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PDF's for dummy question

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#1 bball4eva

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Posted 14 December 2015 - 03:53 PM

Hey guys.


I have a couple textbooks in PDF form (not sloppy scans but high-quality, searchable, linked textbooks). I wanted to move them to Microsoft OneNote as this is where I do all my school work so it would be nice to have it all in one place. OneNote only allows me to insert PDF printouts up to 50kb however and these are much larger. So then I decided I could cut the PDF down and save it into separate PDF's that are a chapter in length and would be small enough to fit into my OneNote. But I don't know how to break down a 700 page PDF into smaller pieces. Any advice? I have it open in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC and am on a Mac if that matters.

#2 Kway

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Posted 14 December 2015 - 04:09 PM

See if you can print "to PDF".


If your Mac doesn't have a "PDF" print option, you can use Chrome instead. Open the PDF in Chrome, open print options, select "Save as PDF" as destination, choose which pages, verify the rest of the settings, and "print".

#3 bball4eva

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Posted 14 December 2015 - 07:01 PM

@Ponyme thanks for the help. Mine did not have a print to PDF option. Chrome does seem to be working perfectly for what I wanted so thank you! I am having a very odd problem though. For some reason after I save the new PDF and insert it into OneNote it cuts off part of about half of the pages. It looks like it's just 1-2 inches from the right side of the page. It isn't every other page, like it's cutting it off from the side of a book, but it'll be a couple normal and then a couple cut off. The PDF looks fine in it's initial form and also when I open the saved document that is just the chapter. It is only when I insert it into OneNote, but I've never had this problem with other PDF's before.Attached File  Screen Shot 2015-12-14 at 8.55.34 PM.png   160.23KB   0 downloads

Edited by bball4eva, 14 December 2015 - 07:03 PM.

#4 Kway

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Posted 14 December 2015 - 10:11 PM

I found Macs moved the "print to PDF" option. At the bottom left of Mac's print dialog box should be a button labelled "PDF". You can try opening the pdf in Preview (built-in default) and printing to pdf.


As for your problem, it could be a problem with the options used to create the new pdf's. Creating (and editing) pdf's have always been weird and something might've trimmed the pages. Try playing with the settings to see if it helps.

#5 Bones

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Posted 15 December 2015 - 12:13 AM

use cutepdf




you can then print any item as a PDF you can also edit PDF's and its free

#6 bball4eva

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Posted 15 December 2015 - 06:42 AM

When I use the print to PDF on Preview it seems to have worked! Thank you ponyme. And Bones, if I have any more issues my next attempt will be using cutepdf, thank you.

#7 Bones

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Posted 15 December 2015 - 07:27 AM

no worries I use it for work and its a brill easy to use bit of kit

#8 dire68

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Posted 30 April 2016 - 11:47 PM

Also highly recommend ice cream pdf split & merge - it's an awesome little program that takes up very little diskspace, does its job and looks awesome doing it :)

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