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[GUIDE] Smart ABing - High Volume, Low Profit, Low Risk - FULL LISTS FOR EVERY SHOP! (Updated Aug 3, 2011)

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#1 Neocucks

  • 19 posts

Posted 28 July 2011 - 10:08 PM


[Download Lists]


Backup: #1 || Backup: #2

UPDATED: August 3, 2011
-Added Half-Price Day Lists
-The HPD Lists are currently experimental. Please read my post near the bottom of the page for an explanation.
-Raised nearly all the profit thresholds.
-Fixed items which had numbers (integer#s) in the name;
ie. Anything with "00 Hog", "2 Gallon", "101" (Many books), "105 Castle Secrets Stamp", "Swirly Negg #498" etc.
(There were about 40+ broken items in the lists. These have been fixed.)

After reading a thread about high-volume, low-profit restocking, (clicky) I decided to create lists for everyone to use. I do not have advanced, and I just spent a few hours making an ABing list for every profitable Neopian shop. The only ones I didn't include were the shops without at least 10 items that could yield between 500 and 99,999 NP worth of profit. This hand-made list pack includes:

1 - Fresh Foods
3 - Toy Shop
4 - Clothes Shop
5 - Grooming Parlour
7 - Magical Bookshop
8 - Collectable Card Shop
9 - Battle Magic
10 - Defence Magic
12 - Garden Centre
13 - Pharmacy
14 - Chocolate Factory
15 - Bakery
16 - Health Foods
17 - Gift Shop
18 - Smoothie Store
20 - Tropical Food Shop
21 - Tiki Tack Gifts
22 - Grundo's Cafe
23 - Space Weaponry
30 - Spooky Foods
34 - Coffee Shop
35 - Slushie Shop
37 - Icy Fun Snow Shop
38 - Faerieland Bookshop
39 - Faerie Foods
41 - Furniture
43 - Tyrannian Furniture
46 - Hubert's Hot Dogs
47 - Pizzaroo
48 - Usukiland
51 - Sutek's Scrolls
53 - Back To School
55 - Osiris Pottery
56 - Merifoods
58 - Post Office Kiosk
60 - Spooky Furniture
62 - Jellyfood
66 - Kiko Lake Treats
67 - Kiko Lake Carpentry
68 - Collectable Coins
69 - Petpet Supplies
70 - Booktastic Books
71 - Kreludan Homes
73 - Kayla's Potion Shop
74 - Darigan Toys
75 - Faerie Furniture
84 - Music Shop
86 - Collectable Sea Shells
90 - Qasalan Delights
95 - Exquisite Ambrosia
98 - Plushie Palace
101 - Exotic Foods
102 - Remarkable Restoratives
105 - The Crumpet Monger (I just had to include this one.)
106 - Neovian Printing Press
108 - Mystical Surroundings

TIP: Once you open the .zip, sort all the lists by "File Size" to see the most lucrative shops. Higher KBs means more items listed means larger variety and less chance legit competition will know as much about profit-seeking as your bot does.

What You Need to Know About These Lists:

None of the lists will buy anything worth over 125k

Placing Unbuyable items on the TP advertises your account to legitimate players. Some are smart enough to poke around, figure out what you're doing, then get you frozen.
Selling mass quantities of buyable items in your shop, on the other hand, does not. People will come and go without even noticing your name. However, there are a few lower-end unbuyables on the list which you can simply list for 99k. (Items that would normally go for 110-125k on the TP.)
(Read more at: http://www.neocodex....68-supersystem/)

The profit on some shops will go as low as 500np

These lists are all designed with one thing in mind: slow and steady profit, with minimal risk. They are oriented to restock in a few, select shops, for long periods of time. (I don't mean 8-12-hour ABing streaks. I mean months of consistent, smart ABing that will build something similar to Mall-status.) The reason some profit margins are so low, is because often the items will just sit there for many minutes without anyone buying them. Using these lists will let Abrosia continue to buy low-profit items, which you will not have to continually re-price. You just price them moderately, then build stock until the profits start cascading.

ie. It may buy 2-5 the same item in one day @ 500-700np, then you can price them at 1200-1300np. You won't sell 5 a day, so your stock will continue to rise, while NP trickles in. (This also allows you to save time pricing your items.)

