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Making A Neopets Mod

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#1 pokhermama

  • 1050 posts

Posted 15 January 2005 - 10:21 PM

Here I am going to teach you EVERY step on making a neopets mod.
Some thing's you will need to make a neopets mod or any other site mod is:
1. Opera (get it at www.opera.com)
2. Free ti'me (buy it from www.freeti'me.com ^_^ )

Step #1
Open up opera and go to www.neopets.com
Right click on the page you would like to edit and click view sorce (this tutorial will walk you through the home page www.neopets.com)
A text file with a ton of html code will open go to it then file save as save to your desktop and save as type Text Document-ms-dos Format.

Step #2
Close all files that are in your taskbar to keep you from being confused. Then click on the file named Neopets Mod that you saved (or whatever name you used for it). Then right click on it again and then click view sorce. When you open you will see all the html codes you did earlier. Now you need to edit the codes to look as you want them and if your not good at html I will walk through every single part step by step on what it does and changes.

Step #3
#ban{width:728px;height:90px;margin:0px; background-color: #FFCE00}
#nst{width:110px;font-size:8pt;border:1px solid #000000;background-color:#FFFF63;color:#000000;padding:2px;margin:0px}
This being the very first part of the code I have to admit is to hard to break down for me. But this mainly is where you would change the font size,background color,Font style, etc.

<title>Welcome to Neopets!</title>
This is where you may add the title. The title you use will be shown like in your taskbar when u have it mini'mized.

<script language=JavaScript src='http://I'mages.neopets.com/n.js'></script>
<script language=JavaScript><!--
var nl='en',nh=9,nm=25,ns=46,na='pm',ncl=new Array(0,53,104,137,169,198,231,265,299,335,368,397,427);
function sh(I){ol.style.clip="rect("+ncl[I-1]+" 128 "+ncl[I]+" 0)";ol.style.visibility='visible'}
function mo(){ol.style.visibility='hidden'};
</script></head><body bgcolor=#FFFFFF>
Not very I'mportant you can edit the bgcolor=#FFFFFF to another code making the background a different color

<map name=a>
<area shape=rect coords="0,10,130,53" href=/addpet.phtml onmouseover="sh(1)" alt="Create a Neopet">
<area shape=rect coords="0,53,130,104" href=/petcentral.phtml onmouseover="sh(2)" alt="Pet Central">
<area shape=rect coords="0,104,130,137" href=/explore.phtml onmouseover="sh(3)" alt="Explore">
<area shape=rect coords="0,137,130,169" href=/gameroom.phtml onmouseover="sh(4)" alt="Games">
<area shape=rect coords="0,169,130,198" href=/neomessages.phtml onmouseover="sh(5)" alt="Neomail">
<area shape=rect coords="0,198,130,231" href=/objects.phtml onmouseover="sh(6)" alt="Shops">
<area shape=rect coords="0,231,130,265" href=/neoboards/index.phtml onmouseover="sh(7)" alt="Neoboards">
<area shape=rect coords="0,265,130,299" href=/nf.phtml onmouseover="sh(8)" alt="News">
<area shape=rect coords="0,299,130,335" href=/stuff.phtml onmouseover="sh(9)" alt="Stuff">
<area shape=rect coords="0,335,130,368" href=/help.phtml onmouseover="sh(10)" alt="Help">
<area shape=rect coords="0,368,130,397" href=/loginpage.phtml onmouseover="sh(11)" alt="Login">
<area shape=rect coords="0,397,130,427" href=/logout.phtml onmouseover="sh(12)" alt="Logout"></map>
This would be the Big yellow sidebar on the left. The coords are where you want the link like if your cursor is inside those cords it will allow you to click the link. kinda hard for beginners and I advice not to change much. but you can change it to different pictures and allow it to go to different links when u click on a certin part. href=/loginpage.phtml erase that part and change it to the link you want it to go to or if you wanna make it stay the same u will have to change it to http://www.neopets.com before the /loginpage.phtml part
making it look like http://www.neopets.com/loginpage.phtml.

