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So, since no one on here knows my actual name or who I really am, and since we're trying to keep it quiet for now, this seems like a perfect place for me to let this out. I just found out today that I'm going to be a dad. Parents, please feel free to tell me how great it is and that I shouldn't freak out or anything. (I'm kinda switching back and forth between freaking out and being way too excited.)
Mar 23 2017 10:11 AM
  • NapisaurusRex's Photo
    In the U.S., hepatitis b is the first vaccination given, usually within 12 hours of birth. It is spread primarily though sexual contact and blood to blood contact, but fewer than 5% of pregnant women are unaware they have it until pregnancy (there is a different procedure for babies who have infected mothers and the vaccination is secondary to it) and it wears off in 85% of people by the time they are sexually active.
    Mar 24 2017 06:14 PM
  • Plunk's Photo
    @Jess I don't see what that has to do at all with vaccinating for measles and shit like that... which is what I'm assuming insertusername was talking about...
    Mar 25 2017 04:58 PM
  • NapisaurusRex's Photo
    I assumed it was all of them.
    Mar 26 2017 07:08 AM