And added benefit of these lists is that non-advanced users can easily accumulate wealth. You do not need fast haggle times or more frequent refreshes. No one else wants these items, so there is little to no competition.

Loss-leaders and shop-clearers are built in to maintain shop & account consistency

There are a lot of items which will stagnate in the shop you're sitting on. To prevent seeing nothing from restocking for extended periods of time, for some lists, there are built-in clearings. If the shop stocks a very small variety of items (Such as Pharmacy, Jelly Food, Spooky Furniture etc.) it will buy items with little or no profit, to maintain a continuity with your own shop. For example, a good way to avoid being frozen is to make your account look legitimate--if it's a girly name, make a girly lookup, have a girly gallery, and AB in similarly girly shops. Think about your ABing account as a person with a personality. Where do they enjoy RSing? Is it a goth kid who only RSes in Spooky Foods and Darigan Toys?

To use these lists correctly, you should pick a handful of shops that group together to create a personality profile (a cognitive schema of sorts) and stick with it. If you choose to go with a similar persona of the goth kid I mentioned (for example), and one of the few shops that fits that persona is Spooky Furniture--a not-so-profitable shop--it's better to not only clear the shop so that more items will appear next restock, but also fill your shop with a larger diversity of items. Instead of having 34x Ghostmallow Smore (Value: 6,511 || Profit: 4,976 NP) sitting in your shop, you might want to have a few Slimy Pumpkin Soups (Value: 3,148 NP || Profit: 802 NP). Earning only 800np profit might not be worth it to you, but if it's always sitting there for five minutes, you might as well move 1000 of them over the course of a couple months. It's also not going to make your account look like a super-computer, programmed only to buy the worthwhile profit items and never make mistakes; bad RSers are out there, but they can still make NP with slow consistent crap like this.

To clarify, every item is estimated to be at least 500 NP or 500% profit. (It'll buy an item worth 100np if it sells for 500np, and even though that's only a 400np profit, it's still a huge revenue multiplier.)
(If you think all of this "play the part" stuff is bullshit, just delete the bottom 10-15 items on any of the larger lists.)

Some extra tips to avoid being frozen:

-Have multiple browsers. Before logging onto any account you're ABing with, use a separate, dedicated browser--TNT allows people from the same house to play, and typically family members will use the browser they personally prefer. (Old people use IE, other people like Opera or Chrome, and some are die-hard Apple-tards. I also suppose someone in the world uses Netscape still.)

-Use a different screen resolution to AB or to log into any different account. Again, this will trick TNT into thinking multiple different people are playing Neopets from the same household. This is much safer. (Try a common laptop resolution for your ABing account.)

-If you can, actually use separate computers. It's pretty awesome to have a laptop ABing for you at 1280x720, using Chrome, running a Mac OS and using a proxy, while you're doing whatever the fuck you want on your main comp.

-Wait a sufficient time before switching between any accounts. (30mins - 2hrs is very safe.)

-Join a retarded guild and post a positive message before/after each ABing session with the corresponding browser. (Don't make enemies!)

Remember: TNT can see your IP, Browser, Screen Resolution, and Operating System along with timestamps.

Full List of Your Available Information: http://www.systemdetails.com/


On Half-Price day, USE THE HALF-PRICE LISTS! You will stock insane numbers of items. Up to 50/hour!

Intrinsic Benefits to Advanced Users:
As this list and style of ABing becomes popularized and more commonly used, shop stocks of items you find undesirable will continually be cleaned out at a much faster rate. This means your 4.5-7s refresh time, 0.8-1.1s haggle times will have a lot more chances at those shiny r99s and high-profit items which these lists exclude. (We'll be clearing the junk so more crazy shit stocks for you.)

Edited by splatzilla, 03 August 2011 - 02:38 PM.

