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Member Since 24 Apr 2018
Offline Sep 07 2018 04:52 PM

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Shello there~

01 May 2018 - 11:12 AM

Well I figured if I was going to hardcore lurk, might as well join!


I've been on Neopets off and on since 2002, and about a month ago I got a serious hankering to play Meerca Chase II and somehow I ended up here.


I so totally wish I'd known about NeoCodex/Abrosia/ValorSuite years ago, because I've never had so much success on any of my accounts/shops as I have on my current in just a short period of time! I'm actually not really one for socializing, so we'll see if I ever get to those 500 posts, but as of right now I can afford Advanced membership so that's what I'll do for the time being. :D


I do wish I could get into my childhood account though, I'm preeeetty sure I had some nice stuff stashed away.


So anyway, shello!