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Member Since 16 May 2012
Offline May 16 2012 09:55 AM

Topics I've Started

Awkward, Tense Freeze

16 May 2012 - 01:50 AM

I decided to aim for some trophies one day, just the bronze. I always only go for the bronze.

So ever since my boyfriend introduced me to the AoB cheats, I felt that I could use it as well. Just for a couple of trophies.

I played Math Nightmare, used the cheats and played with Brain Tree mode.
I had a score of around 4K and what I didn't know was that it multiplied by 3 as a total.
I clicked the Send Score button, and it notified me of a review. It was red.

It terrified me.

This happened to me about, almost around 3 weeks ago now. My score in total was 12K (or around that).

I have been on my toes ever since, and I haven't been frozen just yet. It hasn't been reviewed either.

Any ideas of what's in store for me? :(

(Sigh, this is what I get for cheating. I didn't condone it for so long when my boyfriend cheated.)

Psychological Religious Thriller

16 May 2012 - 01:28 AM

There were many points in my life where I went back and forth wondering if God or Jesus existed or not. Yes, religion. It's a touchy subject, I know, but these is merely an opinion in search of others similar, different, or unknown as well. It's still a ponder.

Basically I was baptized, brought up Christian, then Catholic, then Christian again. Christian a couple more times and then Agnostic. Brought up referring to going to church and being taught from the Bible. As life happened and many situations seemed to unravel, as well as my thoughts, sensations and perspective changing- religion no longer became a part of me or my life. It was being an Athiest.

But ever since I found religion to be such a touchy subject, and the various views and perspectives given or taken from it- I rock from my own variations of beliefs. There were points where I completely believed in God and in Jesus, with only my belief put into the whole thing, my feelings. Then where I only believed in facts, methods, matter, such as Science. Then there was this, only recently, putting both belief in a higher being or spiritual matter, but including Sciences into perspective. Then you look at both of these, such as the morals and humanity within stories of the Bible, and the Science of nature and everything alive on this earth and how things work; and there's a whole bunch of things colliding in the middle.

Personally, now, I believe that the Bible has morals in which we as human beings should live by naturally to live a well off life. Even if you haven't read the Bible in your entire life, or never even set eyes on one, but you do live by it, you don't need a religion. Religion is a group that gathers together in mind of the same belief as a whole, with their own interpretations of the Bible. The highest gratitude and satisfaction in a belief is that it is your own, and something only you need to believe in or understand. Even if it means there are things you don't agree to and omit them, as long as you are satisfied with what you believe in then there is no wrong and there is no need for a label under religion. Where as the Sciences are simple, they're the factual ideas and formulas or methods to help us understand the physical matters, the chemical and biological setting our life takes place in. It's our way of understanding the physical aspect of our life. So you have spiritual and you have physical, both things that have the potential of enlightening someone entirely.

There was a point where I believed that Religion is only a psychological coping method for the hardships in life, for creating a family, for something to give you answers and to rely on. Somewhere that says "come here, you belong with us" or "be with us, it could save your after life." But it was like they were brainwashing, enticing, scaring you into joining a Religion. Not a belief, because really the belief should be your own.

Then there was a point where, every night I would pray. Pray to a God whom I didn't even know existed, and I was aware of this, since I also mentioned it to my said God. I prayed to wake up early for days that required me to and were of importance. I did. Only on the days I prayed though. So then I thought that hey, there's something to this, praying, God, and believing. Especially within myself.

Recently did I receive this sort of comic book from someone who I thought was a Jehovah's Witness. I was apparently wrong. It suggested I read the Bible, and live by it. That I didn't need to join a Religion. And it also addressed that, "wouldn't this be a religion as well?" It's not. I found it was simply saying "read this, maybe if you understand the messages, you can be enlightened and life will be just fine."

There's not just the Bible, I know that much. There's the Koran, and plenty other religious scriptures and teachings. Essentially they have the same morals, the same ideas of being. The only reason for any other depreciation would be the masochistic, egotistical, sexist and cultural pride that many regions and countries endured and carried on for centuries in time.

So tell me, what was your religious journey? What are your beliefs? Talk to me.

With all respects because it is your key to your enlightenment.