#2 MoriNoRyu

  • 211 posts

Posted 28 July 2011 - 10:34 PM

Interesting, very interesting, I'm gonna give it a shot right after my generator stops running.
Thanks for this!
(Althought part of me thinks you're secretly snatching up all dem unbuyables)

#3 Neocucks

  • 19 posts

Posted 28 July 2011 - 10:43 PM

Interesting, very interesting, I'm gonna give it a shot right after my generator stops running.
Thanks for this!
(Althought part of me thinks you're secretly snatching up all dem unbuyables)

I just added a little blurb about that at the bottom. I myself cannot restock unbuyables, whether it's legit or by using the program. I live on a small island, and our only ISP provides a 1mbps connection. This is the style of ABing I've had to resort to, due to latency and affordability.

#4 holaCarlos

  • 290 posts

Posted 28 July 2011 - 10:59 PM

You've clearly put a lot of thought and work into this, and although I don't completely agree with this method, +rep for your effort.

(I don't see a DL link for the lists anywhere, though...?)

#5 Neocucks

  • 19 posts

Posted 28 July 2011 - 11:53 PM

You've clearly put a lot of thought and work into this, and although I don't completely agree with this method, +rep for your effort.

(I don't see a DL link for the lists anywhere, though...?)

Weird, I thought I attached it. I'll put it up right now.

It's up. (http://www20.zippysh...76001/file.html)

Edited by splatzilla, 28 July 2011 - 11:59 PM.

#6 CmndrNim

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Posted 29 July 2011 - 08:52 AM

This was very concise and knowledgeable! I've already been operating with a similar idea/low profit lists since I'm not an advanced member as well. Thanks for the few extra tidbits I didn't think about! It's nice to know what TNT can tell about your account and cannot.

#7 lonewolf

  • 243 posts

Posted 29 July 2011 - 02:42 PM

Very nice guide! but i was wondering if it was more profitalbe to use the default AB settings or is using a list better?

#8 latituded1

  • 19 posts

Posted 29 July 2011 - 05:15 PM

Uhhh is it just me or i can't see the download link? I'd love to try it and give feedback.

Edit: Nvm i am blind haha! thanks for this i was using ( http://www.neocodex....nths-preferred/ ) earlier and it gave me aprox. 3 items worth 1~3 gold so i'll try this one and tell you any problems i come across!

Edited by latituded1, 29 July 2011 - 05:19 PM.

#9 Lovato

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Posted 29 July 2011 - 05:18 PM

Very nice guide! but i was wondering if it was more profitalbe to use the default AB settings or is using a list better?

Default AB settings if you're advanced (like using Item DB I mean), list if not. :)

Edited by Lovato, 29 July 2011 - 05:18 PM.

#10 Neocucks

  • 19 posts

Posted 29 July 2011 - 11:34 PM

Thanks for the positive feedback, guys. If anyone's wondering what kind of profits this yields, today I made about 180k in the Magical Bookshop, distributed over ~25 items. (Had it running for nearly four hours.)

Default AB settings if you're advanced (like using Item DB I mean), list if not. :)

I definitely recommend the lists as well, because the randomness of your shop stock after using the default settings for a few weeks looks pretty suspicious imo. You'll have everything from 6000 NP books to r99 Chocolates to UB Plushies, and no one realistically has that kind of knowledge breadth.

Edited by splatzilla, 29 July 2011 - 11:39 PM.

#11 kittycat

  • 633 posts

Posted 30 July 2011 - 08:27 AM

I recommend this for everyone who isn't advanced, my shop size is pretty big and I'm tempted to use this concept, my profit margin is already pretty low (~2k) I don't want to lower it any further though because I keep my settings at a level that allows me to get r99 as well and I don't want to get like 7 items each restock because that isn't realistic.

books and food is probably best for this strategy.

#12 necospes

  • 140 posts

Posted 30 July 2011 - 08:34 AM

Nice guide! I'm considering going low profit, high volume, but a profit margin of 500 seems pretty low to me. It's personal preference, but I price my shop fairly aggressively so I would go for a profit margin of 2k or so.

#13 Neocucks

  • 19 posts

Posted 30 July 2011 - 10:36 AM

I recommend this for everyone who isn't advanced, my shop size is pretty big and I'm tempted to use this concept, my profit margin is already pretty low (~2k) I don't want to lower it any further though because I keep my settings at a level that allows me to get r99 as well and I don't want to get like 7 items each restock because that isn't realistic.

books and food is probably best for this strategy.

