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How do I deal with this female?

Posted by Chappy, 14 March 2014 · 1549 views

Hello (to whoever is reading) I'm not sure how to start, but I sorta have a problem with this chick in a group I'm in.

Quick background:
She's a nice girl, but she really loves to be in the center of attention. I'm not overexagerating but she has said multiple times when we were studying or gaming (she doesn't game but she part of the group) she'll say: I'm bored, I have nothing but my I phone. I want attention, but you guys are busy..." She has a boyfriend, but he's in the Army in Korea so she's "waiting" for him. Kudos since I have no idea if I could wait a long time. In general she's flirty so it didn't seem like a big deal. I am not really close to her for...well obvious reasons.

Story/situation :Romy (bulbasaur) and me are in this group that we play games with and there's a girl that keeps on flirting with him when I'm not there. I kinda knew she was sorta overly flirty with him for a while, but I thought it was her personality.
I noticed she gives Romy extra attention compared to the other guys in the group(we got like 7 guys here and all she does is look all up on my boyfriend -__-). I show her I don't like her since this shit is going on. Romy's kinda concern and I'm obviously not happy since she apparently gets really happy and SUPER flirty with Romy when I'm not there.

I can't call her out on it since I'm not there. Even if I did call her out, I know she'll deny it and say that's just how she is. I'm bothered ,but not sure if its ok to go all "Chappy Mode" on this chick.
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Personally, I want to punch this bitch, but I have to be civil since my friends are friends with her. I don't want to disrupt the group with drama of some sort. My personality is really....let's say strong compared to others. I'm blunt and when there's a problem I usually take care of it personally and toss that shit off the planet. I just want to tell her: "Bitch please >___> you don't need attention from everyone every second of your life. I know your nice, but for reals fuck off."
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When I'm pissed I say horrid things so I need advice where I don't look like a SUPER bitch. (Romy said he's lurking on your advice so any help for either of us is cool)
Please don't tell me to ignore her because I can't. She's there everyday and embedded into the group we are in. We don't want to leave the group since that's like our only friends on campus. Let me clarify saying I'm not jealous because I know I'm better. I just don't want her to think its ok doing that behind my back and could potentially hurt the group.
I trust Romy so I know nothing stupid is happening.

Sorry everyone this was horridly long :C ,but I love you all~

In my opinion, since this is happening when you aren't around, and Romy KNOWS that it bothers you, HE should address it with her. It would probably be easier to deal with her being an attention whore if you knew that she wasn't mad flirting with your boyfriend while you weren't around.

Also, I don't understand why a non-gamer is present at game nights? If she is that bored, maybe you guys could ask her what kinds of games she might like to play, and get her involved. Perhaps she is intimidated by the choices of games that are played, but still wants the company?
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In my opinion, since this is happening when you aren't around, and Romy KNOWS that it bothers you, HE should address it with her. It would probably be easier to deal with her being an attention whore if you knew that she wasn't mad flirting with your boyfriend while you weren't around.

Also, I don't understand why a non-gamer is present at game nights? If she is that bored, maybe you guys could ask her what kinds of games she might like to play, and get her involved. Perhaps she is intimidated by the choices of games that are played, but still wants the company?

caught you

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wait- is this an online group? If so, grow up.


If not, grow a pair and tell her to back off. It really isn't difficult to handle situations like these. Romy can also grow a pair and tell her to back off.

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In my opinion, since this is happening when you aren't around, and Romy KNOWS that it bothers you, HE should address it with her. It would probably be easier to deal with her being an attention whore if you knew that she wasn't mad flirting with your boyfriend while you weren't around.

Also, I don't understand why a non-gamer is present at game nights? If she is that bored, maybe you guys could ask her what kinds of games she might like to play, and get her involved. Perhaps she is intimidated by the choices of games that are played, but still wants the company?

I agree with this. 

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I agree with Nymh. Romy needs to tell that hoe to back the fuck up. 

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Yeah I wanted to reply but couldn't really get my thoughts into words without sounding like an idiot but ultimately it would have been something along the lines of what Nymh said, only she worded it in a way I couldn't seem to lol

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I'm not sure what to say except thank you. (seriously thank you guys. I really needed a 3rd opinion from people outside my mingle group)
I have no idea why she's there except shes mutual friends with people? and I mean I think I'm the only one having problems with her.
They are real people we see and meet up daily at school. Not online or I wouldn't really care.

Do you think we should both together say it or just kinda leave it to Romy since its kinda, well what Nymh said.

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Leave it to Romy, since you aren't around when that parts going on. If she does it in front of you, just say something like 'it really bothers me when you flirt with him, it makes me feel like you don't respect our relationship, please stop' or something like that.

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Leave it to Romy, since you aren't around when that parts going on. If she does it in front of you, just say something like 'it really bothers me when you flirt with him, it makes me feel like you don't respect our relationship, please stop' or something like that.


Mkay! Thank you again so very much! I haven't had this problem in like 3 years or so and I didn't know how to really put it. I'll do that ^^ Thank you again!

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