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Pedro Ramone

Member Since 11 Mar 2007
Offline Private

Topics I've Started

Kougra- Baby avatar !

13 June 2007 - 07:38 AM

Procedure: Click in a link. Click Here

( HARD ? thumbsup.gif )
And... congratulations, u got a new avye !

Lenny Conundrum and M.P Aswners to member to !

30 May 2007 - 11:21 AM

Whoa.. please. We need too... :}

Wheel Of Monotony - What do you getting ?

29 May 2007 - 04:28 PM

Go here:

You should see something like this:

If you look to the box in the top right hand corner there is a bunch of computer code. Click the "Spin Spin Spin" button, then it will show this, or something similar.

What you need to look at is the highlighed line. Between the two occurances of the word prize, ignore the greater than and less than symbols, is a number, in this case it is a 12.

The number represents the prize.

The number list is here, I believe it's complete, but may not be complete.

1. Mazzew
2. Petpet Brush
3. Gourmet Food
4. Weapon
5. 5,000 NP
6. Question Mark ( Avatar or Random itens ! )
7. Faerie Abilities
8. Red Codestone
9. Bri Codestone
10. Volcano
11. Rock: Your Neopet will loose half their hp, so its not worth waiting for.
12. Random items or avatars
13. Lottery Ticket
14. Paintbrush
15. Beast
16. 20,000 NP, there is a chance you may get a toy
99. Beast Attacks, Lottery Ticket, free Spin, other random.

Bye bye !

What means the numbers of LOST ?

29 May 2007 - 04:03 PM

I'm very curious, In brazil, we only can watch the 2º temporade.... * bad engliish time *