Books and Food work marvellously, yeah. Plushies, Stamps, and Chocolate can also achieve comparable revenue.

I myself came by from a long hiatus, looking at a size 400+ Shop on one of my sides going to no use. That's one of the things I had in mind while doing this--being able to fill Mall-sized stock quantities.

It's worth mention as well that the profits which are as low as 500-1500 NP are not for every store. Places like Book and Food have such a large variety and quantity of stock already, that super low-profit items are excluded to avoid the very issue of unrealistic buying habits. It typically won't be getting more than 3-5 items in a single restock in popular places, at best. It'll just snag 1-2 moderate items with upwards of 1500 NP profit.

Shops with much less variety, but still consistent profits, like Pharmacy, Spooky Foods, and Collectable Coins for example, will still go after those 500-1500 NP items, as some restocks are likely to have nothing of substantial profit. The idea is, "If you're sitting in the shop all day, why wouldn't you start snagging a few of the low profit items?"

The larger the list was getting, the more low-profit items I left out. Also, items not worth buying were left out too--stuff with a 1000np profit, but would cost 12k to buy and only sell for 13k, were manually deleted. Similarly, it won't be buying anything above 4000 NP if the profit is only 500 NP.

If you price manually, and happen to notice a few "Why was this item bought?" scenarios, it may also be the result of an outdated price in the Neocodex.us Item Database. As well, the larger the list, the more liberal you can be with trimming. For an aim of 2000 NP profits in a file sized 5-10 KB, I'd recommend searching the Estimated Profit of the item 15th from the bottom. They're all ordered by profit, greatest to lowest, so for any manual trimming, you only need to delete whatever lies below your profit threshold.

For example, the bottom 10 items from the list Garden Centre can be examined:

Fuzz Collars
Brightvale Flag
Mini Waterfall Pond
Sleeping Blossoms
Snow Grundo Gnome
Curious JubJub Gnome
Spring Birch Tree
Sand Fort
Purple Columbine
Raking Bori Gnome

Looking at "Fuzz Collars", the tenth item from the bottom of the list: (Sized 5kb @ 271 items)

Fuzz Collars
4,525 NP
Profit: 2,025 NP

If you're not digging it, with only a 2000 NP profit after a 2500 NP investment (likely less profit to get lowest on SW, due to being endlessly undercut if you were to price it at a full 4500np) then you simply select it and delete it, along with all the items below it. That will set a new profit threshold; nothing below 2025 NP profit will be bought again :)

Nice guide! I'm considering going low profit, high volume, but a profit margin of 500 seems pretty low to me. It's personal preference, but I price my shop fairly aggressively so I would go for a profit margin of 2k or so.

Yeah, aggressive pricing--either a lower shop size, or a desire to move items faster--can be achieved by deleting roughly the lower 5% or 5 items of each list. (Whichever number is higher; larger shops can be trimmed more.)

I didn't include many items with super low, 500-1500 NP profits. They're mostly there in the smaller shops which already have very little variety; Mystical Surroundings, Booktastic Books, Collectable Card Shop, etc.

The Collectable Card Shop in particular is nice right now. With the introduction of Neodeck High-Score Tables, the items listed in the 500-1500 NP profit range are actually inflated, and sell for more now. No other database has reflected these price changes yet, so you will have an advantage against other ABers with a profit threshold of more than 2000 NP. (Their databases think the card it's letting sit there for two refreshes is only 1500 NP profit, but may actually be 3000 NP or more.)

Thanks for all the +Reps! I appreciate all the input, guys!

Edited by splatzilla, 30 July 2011 - 10:51 AM.

#14 Karneey

  • 3 posts

Posted 30 July 2011 - 11:45 AM

Mmm since when was it possible for Neopets to determine what screen resolution you're using?

#15 Neocucks

  • 19 posts

Posted 30 July 2011 - 03:51 PM

Mmm since when was it possible for Neopets to determine what screen resolution you're using?

This has always been possible. Every website you visit automatically knows this.

