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--January 1, 1970 Today's Answers
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6th day of Sleeping, Y13 January 6, 2011
Across Down
3. oak
5. nml (Hydrogen)
7. egg
8. leaf (finder86)
10. verb (jcrdude)
11. foodclub
15. donations
1. orange (Noitidart)
2. talek
4. web
6. zenco (Noitidart)
9. floud
12. banana (jcrdude)
13. uni
14. ltd
5th day of Sleeping, Y13 January 5, 2011
Across Down
4. gragarex (Noitidart)
7. uni
8. national
9. wand
10. teemyte (jcrdude)
12. vira
14. space
1. four
2. reginald
3. tax
5. usul
6. dieter
11. music (Noitidart)
12. von
13. aaa (TheWu)
4th day of Sleeping, Y13 January 4, 2011
Across Down
2. snot
6. snowbunny (Noitidart)
9. lostdesert (weke)
11. pet (weke)
12. nox
13. orange (Noitidart)
14. molten (finder86)
1. oogabook (Noitidart)
3. fan
4. jub
5. ten (Noitidart)
6. spotlight
7. nml (Hydrogen)
8. kentari
10. tunic
3rd day of Sleeping, Y13 January 3, 2011
Across Down
3. moltara (jcrdude)
4. brynn (nonotjj)
6. sitar
8. alton
9. green (Dru)
12. yurble
14. hat (jcrdude)
15. red (jcrdude)
1. lair
2. tuan
5. ylana
7. rug (Noitidart)
10. robot
11. hunter
13. eerie (finder86)
2nd day of Sleeping, Y13 January 2, 2011
Across Down
3. fish
5. pet
7. illusen (Steezy)
8. ltd
9. hat (Hydrogen)
10. spoon
11. six
12. aaa (TheWu)
13. barallus
15. cursed (nonotjj)
1. skeithius
2. roxton (Noitidart)
4. sleepray (Noitidart)
6. flotsam
14. lupe
1st day of Sleeping, Y13 January 1, 2011
Across Down
4. sarn
5. werelupe (Noitidart)
6. bikiwan
8. advent
11. ogrin
12. dofrey
13. chia
14. magax
1. spear (nonotjj)
2. appriberry (finder86)
3. verb (jcrdude)
4. snow (finder86)
7. random
9. torshac
10. pink (Noitidart)
31st day of Celebrating, Y12 December 31, 2010
Across Down
4. brightvale
5. dua (explicit)
7. pants
8. nox
9. nine (Hydrogen)
10. six
11. kugar
12. blue (Lando)
13. nml (Hydrogen)
1. codestone
2. lightning (nonotjj)
3. avatar
4. ball
6. pteri (nonotjj)
10. splime
30th day of Celebrating, Y12 December 30, 2010
Across Down
4. mountain
7. dua (explicit)
8. island (finder86)
9. lips (weke)
10. huggy
12. nova
14. leaf (finder86)
15. snow (finder86)
1. goo
2. snot (Noitidart)
3. sandan (Noitidart)
5. royal
6. aisha
11. green
13. velm
29th day of Celebrating, Y12 December 29, 2010
Across Down
4. red (explicit)
5. gold
6. jingly
7. chia (Noitidart)
8. cloud
12. bruce (Ints)
13. pate (jcrdude)
14. snow
1. jhuidah
2. bearog
3. nox
6. jacques
9. uni
10. ember (finder86)
11. blue (Hydrogen)
28th day of Celebrating, Y12 December 28, 2010
Across Down
5. eight
6. scarab (finder86)
8. frostbite
10. roo
12. almost
13. rosie (weke)
15. koi (Hydrogen)
1. bites
2. edna
3. dua (explicit)
4. night
7. babaa (Noitidart)
9. roodoku
11. eerie (finder86)
14. six
27th day of Celebrating, Y12 December 27, 2010
Across Down
2. spyder (Noitidart)
7. noil
8. air
9. feepit
11. cyan
13. chia (Noitidart)
14. ant
15. poetry (Noitidart)
1. splime
3. peanut
4. warf
5. gilly (Noitidart)
6. gathering
10. pirate (Noitidart)
12. clara (Noitidart)
26th day of Celebrating, Y12 December 26, 2010
Across Down
2. kau
4. spyrabor (jcrdude)
6. grow
8. three (Noitidart)
9. benny
10. music (Noitidart)
12. cybit
13. fan
1. lamp (Noitidart)
2. kari (Noitidart)
3. cooty
4. snowbunny (Noitidart)
5. grabber (Noitidart)
7. one
11. chia
25th day of Celebrating, Y12 December 25, 2010
Across Down
4. kugar
5. xandra (nonotjj)
7. rock (Noitidart)
10. art
12. ixi (Hydrogen)
13. zed
14. vira
1. dua
2. red (explicit)
3. skarl
5. xarthab
6. neovia (nonotjj)
8. kadoatery
9. jacques
11. firebush
December 24, 2010
Across Down
4. lightning
7. kauvara (jcrdude)
9. cirrus
11. geb
12. lucky
14. zombie
1. bug
2. art
3. rug (Noitidart)
5. invisible
6. isca
8. fifty
10. whoot
13. kass
15. ixi
23rd day of Celebrating, Y12 December 23, 2010
Across Down
3. bori
5. galactic
6. tryffin (dredre)
8. three
10. ten
12. bubbles
14. lips (weke)
15. hat (jcrdude)
1. von
2. hissi
4. nabile (Falafel)
7. nothing (Steezy)
9. half
11. cube
13. shy
22nd day of Celebrating, Y12 December 22, 2010
Across Down
1. jacques (finder86)
4. hat (Hydrogen)
8. illusen (Steezy)
9. ubikiberry
11. lulu (finder86)
12. math
14. yellow
