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1st day of Eating, Y12 March 31 - April 1, 2010
Across Down
4. ten
6. tent
7. three
8. sale
9. one
11. pet
12. oak
13. genie
15. night
1. goatee
2. snowager
3. snarhook
5. water
10. egg
14. evil
31st day of Running, Y12 March 30-31, 2010
Across Down
3. egg
5. shy
6. art
8. koi (Hydrogen)
9. thyora
10. lair
11. blew
12. race
1. dust
2. key
4. gelert
6. achyhead
7. ixi (Hydrogen)
8. kalora
11. beard (Hydrogen)
30th day of Running, Y12 March 29-30, 2010
Across Down
4. fish
6. orb
7. alton
8. one
9. air
10. bucket
12. tonu
13. cape (Hydrogen)
1. koi (Hydrogen)
2. misfortune
3. fernypoo
5. stock
9. attack
10. bruce
11. cloud
29th day of Running, Y12 March 28-29, 2010
Across Down
2. four (Noitidart)
3. wooly
5. illusen
7. chia
9. explore
11. techo
13. club
14. galem
1. ruki
3. woe
4. altador
6. shield
8. novelty
10. pet
12. carols
28th day of Running, Y12 March 27-28, 2010
Across Down
3. kauvara (jcrdude)
4. bori
5. royal
7. ultra
8. poem
9. bone (Noitidart)
10. ltd
12. green
13. yellow
1. karma
2. fifty
3. kiko
4. blumaroo (Hydrogen)
6. nabile
11. tree
27th day of Running, Y12 March 26-27, 2010
Across Down
3. giftshop (jcrdude)
6. disaster
9. abigail
10. nine (Hydrogen)
11. altador (jcrdude)
14. yes
1. chia
2. ant
4. pet
5. iron
7. skirt (TheWu)
8. fir
11. anshu
12. pack
13. ruki
26th day of Running, Y12 March 25-26, 2010
Across Down
2. democracy (Ints)
5. red (jcrdude)
6. anshu
8. exam
12. greeting
14. oak
15. nox
1. scorch
3. grarrg
4. ham (Noitidart)
7. uni
9. arbiter (jcrdude)
10. moehog (jcrdude)
11. mika
13. good
25th day of Running, Y12 March 24-25, 2010
Across Down
2. mug
3. rufus (Noitidart)
5. kass
6. lupe
7. kau
8. primella
10. one
11. ixi
12. sandan (jcrdude)
14. edna
1. smash
4. skarl
6. lupes
9. aisha
13. acara
24th day of Running, Y12 March 23-24, 2010
Across Down
2. moltara (jcrdude)
3. ant
6. jade
7. teemyte (jcrdude)
8. rock
10. caption
13. gun
14. bruce (Ints)
1. babaa (Noitidart)
4. toy (jcrdude)
5. key
6. jeran
9. kau
11. pink (Noitidart)
12. orrin
23rd day of Running, Y12 March 22-23, 2010
Across Down
3. whoot
5. mortog
10. one
11. pet
12. eight (Noitidart)
14. tavi
15. sale
1. tash
2. goo
4. two (Noitidart)
6. orb
7. gothic
8. meerca (jcrdude)
9. tiger (jcrdude)
13. three (Noitidart)
22nd day of Running, Y12 March 21-22, 2010
Across Down
5. bruce (Ints)
7. tunic
8. chia (jcrdude)
9. starry
11. egg
12. ixi (Hydrogen)
13. cloud
14. poem (jcrdude)
15. lowfat
1. jimmi
2. roothless (jcrdude)
3. buzzer (Hydrogen)
4. meat
6. classified
10. yellow
21st day of Running, Y12 March 20-21, 2010
Across Down
4. rainbow
7. rock
8. grarrg
9. koi
11. superpull
14. ixi
15. uni
1. one
2. dartail
3. lutari
5. wing
6. crisis
10. green (Noitidart)
12. pants
13. usul
20th day of Running, Y12 March 19-20, 2010
Across Down
4. space
5. ixi
6. cyan
10. whirlpool
11. tash
12. web
14. snot
1. onion (TheWu)
2. marrow
3. nine
7. yellow
8. aisha
9. hog
11. ten
13. buzz (Noitidart)
19th day of Running, Y12 March 18-19, 2010
Across Down
5. kyrwinne
6. eliv
9. breakfast
11. clara (Noitidart)
13. peanut
14. sweets
1. art
2. rink
3. genie
4. evil
5. kauvara
7. braintree
8. aaa (TheWu)
10. face
12. rise
18th day of Running, Y12 March 17-18, 2010
Across Down
3. escape
5. blue
6. pet
7. matt
8. genie
10. acko
12. lizark
13. evil
14. negg
1. quest
2. web
4. collecting (ifethereal)
7. meriball
9. woe
11. chia
17th day of Running, Y12 March 16-17, 2010
Across Down
3. three
4. kiko
6. egg
7. tunic
9. ltd
11. trophy
13. kalora
14. gympu (jcrdude)
1. tree
2. tonu (Noitidart)
