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Member Since 20 Sep 2012
Offline Private

Awards I've Earned

Account Awards
100 posts! Show the Reason for the Award Congrats on contributing 100 posts to the forum! (Credit to Sweeney)
2 Year Anniversary! Show the Reason for the Award Awarded to those who make it to their second anniversary on Neocodex! (Credit to Fikri)
Junior Trader Show the Reason for the Award Awarded for having fifteen positive feedback! (Credit to Fikri)
Got 10? Show the Reason for the Award Got 10+ awards! (Credit to Liesa)
Contest Deputy! Show the Reason for the Award An award for hosting one contest! (Credit to Emily)
Seasonal Awards
Sweet treat! Show the Reason for the Award Seasonal award for those who participated in the summer festivities! (Credit to Emily)
Autumn's Gold Show the Reason for the Award Seasonal award for participants of the Autumn festivities! (Credit to Liesa)
For your cocoa! Show the Reason for the Award Seasonal award for participating the Winter festivities! (Credit to Liesa)
Altador Cup IX Participant Show the Reason for the Award Wore their ACIX Haunted Woods userbar with pride.
Pokébattle Royale Participant Show the Reason for the Award Awarded to participants of the Codex Pokébattle Royale!
Pokébattle Friendly Participant Show the Reason for the Award Awarded to participants of the Codex Pokébattle Friendly!
Burn Heal Show the Reason for the Award Posted in the Neocodex Ice Book. (Credit to Sweeney)
General Contests
Neocodex Ad Master Show the Reason for the Award For winners of the Neocodex Ad Contest! (Credit to Liesa)
Mad Adder Show the Reason for the Award For participants of the Neocodex Ad Contest! (Credit to Liesa)
Gif of the Week Participant! Show the Reason for the Award Awarded to participants of the Gif of the Week Contest! (Credit to Honey)