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Member Since 08 Dec 2010
Offline Feb 26 2011 10:09 AM

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In Topic: The IBM Watson

24 February 2011 - 03:18 PM

I don't give a monkey's left nipple what you prefer. Especially when what I was saying referred directly to you.
In this thread, you displayed ignorance, stupidity, and a dullness in which you are yet to show evidence even of a decline, let alone an end.

My statement was therefore wholly justified, and wholly accurate.

You must understand that in my previous post....i did not deny anything you've said.....in fact i even agreed to it......
so.....where do we go from here?
Normally arguments end immediately after someone has agreed with the views of the other person.


24 February 2011 - 02:10 PM

I think Tim Burton is a genius. And I love the "dark" story lines. But somehow, despite that, he often manages to grasp defeat from the jaws of success.

I actually think Corpse Bride is my favorite film of his. Brilliant. I thought Batman missed the mark, especially if you read the comic strip. And should I even mention Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? I mean really, what was he thinking?

I liked the Big fish the best out of all his
That was by Burton right?

In Topic: The IBM Watson

24 February 2011 - 02:09 PM

I'm sure Watson is smart enough to work out that you were only interested in increasing your post count and so will have no hard feelings towards you because of what you said.

That is great to hear, cause i have this weird OCD thing where i can't stand it when people are mad at me.

Forget whether or not Watson is overhyped. I think it deserves recognition just for the brilliant display of magnanimity.
Though....you think, i should, you know....(not saying i don't trust your judgment here)....but if he really did take offense....you think i should contact him and make sure everything's still cool?
Cause again the weird OCD thing is really bothering me

In Topic: The IBM Watson

24 February 2011 - 02:01 PM

People say a lot of things about a lot of things that they don't understand.

Because they are ignorant, stupid, and unendingly dull.

Lol i do agree
But i must say that's an awfully blunt way of putting it.
I prefer the words Naive, misunderstood and lack of enthusiasm.

I admit though I knew nothing about Watson before posting, i thought it was just an ordinary computer.....(so i guess you can add spontaneous to the list)
Maybe I was a lil harsh on dear watson. Scratch that.
I was VERY harsh on poor watson ( if i could i would apologize )

I guess i could try to make amends by doing a little research before posting a well researched opinion.....
But i'm sure Ole watson there is definitely so maganimous that he wouldn't care.


24 February 2011 - 01:52 PM

I think anyone who can pick one single film as a favourite probably hasn't seen enough films, and is therefore a very odd person.

So does this logic apply only to movies?

But moving on....People who hasn't seen a lot of films is odd? Man where have i been??

Lol call me old fashioned if you wish....But i remember back then we used to label people as odd based on , you know, the trivial things like how they dress and act....
Guess times have changed. With a new generation comes an even more trivial way to determine the odditiy (yup made that word up) of people lol........
I must find a way to keep up.....