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Member Since 02 Dec 2010
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Posts I've Made

In Topic: It's too bad its not cool to play Neopets

24 January 2011 - 01:56 AM

My friends told me Neopets is AWESOME after introducing it to them. They're kinda hooked on it now and I have got 3 RL friends playing it at the moment. ;)

In Topic: Happy 7th Birthday Neocodex!

20 January 2011 - 01:31 AM

Happy birthday Codex! Thanks for providing all these hacks for us for ages!

Just ate a cake yesterday too. ;)

In Topic: My Pokemon Sprites. (Including Neocoloured Pokes)

14 January 2011 - 09:34 AM

Wow I really love your sprites too! Didn't really like the Sketch Chansey and the Starry Alakazam but the other 4 designs were really good! They were also very well named in my opinion. Thumbs up!

In Topic: Neopets is serious business

11 January 2011 - 04:25 AM

Welcome Homer! :D

Yes, Neopets is serious business. I get so serious about it too! Why so serious?!

In Topic: Chapter 17

06 January 2011 - 06:26 PM

Happy New Year!!! We are delighted to be back and we hope everyone had a great holiday break. We are looking forward to releasing fun content for the new year! We know you are anxiously awaiting the Faeries' Ruin Prize Shop and Epilogue... We wanted to let you know that they are still in the works and we are hoping to release it sometime within the next couple of weeks. :) Thanks for your patience, everyone!

I actually lol-ed reading that statement. Guess I shouldn't have anticipated the TFR update. Not like I'll get top prizes for it anyway. Couldn't get any of the BD achievements because I started out late and my pet wasn't strong enough to beat Oblivion towards the end. Probably gonna claim a plushie prize + a site theme etc if they have it. I'm sort of a plushie collector. :D