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Member Since 09 Jul 2018
Offline Sep 09 2018 06:23 PM

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Hello from a newbie

11 July 2018 - 04:43 PM

Hi, I'm new here, and new to the neopets cheating scene in general, not sure if I'd use your programs but the forums seem like a nice way to pass the time!


Here's some facts about myself:


1. I've been playing neopets on and off since 2000, when I joined as a young child and proceeded to make the worst named pets and account you could possibly imagine.

2. I'm terrified of spiders, and generally not a fan of heights

3. Like most people here, I imagine, I work in IT.

4. My favourite genre of games are RPG's, I finished neoquest and neoquest 2 for the story and gameplay, not just the trophy!

5. I'm a big fan of country and punk music.