<div id=ban><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" width=728 height=90>
<param name=movie value="http://I'mages.neopets.com/728ads/meerca_chase_2.swf">
<param name=menu value=false><param name=scale value=exactfit>
<embed src="http://I'mages.neopets.com/728ads/meerca_chase_2.swf" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" scale=exactfit width=728 height=90></embed>
This part will be the big ulgy banner at the top you may totally delete this or go through and change the links and I'mages to what u like

<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 background="http://I'mages.neopets.com/t/hdr.gif" height=44 width=728 border=0><tr><td height=2></td></tr>
<tr><td width=130><a href=/><div style="height:34px;cursor:hand"></div></a></td>
<td align="right" valign=middle>
<table align=right"valign=middle cellpadding=2><tr>
The neopets header here again make your own I'mage or keep this one.

<td class=tt>
Welcome, <a class=tl href=/randomfriend.phtml?user=enjay555>enjay555</a> |
Pet : <a class=tl href=/quickref.phtml>infinitys_random</a> |
NP : <a class=tl href=/neopoints.phtml>7,698</a></td>
<td width=10 />
</tr><tr><td height=8 /></tr>
These are login details,np, and pet name. You may edit this to make it look like your logged into boravon but once you hit a real neo link it will show your real info so does nothing inless you wanna take a few screenshots :shifty:

<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr><td valign=top>
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>
<tr><td width=128 valign=top>
<I'mg id=ol onmouseout="mo()" src="http://I'mages.neopets.com/t/m5on.gif" usemap=#a border=0>
<I'mg id=m src="http://I'mages.neopets.com/t/m5.gif" usemap=#a width=128 height=427 border=0><div>
<table id=n cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=128>
<tr><td class=tl align=center><br>
<span id=nst>9:25:46 pm  NST</span><br><br>
<form action=/search.phtml method=post>Search Neopets:
<input type=text name=s size=7>
<input type=submit value=Go! style="font-size:8pt"></form>
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" width=120 height=60><param name=movie value="http://I'mages.neopets.com/buttons/how_to_draw.swf"><param name=menu value=false><param name=scale value=exactfit><embed src="http://I'mages.neopets.com/buttons/how_to_draw.swf" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" scale=exactfit width=120 height=60></embed></object><br><br>
<form action="/index.phtml" method=post>Select language:
<select name=lang style="font-size:8pt"><option value=en selected>English</option><option value=pt>Português</option><option value=de>Deutsch</option><option value=fr>Français</option><option value=it>Italiano</option><option value=es>Español</option><option value=ch>简体中文</option><option value=zh>繁體中文</option><option value=ja>日本語</option><option value=ko>한국</option></select>
<input type=submit value="Go!" style="font-size:8pt"></form>
<a href=/linktous.phtml class=tl>link to us</a></td></table>
</td><td width=2 bgcolor=black></td></tr>
<I'mg id=mb src="http://I'mages.neopets.com/t/1.gif" width=130 height=20></td>
<script language=JavaScript>var ol = document.getElementById('ol');</script>
<td style="padding:0px 5px 5px 10px;width:595" onmouseover="mo()" valign=top>
<table width=560 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<tr><td width=395 valign=top>
<script language=JavaScript><!--
var bt="http://I'mages.neopets.com/I'mages/";
ft=new I'mage();
function t_swap(s) {
<a href="#" onMouseOut="t_swap(0)" onMouseOver="t_swap(1)">
<I'mg name="t1" border=0 src="http://I'mages.neopets.com/I'mages/xmas_still_2002.gif" width=377 height=128 alt="Welcome to Neopets"></a>
pretty big chunk but like %90 of this is useless it includes the sidebad ad,clock,translator,search button,link to us botton.

<b>Neopets<sup>&reg;</sup></b> is the greatest Virtual Pet Site on the Internet.
With your help, we have built a community of over 70 million virtual pet owners across the world!
Neopets has many things to offer including over 160 games, trading, auctions, greetings, messaging,
and four-eared cats.  Best of all, it's completely <b>FREE!</b>
This is the part that explains about the site in the middle under the neopets sign. Feel free eo edit any of this code.

