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Are NeoCodex Item Prices Bad for AB?

prices abrosia

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#1 Spectral

  • 22 posts

Posted 15 April 2021 - 08:02 AM

Folks, recently when using AB, I've been noticing that NeoCodex prices at times can be really off compared to JellyNeo's more accurate item database prices. Is there a way to help compile more data for NeoCodex or rather load in JellyNeo's more accurate prices?

#2 KaibaSama

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Posted 15 April 2021 - 08:12 AM

All buyable items are updated by Abrosia in the background when you run it. They aren't the lowest an item will sell for which is why at times they'll be off. To help with buyable prices, run Abrosia.


For UB items, they can only be updated by users with 500+ posts, if you're under the post requirement, post in this thread:


#3 Spectral

  • 22 posts

Posted 18 April 2021 - 03:09 PM

Thanks. Just to add to this: we should also be using the NeonAP along with NeoTracker to send info to the community, right? It seems like the Shop Wizard queries the program does won't get saved onto the Item Database unless I do so.

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