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Member Since 02 Jun 2010
Offline Dec 08 2011 03:24 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [Neopets Programs] Neon AP - Neopets Shop Auto Pricer

22 August 2011 - 08:44 PM

when wiz banned.. simply log into another account that isn't wiz banned and hit price all items...it will work again...repeat with another account if needed... then make sure you log back into the original account before you hit save prices to shop. works gr8

In Topic: What Is The Meaning Of Life?

18 October 2010 - 02:32 PM

we are here to experience life as humans and since we are in charge of our lives more than ever before we must maintain a balance and nurture our planet as well as each others. money destroys the meaning of life

In Topic: i do drugs

22 September 2010 - 08:23 PM

everything naturally grown is ok in moderation... coca leaf(chewing),cannabis(smoking,eating), mushrooms(eating), peyote cactus(eating), ayahuasca(drinking)...

anything that is synthetic, chemically processed and/or cut with who knows what is poison to the body... alcohol, all hard drugs composed of synthetic chemicals, even pharmaceuticals ...

the body is the vehicle for the soul at this time.

your body has a powerful natural healing ability but if you take anything that is not natural then your body is subject to deterioration.

many of these states of mind(highs) can be reached naturally with only the mind.

Posted Image

In Topic: Do you believe in aliens?

21 September 2010 - 08:24 PM

That video is a perfect example of the fear they are trying to create in us.
They want us to fear et's and they even perform black ops missions performing Military Mind control and Alien Abductions, or MILABS. They basically impersonate certain races of star visitors and go around in their primitive flying saucer type aircraft performing experiments, raping, and hypnotizing people to tell their "negative experiences with personal ET contact" to the media and especially to create more fear among us, the people.
The media is full of propaganda and disinformation, thanks for sharing.

My basic understanding of zero point is tapping into the vacuum of empty space, at a subatomic level, using the very energy that vibrates electrons, this energy source is limitless. Who would not want you to know about this? Who makes billions of dollars selling fossil fuels as an energy source? What are the implications of limitless abundant energy? Anything is possible. It could go two ways, humans use the sacred technology to bring peace to the earth and its residents, or we continue to fight for power and misuse the technology and end up eradicating ourselves.


i know the second vid is an ad but you can find the dvd online if you know where to look

Think on this- Who composed and printed your science text books? The media companies did. Who owns and controls the media. Who also funds most of the private grants to science and controls our governments and their grant money?> Big oil/energy and big money . Do you think big oil wants people running their cars on home generated hydrogen or other alternatives? Many conspiracies are bogus, this one is real bud.

In Topic: Do you believe in aliens?

21 September 2010 - 11:43 AM

There is no evidence for anything you're saying.

There is no
evidence that what I quoted is false.

@faval: they have the capabilities to sustain themselves indefinitely and create their homes and ecosystems in other areas of the universe. there is no such thing as ET scavengers or pirates.

think infinite energy. zero-point energy.

we are capable of this technology too.. i would be surprised if it's not already developed and in use by governments or the elite.

Most knowledgeable scientists agree that there is enough Zero Point Energy in a cup of empty space to boil the oceans away but tapping into that energy is the problem. Harnessing Zero Point Energy is a technological mine field. For example,the mere measurement of Zero Point Energy is akin to a person trying to measure a cup of water while 30 feet under water. Another analogy would be trying to tap the energy of a lightning bolt while riding inside of the lightning bolt. This is a technological nightmare but if or when these hurtles are conquered, our world will change. My only concern at that time would be who controlled such power.