<hr width=200 size=1 noshade><br>
<table width=400 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3><tr>
<td bgcolor="#ffffee" width=200 valign=top>
<I'mg src="http://I'mages.neopets.com/I'mages/newsflash.gif" width=188 height=50></a><br>

<? /* headline */ ?>
<b>Sloth Appreciation Day!</b><br>


<a href='/nf.phtml'>
<I'mg src='http://I'mages.neopets.com/I'mages/frontpage/sloth_day_2005.gif' width=150 height=150 border=0></a></center>

This would be the part that says newsflash. You can edit the pic,pic url,title, and or delete it completely

<font class=sf><b>All Hail Sloth!</b></font><br>
<font class=sf>
Today many citizens of Neopia are raising their glasses in a toast to Dr Sloth, the greatest 
genius to never take over Neopia.  To see what new Slothy themed things are in store, check
<a href='/nf.phtml'><b><font class=sf>New Features</font></b></a>
<font class=sf>.<p>
This would be The first paragraph under the news flash picture. You can change all the words to whatever you want.

<font class=sf><b>Read All About It!</b></font><br>
<font class=sf>Issue 173 of the
<a href='/nti'mes/index.phtml' target='newpage'><b><font class=sf>Neopian Ti'mes</font></b></a>
<font class=sf>
has just been launched.  If you want to know all about the latest gossip, tips and jokes, you can't
afford not to read it!
This would be The second paragraph under the news flash picture. You can change all the words to whatever you want.

<font class=sf><b>New Contest!</b></font><br>
<font class=sf>
We have just launched a new weekly competition to find the most creative user lookup.  To find out more, click 
<a href='/ul_spotlight.phtml'><b><font class=sf>here</font></b></a>
<font class=sf>.
This would be The third paragraph under the news flash picture. You can change all the words to whatever you want.

<font class=sf><b>Meerca Chase II</b></font><br>
<font class=sf>That's right everyone's favourite game just got even better :) Click
<a href='/games/meercachase2.phtml'><b><font class=sf>here</font></b></a> 
<font class=sf>to give it a try.
This would be The Fourth paragraph under the news flash picture. You can change all the words to whatever you want.

<font class=sf><b>Chinese New Year</b></font><br>
<font class=sf>The Chinese New Year is fast approaching, why not send 
someone you know one of these new 
<a href='/sendgreeting.phtml?search=chinese'><b><font class=sf>Neogreetings</font></b></a>
<font class=sf>?

This would be the last paragraph under the news flash picture. YOu can edit any wording in this code.

<td align=left width=200 valign=top>
<p align=center><a href='http://www.neopets.com/signup_age.phtml'><I'mg src="http://I'mages.neopets.com/I'mages/frontpage/signup_button.gif" width=190 height=70 border=0 alt="Click here to sign up with Neopets"></a>
<p><font class=sf>
Sign up with Neopets today!  It's si'mple, fast and <b>FREE!</b>
This is the sign up button and the text under it.

<hr noshade size=1>
<center><a href="gameroom.phtml"><I'mg src="http://I'mages.neopets.com/games/great1.gif" width="69" height="59" border="0"></a></center>
<table width=190 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<tr><td width=40><a href='/games/snowmuncher.phtml'><I'mg src='http://I'mages.neopets.com/games/sm_snowmuncher.gif' width=40 height=40 border=0></a></td><td width=150><a href='/games/snowmuncher.phtml'><font class=sf><b>Snowmuncher</b></a> - Snow is so yum</font></td></tr><tr><td width=40><a href='/games/hannah_icecaves.phtml'><I'mg src='http://I'mages.neopets.com/games/sm_icecaves.gif' width=40 height=40 border=0></a></td><td width=150><a href='/games/hannah_icecaves.phtml'><font class=sf><b>Hannah and the Ice Caves</b></a> - MORE TREASURE</font></td></tr><tr><td width=40><a href='/games/usukifrenzy.phtml'><I'mg src='http://I'mages.neopets.com/games/sm_usuki.gif' width=40 height=40 border=0></a></td><td width=150><a href='/games/usukifrenzy.phtml'><font class=sf><b>Usuki Frenzy</b></a> - Hurry!  Hurry!</font></td></tr></table>
This is the code for the 3 games listed under the great games picture and the great games picture code is included in here.

