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Member Since 19 Nov 2005
Offline Jun 10 2006 07:27 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Faerie Discussion

06 March 2006 - 04:32 PM

What about the Negg Faerie.. If not a male then she is pretty butch

In Topic: Inertia

06 March 2006 - 04:24 PM

I will post a link I found on google :D


I just typed in inertia

In Topic: Cannabis

06 March 2006 - 04:21 PM

I think that Marijuana should be legal if alcohol is legal. The reasoning that I have behind this is that pot is typically safer than Alcohol.

I also think that if the government insists on keeping Pot illeagle then they should also make alcohol illeagle. ((of course this would lead to massive underground smuggling and a highly organized crime movement, as it has before.))

In my opinion (or the conspiricy theory that I adhere to) the only reason that pot is illeagle is based on the bias of White Americans who views Mexican Migrant workers as dirty. The white american used alcohol and the Hispanic Mexican population used alchol AND smoked pot.

There is also the theory that it was a coalition between the Nylon and Alchol Companies for basis on increasing a profit margin. but that is another story.

There is a PBS special I saw a while ago on how we can run diesel engins on a substance known as Hempoline (albeit not the same as Pot and more a dirivitive from the Hemp plants used to make Jewlery and Shirts) that in itself would help our counrty alot.

I could go on... and I may latter

In Topic: Constructive Criticism

06 March 2006 - 04:10 PM

I would say to add me but I know that Im perfect :p

In Topic: Neocodex Is Up!

06 March 2006 - 04:01 PM

I think that the Current changes are all for the good :)

I have not been on much do to work for the past few weeks. Looking at what has happened in the last couple of weeks I am glad that I have not been. It is nice to have things cleared up before I even knew anything happened :)