If you're interested in learning more about what data is available, try starting a Blogspot blog and integrating Google Analytics. It's a good learning tool, and it will give you added awareness of the common marketing tactics used by websites.

For a basic rundown of what each website knows about your connection, you can also visit: http://www.systemdetails.com/

#16 latituded1

  • 19 posts

Posted 02 August 2011 - 08:43 PM

This is working very well for me so far, the only problem is that it just keeps over buying items, like i have plenty of this one item and it is pretty difficult to sell. Well, nothing a "remove item" button can't change. :)

#17 YaniiMarie

  • 46 posts

Posted 03 August 2011 - 01:31 AM

These lists are working wonders for me, thanks a bunch :D

#18 Kyouma

  • 496 posts

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Posted 03 August 2011 - 01:48 AM

Hehe, this is awesome. For some reason today, my lists aren't doing much for me.

Comment though, I don't think that buying something over 125k is that risky. Though it does make you more public, if its a highly profitable item, then any legit restocker will go for it.
Plus, most likely such a high-priced item'll net a good amount of NP, which is always a win.
Last thing, 500np, i feel, is a little bit too low. Its good for your strategy, but item prices constantly fluctuate, and if the list is not constantly updated, it could end up buying you something not-profitable. Although, for some, thats a plus because it adds credibility, i like to make the threshold 1000, so there's room for random price changes.

#19 DoNotAnnoyMe

  • 157 posts

Posted 03 August 2011 - 02:31 AM

to maybe add a little bit to the "high volume, low profit" strategy:
I think you should add seperate lists for half-price-day.
if you recall the "go all out on half-price-day" hint, using a seperate list for it is also part of that imo. many items that are normally not worth suddenly fall into exactly this low profit category during half-price-day (in case of the bookshop the items on my list during half-price-day are twice as many as normally (~1300 instead of ~650), so you can easily stock up a rather big amount of random items that can be sold for the rest of the month ;)

#20 Neocucks

  • 19 posts

Posted 03 August 2011 - 02:31 PM

to maybe add a little bit to the "high volume, low profit" strategy:
I think you should add seperate lists for half-price-day.
if you recall the "go all out on half-price-day" hint, using a seperate list for it is also part of that imo. many items that are normally not worth suddenly fall into exactly this low profit category during half-price-day (in case of the bookshop the items on my list during half-price-day are twice as many as normally (~1300 instead of ~650), so you can easily stock up a rather big amount of random items that can be sold for the rest of the month ;)

I actually forgot about half-price day. My shop and inventory filled up in five hours without me realizing it! (Over 120 items :o)

I'm a little hesitant to extend the lists for a half-price day version, though. I'm worried it might be overkill. But that's for you guys to decide, lol.

I'll make extended lists for the top 10 largest shops, meant exclusively for half-price day.

No other lists will pick this up. Your ABer is faster than most humans. This is going to be insane profits.

Updated. Thanks for the idea, man!

There is some seriously sexy tech in this. Check it out:

Rather than buying items based on "Profit", my Half-Price Day lists will buy based off of the "Projected Profit" instead. Here's how it works:

From Neocodex's Item Database:

Usul Neo-Wig
SW Value: 10,549 NP
Profit: -625 NP

As you can see, this item stocks in Neopian shops for approximately 11,000NP (10,549 + 625 = 11,174 NP). Usually, if you were to buy this item on a regular day, you may find these SW results:
(These are real results I just looked up. Picked this item at random.)

Item Stock Price
Usul Neo-Wig 1 8,489 NP
Usul Neo-Wig 1 8,999 NP
Usul Neo-Wig 1 9,999 NP

Normally, you would have lost about 2000 NP. However, my lists have this item as an excellently sneaky buy during Half-Price Day. Costing approximately 5,500 NP on H.P.D., you make an easy 3000 NP profit.

Compare the Clothes Shop--the largest shop by far, with an average of 1160 profitable items. On Half-Price Day, using these new lists, that number shoots up to 1543 profitable items. Players, competing ABers--no one has this profit spread. No one can compete.

You will need major inventory and shop space for this. I don't recommend having Abrosia price your items for you. Depending on how organized your SDB is, you may want to use it as temporary storage. I can realistically project buying capabilities of 50+ items per hour, with no profits less than 1000 NP per item. (Or 600% profit; whichever is lower. All depends what shop you choose.)