<hr noshade size=1>
<a href="screensavers.phtml">
<I'mg src="http://I'mages.neopets.com/I'mages/frontpage/ss_left.gif" width=67 height=70 border=0 align=left>
The First picture after the line under the great games picture's

<font class=sf>Download some great</font>
<a href='screensavers.phtml' class=sf><b>Neopets Screen Savers</b></a>!<br>
<font class=sf> and 
<a href='backgrounds.phtml' class=sf><b>Cool Backgrounds</b></a>!</font>
The text to the right of the picture in the code right before this.

<hr noshade size=1>
<center><font class=sf>
<a href='stockmarket.phtml'>
<I'mg src="http://I'mages.neopets.com/I'mages/neodaq.gif" border=0 width=60 height=40></a><br>

Neodaq Index : <b>753</b> <font color=green><b>(+10)</b></font></center>
This is the code under the cool backgrounds picture

<hr noshade size=1>
<center><a href='neocam.phtml'>
<I'mg src='http://I'mages.neopets.com/buttons/butt_neocam.gif' border=0 width=120 height=40></a><br>
<font class=sf>Check out what we really look like with the 
<a href='neocam.phtml'><b><font class=sf>Neocam</font></b></a></font>!

This is the next picture under the stock guy and links you to the neopets webcam.(do me a favor cli'mb through the webcam and kill adam)

<hr noshade size=1>
<center><a href='/shopping/newcatalogue.phtml'>
<I'mg src='http://I'mages.neopets.com/buttons/butt_catalogue.gif' width=100 height=50 border=0></a><br>
<font class=sf>Moichandising!  See what cool
<a href='/shopping/newcatalogue.phtml'><b><font class=sf>Neopets Stuff</font></b></a> is currently on sale!

Picture under the webcam picture.

<font class=sf>
Yes, play 
<a href='/games/destructomatch2.phtml'><b><font class=sf>Destruct-O-Match II</font></b></a>, but be
warned you may start having weird dreams about coloured blocks.
<font class=sf><b>Neopets Merchandise</b></font><br>
<font class=sf>  
Click <a href='/shopping/index.phtml'><b><font class=sf>here</font></b></a> to find out about Neopets merchandise offered
at <b>Li'mited Too</b> and <b>Borders Book Stores</b>!
<font class=sf><b>Which Petpet Are You?</b></font>
<font class=sf>
Ever wondered what type of Petpet you were?  Click
<a href='/games/whichpetpet.phtml'><font class=sf><b>here</b></font></a> to take a
short test!
<font class=sf><b>Fancy a Holiday?</b></font>
<font class=sf>
I hear the weather in
<a href='/island/index.phtml'><font class=sf><b>Mystery Island</b></font></a> is
really nice this ti'me of year.
<BR><BR><font class=sf><b>Earn 300 Neopoints!</b><br>
            <font class=sf>Take <a href='http://survey.neopets.com/neojump.phtml?neouser=enjay555' target='_blank'><B><font class=sf>this</b></font></a> survey to earn a quick and easy 300NP!</font></font>
This may seem alot but it isn;t really all this is is the text on the far right just look for the title's and edit them to what u want them to be and then look for the rest if needed I will explain step by step post if u want me to.

