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A Magical Blog ~*~*~

avatar storage

Posted by Nikiforov, 26 January 2016 · 726 views

Don't mind this entry, I just wanted somewhere to save the avatar images I use so that if I ever want to change it I don't have to resize everything again :x3:


I'm so tired.

Posted by Nikiforov, 28 April 2015 · 487 views

I'm not entirely sure what the intentions are with these blogs. Looking around at other peoples', it seems as though they're used as anything from a venting outlet, to a record keeper, to a diary of sorts? I'm unsure. All I know is that I want that shiny achievement... and to get it, I need to make ten blog entries. So I suppose I'm looking at number 2.


I used to like writing. I'm at a point where I don't know if I do, still. I'm pretty sad most of the time, and it gets in the way of writing.


Being sad gets in the way of most things.


I'm still very normal on the outside. I still speak to my friends, I still tend to my family. I still pull myself out of bed, brush my hair, wear nice clothes, put makeup on my face. I go to class. I smile at strangers. It's all so painfully average and normal, so it's really weird to feel like I'm cracking apart on the inside.


Sometimes I feel like I'm not myself, like I'm somewhere above myself looking down at this other person living in my body, and doing the things I do, and living my life. When I feel that way, I look at myself and I think that I look and sound very crazy. I worry that if I stay this way too long, I will push everyone away. I'm so sad most days that after I get ready, and go out, and go to class, and talk to friends, I come home and I lay in bed. Sometimes I cry, but usually I don't. I just lay here for hours, until its time to sleep, and then when I wake up I start the whole cycle over again.


Its a little bit scary to think about how long I've been living this way. How it all seems so normal. If I were to tell anyone else, they would not think it was normal... they would think I am insane. I don't think I'm insane. But I don't know what I am right now. I don't know what else to say.


I really don't know a lot of things.

Weird Professor

Posted by Nikiforov, 23 October 2014 · 328 views

I had a professor who used to work at Playboy. Most useful thing I learned in that class: "If you want to stay under an NC-17 rating, the penis has to be under 45 degrees. We had protractors and everything." My other favorite was "If you're filming a threesome, the girls have to have two different hair colors, otherwise people lose track." :/

Hi & Welcome!!

/人 ‿‿ 人\

I'm not sure why you are reading this.
I'm not even sure why I made this.
But...welcome to my neocodex blog?

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