3. twirly (Noitidart)
5. uni
8. cup
10. dua
12. orange (Hydrogen)
16th day of Running, Y12 March 15-16, 2010
Across Down
3. shocket
6. rasmelon
8. nine (Hydrogen)
10. ring
11. nox
13. von
14. lair
1. dice
2. acara
3. scram
4. nlm (Hydrogen)
5. sandan (jcrdude)
7. singer
9. nova
12. one (Hydrogen)
15th day of Running, Y12 March 14-15, 2010
Across Down
4. moehog (jcrdude)
6. lair
7. rock
9. krawkade
12. nlm (Hydrogen)
13. yes
14. maid
1. tunic
2. ppl
3. eizzil
5. grow
8. tent
10. ring
11. aisha
15. ixi (Hydrogen)
14th day of Running, Y12 March 14, 2010
Across Down
2. shy
6. tycoon
7. ten
9. ltd
10. fishpop
11. art
12. arms
13. shenkuu
14. uni
1. whoot
3. mystery
4. intesteen (Noitidart)
5. veespa
8. lupe
13. sun
13th day of Running, Y12 March 13, 2010
Across Down
4. zombom
6. roburg
7. orb
10. gormos
11. hissi (Steezy)
13. fir
14. bori
15. tree
1. web
2. floud
3. burrow
5. malkusvile
8. rashpid
9. ummagine
12. poem (jcrdude)
12th day of Running, Y12 March 12, 2010
Across Down
3. cheat
4. adopt
5. cubefish
7. web
10. yellow
11. bruce (Ints)
13. club
15. zenco (Noitidart)
1. half
2. math
6. spyder
8. bubbles
9. kau
12. techo
14. buzz
11th day of Running, Y12 March 11, 2010
Across Down
2. corkgun (Noitidart)
5. kau
6. dua
7. aaa (TheWu)
9. red
10. rock (Noitidart)
11. fir
12. swords
14. starry (Noitidart)
1. ant
2. clock
3. quarry (Noitidart)
4. bark
8. arms
13. dart
10th day of Running, Y12 March 10, 2010
Across Down
2. shy
3. mini
6. cyan
8. gabar
9. cup
11. shenkuu
13. sweets
1. koi
2. shoyru
4. neogitus
5. tuan
7. rock
10. poem (jcrdude)
12. zed
14. sink (Hydrogen)
9th day of Running, Y12 March 9, 2010
Across Down
4. usul
5. shock
7. krawkade
8. pumpkin (Noitidart)
9. evil
10. grow
13. kilogram
14. fish
1. yes
2. goo
3. blew
6. hiding
8. plains
11. nox
12. tarla (Noitidart)
8th day of Running, Y12 March 8, 2010
Across Down
2. pompadour
4. tavi
5. wocky
6. cove
8. caption
9. one
10. thyora
11. warf
12. nlm (Hydrogen)
13. blurg
1. cup
3. disown
4. techosays
7. citadel
9. orange (Hydrogen)
7th day of Running, Y12 March 7, 2010
Across Down
4. mug
5. meri
8. nine
9. eyrieki
11. fifteen
12. roxton
13. kau
14. kalora
1. blue (Hydrogen)
2. tuan
3. kiiyak
6. fairfax (Noitidart)
7. uni
10. zed
12. ruki
6th day of Running, Y12 March 6, 2010
Across Down
3. laugh
5. gold
7. acres
8. acara
10. jade
11. ant
13. bomatoge
1. bugs
2. garlic
4. sleeping
6. aaa (TheWu)
9. avatar
12. bori
14. orb
15. egg
5th day of Running, Y12 March 5, 2010
Across Down
4. apple
5. arnold
7. snow
8. cobrall
10. egg
11. werhond (Noitidart)
14. tunic
15. evil
1. goo
2. magax
3. plesio
6. nabile
9. blew
12. rock
13. one
4th day of Running, Y12 March 4, 2010
Across Down
2. turtum
7. funky
8. blue (Hydrogen)
10. lair
11. nine (Hydrogen)
12. hat (Hydrogen)
1. feet
2. tuskaninny
3. red (jcrdude)
4. ultra
5. kau
6. web
7. feepit
9. fan
10. ltd
3rd day of Running, Y12 March 3, 2010
Across Down
3. gormos
4. space
8. escape
9. illusen
11. kiko (Hydrogen)
12. sun
13. buzz
1. poogles
2. magma (jcrdude)
5. shenkuu
6. gold
7. feather (jcrdude)
10. usul
13. box
14. zed

About Faerie Crossword

This page keeps track of the crossword answers for everyday. The answers are kept up to date by the members!

What is the Faerie Crossword?
It is a crossword puzzle game that can be played many times a day. It can be found on Neopets here. Everyday you get once chance to play for Neopoints. Beating it within 5 minutes wins you 600NP. This is the maximum payout. You can continue to play as your active pet will likely be awarded intelligence points.