<hr size=1 width=140 align=left noshade>

<table width=135 border=0><tr>
<td align=center>
<a href='weather.phtml'>
<I'mg src='http://I'mages.neopets.com/I'mages/frontpage/butt_weath.gif' width=67 height=50 border=0 title='Neopian Weather'></a></td>
<td align=center>
<a href='neopoints.phtml'>
<I'mg src='http://I'mages.neopets.com/I'mages/frontpage/butt_rew.gif' width=68 height=50 border=0 title='Neopoints Reward'></a>

<tr><td align=center>
<a href='nti'mes/index.phtml' target='newpage'>
<I'mg src='http://I'mages.neopets.com/I'mages/frontpage/butt_nt.gif' width=67 height=50 border=0 title='Neopian Ti'mes'></a></td>
<td align=center>
<a href='neopedia.phtml'>
<I'mg src='http://I'mages.neopets.com/I'mages/frontpage/butt_neopedia.gif' width=68 height=50 border=0 title='Neopedia'></a></td>

The 4 Pictures under all that text on the far right.

<td bgcolor="#000000" width=2></td></tr>

<td colspan=4 bgcolor="#dddd77" valign=top><I'mg src="http://I'mages.neopets.com/I'mages/news_poll.gif" width=160 height=71 alt='Neo Poll'></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=3>
<form action='add_poll.phtml' method='post'><input type='hidden' name='poll_id' value='316'><font class=sf>How many trophies do you have in your cabinet?</font><br><input type=radio name=poll value='tally1'><font class=sf>1-10</font><br><input type=radio name=poll value='tally5'><font class=sf>None</font><br><input type=radio name=poll value='tally2'><font class=sf>11-20</font><br><input type=radio name=poll value='tally4'><font class=sf>31+</font><br><input type=radio name=poll value='tally3'><font class=sf>21-30</font><br><br><div align='center'><input type='submit' name='subbyvote' value='Vote'> &nbsp;<input name='subbyres' type='submit' value='Results'></div></form></td>
<td width=2 bgcolor="#000000"></td></tr></table>
</td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td align=center><br>
This is the poll on the far right under the 4 pictures

<font class=sf color=#666666>NEOPETS, characters, logos, names and all related indicia<br>
 are trademarks of <a href='/aboutus.phtml'><font class=sf>Neopets, Inc.,</a><font class=sf color=#666666> &copy; 1999-2005.<br>&reg; denotes Reg. US Pat. & TM Office.
All rights reserved.</font><br><a href='/privacy.phtml' class=sf>PRIVACY POLICY</a> | <a href='/safetytips.phtml' class=sf>Safety Tips</a> | <a href='/contact.phtml' class=sf>Contact Us</a> | <a href='/aboutus.phtml' class=sf>About Us</a> | <a href='/presskit_form.phtml' class=sf>Press Kit</a>
<script language=JavaScript><!--
if(navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")>0&&parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>=4){document.write(' | <a href="javascript:windowhateverxternal.AddFavorite(document.location,document.title)"><font class=sf>Bookmark Us</a>');}
</script><br><font class=sf>Use of this site signifies your acceptance of the <a href=/terms.phtml><font class=sf>Terms and Conditions</a><br clear=all><br><br>
 host - www176.sjo.neopets.com


This is the credits at the bottom of the page.

Step #4
Here I will give you some of the basics you will need to know when editing some of this page.

<b> this bolds text </b>
<br> inserts a line break
<p> This starts a new paragraph
<I> This makes text in italics </I>
<u> underlines text </u>
<font size=1>type your text here</font>
<body background="Put background link here">
<I'mg src="Insert I'mage picture here">
<a href="Url to go to">
<I'mg src="Pic that u want url to go to"></a>
<a href="mailto:Your email here">Email here</a>

Note: you do not have to wait till the end to test to see what your code looks like you may exit off what u got open go to your desktop open up the file u saved sand it will come up with what u have. then right click and press view sorce and u can contunie where you were at.

If you need any help reguarding this tutorial please ask me I will be glad to help and please do not put this down I am grumpy and not in the mood :lol: other then that post if u like it,it helped ya, or you need more help on a certin part

#2 Random

  • 8199 posts

Users Awards

Posted 16 January 2005 - 09:54 AM

Cool thanks!The only problem I have is buying freeti'me,LOL.

#3 redlion

  • I don't exist!

