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Waser Lave

Matthew McConaughey and Idris Elba confirmed for The Dark Tower film. :o
Mar 01 2016 09:21 AM
  • Coops's Photo
    Hmm. Well, I haven't read the book. But surely you can overcome the differences. I just read an article, with Stephen King quoted as pleased with the actors. If Stephen King can be okay with it, I think they can find a way to make it work. But again. I haven't read the book. So take that for a grain of salt. xD
    Mar 01 2016 11:29 AM
  • HiMyNameIsNick's Photo
    Yeah, he's pleased because he always fuck up his movies :P

    I'll leave this reddit comment here:
    Roland's ethnicity is absolutely vital to his early interactions with Detta Walker. With Elba you lose that. I mean she called him a combination of "white devil honky motherfucker" at least 60 times during the course of The Drawing of The Three. Roland being white and Detta hating white people is major sticking point
    Mar 01 2016 11:33 AM
  • Waser Lave's Photo
    Waser Lave
    I'm sure Idris Elba will do a great job because he's an amazing actor, just doesn't fit with the books though. I always pictured him pretty much as Clint Eastwood when reading the books, that weather-worn, grizzled look.
    Mar 01 2016 11:44 AM