15. jerdana
2. usul
3. jade
5. decoration (finder86)
6. bucket
7. carols
10. blurgah (finder86)
13. velm
21st day of Celebrating, Y12 December 21, 2010
Across Down
3. wormholes
5. ten (Noitidart)
6. ant
7. eating
9. cyodrake
12. zombie
15. isca
1. von
2. sewage
4. relic (Noitidart)
8. air
10. ylana
11. almost
13. ixi
14. acko
20th day of Celebrating, Y12 December 20, 2010
Across Down
3. rainbow (iomega)
6. orb
8. jhudora
9. pink
10. negg
11. chia (Lando)
13. fuzzitus
1. fan
2. coltzan
4. ixi (Hydrogen)
5. moehog
7. capara
12. hissi
14. uni
15. tax
19th day of Celebrating, Y12 December 19, 2010
Across Down
3. comics
5. babaa (Noitidart)
7. ltd
8. orb
10. hannah
11. box
12. water (iomega)
13. rainbow (iomega)
1. magma (jcrdude)
2. acko
3. celandra
4. jade
6. alabriss (Falafel)
9. roo
14. negg
18th day of Celebrating, Y12 December 18, 2010
Across Down
3. kyishi
4. air
5. vira
9. two (Noitidart)
10. illusen (doodlebee)
11. jimmi
14. art
15. neopian
1. hissi (Steezy)
2. magma (jcrdude)
6. razumi (weke)
7. koi
8. dieter
12. ixi (Hydrogen)
13. goo
17th day of Celebrating, Y12 December 17, 2010
Across Down
3. fleapit
6. ruki
7. fake
9. dua (explicit)
10. neggshell (Noitidart)
11. shadow
13. roo (jcrdude)
1. tasting
2. pink
4. lupe
5. puddle
8. moehog (jcrdude)
10. nimmo
11. sink (Hydrogen)
12. ant
16th day of Celebrating, Y12 December 16, 2010
Across Down
3. evil
4. flotsam
9. illusen
11. aisha
13. rainbow (Noitidart)
14. dua
1. kiko (Hydrogen)
2. vira
5. two (Noitidart)
6. moltara (Noitidart)
7. blue (Hydrogen)
8. nine (Hydrogen)
10. faellie (Noitidart)
12. one (Hydrogen)
15. uni
15th day of Celebrating, Y12 December 15, 2010
Across Down
3. two
5. milo
6. zombie (Noitidart)
7. one
8. blew
11. grarrl
12. ogrin
13. kelp
14. kau
1. puzzle
2. nml (Hydrogen)
4. web
5. meowclops
9. shenkuu
10. art
14th day of Celebrating, Y12 December 14, 2010
Across Down
4. trophy
5. grarrl
6. dua
7. starry
8. yes
9. ember (finder86)
11. jacques
13. zed
1. werhond (Noitidart)
2. four (jcrdude)
3. moltara (jcrdude)
5. glasses (finder86)
10. buzz
11. jub
12. uni
13th day of Celebrating, Y12 December 13, 2010
Across Down
4. acres
5. skirt (TheWu)
8. nine (Hydrogen)
9. grey (Lando)
10. two (Noitidart)
11. ant
12. red (Noitidart)
14. hiding (finder86)
1. hat (jcrdude)
2. lenny (finder86)
3. skull
6. undead
7. brown (finder86)
12. relic (Noitidart)
13. mika (jcrdude)
12th day of Celebrating, Y12 December 12, 2010
Across Down
1. velm
6. tycoon
7. edna
10. talek
12. cursed (zow)
13. eye (Noitidart)
15. graveyard (Hydrogen)
2. matt
3. potatoes
4. one (jcrdude)
5. dua
8. four
9. kacheek (Noitidart)
11. kiko (Hydrogen)
14. egg
11th day of Celebrating, Y12 December 11, 2010
Across Down
2. disaster
5. three (Noitidart)
7. pink (Noitidart)
9. donny
10. jub
12. goo
13. isca
14. shed (Noitidart)
1. graveyard (Hydrogen)
3. sink (Hydrogen)
4. shenkuu
6. noil
8. ghost (jcrdude)
10. jade
11. bika
10th day of Celebrating, Y12 December 10, 2010
Across Down
2. boots
5. shield
6. yes
8. chia
10. proto
12. eight
13. bowtie
1. books (Noitidart)
3. zenco (Noitidart)
4. one (Hydrogen)
7. spoon
9. ixi (Hydrogen)
11. whoot
14. two
15. egg
9th day of Celebrating, Y12 December 9, 2010
Across Down
3. blue (Noitidart)
6. cobrall
7. robot
9. dua
10. acara
11. ant
12. red (explicit)
14. meridell (Noitidart)
1. kelpbeard
2. woe
4. closet (Noitidart)
5. clock
8. kreludor (Noitidart)
11. apples (Noitidart)
13. ten (Noitidart)
8th day of Celebrating, Y12 December 8, 2010
Across Down
4. uni
5. gympu (jcrdude)
7. good
8. meaty
10. snot (Noitidart)
11. gallion
14. tulip (Hydrogen)
1. eight
2. kau (Noitidart)
3. roo (jcrdude)
6. mutating (Hydrogen)
7. gwernial
9. bruno
12. lips (weke)
13. isca

About Faerie Crossword

This page keeps track of the crossword answers for everyday. The answers are kept up to date by the members!

What is the Faerie Crossword?
It is a crossword puzzle game that can be played many times a day. It can be found on Neopets here. Everyday you get once chance to play for Neopoints. Beating it within 5 minutes wins you 600NP. This is the maximum payout. You can continue to play as your active pet will likely be awarded intelligence points.