  • 12072 posts

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Posted 16 January 2005 - 09:01 PM

Buying Freeti'me sucks, and I don't want to dl opera, but other than that, its good.  :)

#4 Icey Defeat

Icey Defeat
  • 8298 posts

Users Awards

Posted 16 January 2005 - 09:16 PM

Opera is a big np maker... highly recommended....

#5 redlion

  • I don't exist!

  • 12072 posts

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Posted 16 January 2005 - 09:23 PM

How so?

#6 pokhermama

  • 1050 posts

Posted 16 January 2005 - 10:20 PM

I know a mil u could make with opera alone with 1 thing well use lugia hack get all abilities thats over 250k you can have 4 pets thats 1 million in abilities :)

#7 Guest_Rambo_*


Posted 01 February 2005 - 10:15 AM


A fast way is to downloads Lugia's :( and change the coding and take out bits inrelevant.


But I didnt do that :D

#8 Free of Misery

Free of Misery
  • 841 posts

Posted 08 February 2005 - 05:25 PM

I've taken whatever neopets mods with the proxi'mitron, and tossed them all into a file

and out of it, I managed to make neopets pink. I took some of aus's code and renamed it with my name for files and stuff, but if anyone wants it, I can send over the cfg file

#9 Ilya

  • 2419 posts

Posted 05 August 2006 - 07:35 AM

sucks I have to buy freetime dry.gif

#10 gringo

  • 3 posts

Posted 09 August 2006 - 02:09 PM

opera is great... i made many things on neo with it... i sent starter pbs into shops to sell them... made ice boris.. possibilites are endless

#11 AJB540

  • 656 posts

Posted 09 August 2006 - 02:14 PM

Whoa, this topic is from a long time ago...

#12 Tim

  • 2795 posts

Posted 09 August 2006 - 02:16 PM

Adobe, last post in this thread was over a year ago. I doubt you hadn't noticed the date because this was on the first page, but it's still pretty old. wink.gif

#13 philywilly

  • 1656 posts

Posted 09 August 2006 - 04:19 PM

Umm.. wow.. what exactly does this do? Anyone could explain?

#14 AJB540

  • 656 posts

Posted 09 August 2006 - 04:28 PM

I don't think it works anymore.

#15 LuGiA

  • 855 posts

Posted 09 August 2006 - 09:26 PM

Actually it would still work perfectly, all you do is:

Take the source from the page.

Edit the source.

Review the source.

The big "money makers" were my shit that i found over a year ago, im pretty sure they all got fixed, dunno.

Anyways, whoever grave digged this..you don't need free'time or opera, just a browser and proxomitron =/

#16 mugenstoned

  • 1 posts

Posted 03 September 2006 - 07:03 PM

[b]umm I don't get it...i got it saved and all but i cant get that file type to save under?

#17 misterpowersupply

  • 7 posts

Posted 17 September 2006 - 02:58 PM

How in the world did you figure that out? If one of those isn't right it owuldn't work, SHEESH!

#18 Mitch

  • 1237 posts

Posted 17 September 2006 - 03:04 PM

Massive grave dig blink.gif

#19 Black Flame

Black Flame
  • 6063 posts

Users Awards

Posted 17 September 2006 - 03:09 PM

I seen much bigger grave digs, but a bit of a grave dig nonetheless

#20 gerbz

  • 10 posts

Posted 17 September 2006 - 11:43 PM

Shameless promotion for the program..

#21 Head_Busta

  • 5 posts

Posted 21 November 2006 - 04:16 AM

omg cool thanks i still dont really understand it tho lol

#22 Gen

  • Ye old gen

  • 1871 posts

Posted 21 November 2006 - 08:16 AM

o.õ what treasure grave we got here o.õ
Don't post here anymore =/ but the found is awesome XD

#23 Mystical

  • 1020 posts

Posted 21 November 2006 - 09:26 AM

whoa < < adobe your nuts bud < < this like going to your back yard and digging up that dog you buried when you were 5 years old then trying to play catch with him smile.gif

#24 shabba


Posted 21 November 2006 - 10:22 AM

Woah! this topic is supppoer old.

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