Have fun clearing out the shops, guys.

Btw, it looks like Furniture has some really insane profits on Half-Price day.


I also wanted to post a personal progress update.

I just did a check on my profits. 14 hours spread over 5 weekdays (I prefer not to AB on weekends) yielded me 1,300,000 NP in earnings.

My goal right now is about ~5-7m a month. Immediately investing all the NP I earn into forcing r180/r101 items to inflate. Three cheers for buying up the market :)

Edited by splatzilla, 03 August 2011 - 05:17 PM.

#21 Waser Lave

Waser Lave

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Posted 03 August 2011 - 02:47 PM

Btw, Abrosia's automatic lists will magically accommodate for the price changes during half-price day anyway. ;)

Either way, you must have put a lot of effort into this guide and the lists so good job. :thumbsup:

#22 Neocucks

  • 19 posts

Posted 03 August 2011 - 05:32 PM

Btw, Abrosia's automatic lists will magically accommodate for the price changes during half-price day anyway. ;)

Either way, you must have put a lot of effort into this guide and the lists so good job. :thumbsup:

Thank you! From you, I greatly appreciate the encouragement =)

If you happen to see this again, I'm curious how Abrosia's automatic lists are formed. (Specifically on Half-Price Day.) I'm not too confident in "magic", and I'd like to avoid doing needless work if it won't benefit the community at all. Overlap between a custom list and Abrosia's automatic lists is fine, as they should offer variety, but if Abrosia simply overtakes my lists and reaches further than the sets I've included, finding more profits than what I slowly dug for manually, I'd personally like to look into Advanced to maximize my own profits. (And save myself a lot of work, lol!)

Frankly, I'm skeptical that an automatic list can provide as many items.

#23 Lovato

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Posted 03 August 2011 - 05:42 PM

Thank you! From you, I greatly appreciate the encouragement =)

If you happen to see this again, I'm curious how Abrosia's automatic lists are formed. (Specifically on Half-Price Day.) I'm not too confident in "magic", and I'd like to avoid doing needless work if it won't benefit the community at all. Overlap between a custom list and Abrosia's automatic lists is fine, as they should offer variety, but if Abrosia simply overtakes my lists and reaches further than the sets I've included, finding more profits than what I slowly dug for manually, I'd personally like to look into Advanced to maximize my own profits. (And save myself a lot of work, lol!)

Frankly, I'm skeptical that an automatic list can provide as many items.

It can though. While you are just 1 person updating the lists, etc, Abrosia has the Item DB as its backbone. It's easily the most updated and automated Neo item database that anyone has, which means that every time someone runs Abrosia, it updates the prices on an item that's being priced, that just restocked, its value, nearly everything. This means lightning fast automated updates. For HPD I assume with all the people running Abrosia, it checks the current store price of the item, compares it to what people are selling in their shop at that time, and calculates the profit accordingly. That's why when you select "I want items at least 500 NP profit on HPD", the prices are for that very day and all market fluctuations are automagically balanced. It's really amazing.

#24 Robert

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Posted 04 August 2011 - 02:46 AM

Just want to say thanks for the time and effort you put into all this :D

#25 DoNotAnnoyMe

  • 157 posts

Posted 04 August 2011 - 04:12 AM

You will need major inventory and shop space for this. I don't recommend having Abrosia price your items for you. Depending on how organized your SDB is, you may want to use it as temporary storage. I can realistically project buying capabilities of 50+ items per hour, with no profits less than 1000 NP per item. (Or 600% profit; whichever is lower. All depends what shop you choose.)

for the big shop: definetely agreed upon :D
to give it some dimension, my rough stats from yesterday's 8h session in the bookshop (with roughly 20 minutes per hour taking a break, so ~2h 40m net restock time):
items bought: ~450
np spent: ~310k (~690/item)
estimated profit: ~1.3m (~425%) (~3k/item)

note that I have rather high buy times (~5s on average), so I missed most of the more valuable items (mostly those with >30k profit), so with faster buy times you could definetely do a lot better.

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