much to say about myself.  I live in the south-eastern US and work customer service on the phones.


Welcome! I'm new here as well! I need a job like that!