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Member Since 08 Oct 2017
Offline Oct 10 2017 08:56 AM

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In Topic: Quick and Easy Neopets Questions!

10 October 2017 - 08:32 AM

they sent me neomail saying it was accepted pheeeeew, anyway of knowing why it was reveiwed so i can avoid it again?

In Topic: [Guide] Score Sender.

09 October 2017 - 07:01 PM

No. You can't be logged into the program manager and in your browser with the same account at the same time. One will get logged you.

No, don't run multiple programs at once. Would a legit player be playing a game and sending a score at the exact same time they're playing cheat?

I'm unsure what you mean by this. You mean keep the score sender login screen/account screen open? If that then no. Once you're logged in, it's fine to close the login screen. Just don't close the actual sender though, that'll quit the program. 

thank you! its so cool that u answered my q cuz i see u on all the forms #heroWorship  :blush:

In Topic: Quick and Easy Neopets Questions!

09 October 2017 - 04:49 PM

my score sender said my score is being reviewed, do i need to panic?

In Topic: [Guide] Score Sender.

08 October 2017 - 08:53 PM

can i use my account while running the program? also can i run mulit programs at once? like score sender and cheat?

also do i have to keep a screen open with the account being sent?