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Member Since 30 Dec 2015
Offline Nov 29 2020 03:13 PM

Topics I've Started

Anyone else watching thid Clemson, Bama game?

11 January 2016 - 06:49 PM

I like Bama, but Clemson is going to take the championship.

Yeller, new to the forum, but had been using the ABer since way back in the day!

11 January 2016 - 05:43 PM

I actually joined the forum from using the Items Database religiously for shop pricing. But now that I'm here better start that trek towards 500. A few things about me:


I am 27, and I have three kids, Shawn (10), Allyson (7), and Evelyn (5). I play music everywhere I've been whether it's locally or state to state. Yes, I do have rough recordings of my music up thanks for asking, that can be found hur:




& hur:




NOTE** Most of these are really crappy rough recordings. I am in the process of releasing a 5 track demo within the next few months after weeding 5 songs out of 50 originals.


I have two dogs, one's name is Indy ( Indiana Jones ) and he is a german sheperd/hound mix 2 1/2 yrs and the other we recently just started fostering and she is 6 weeks-ish and she is a chocolate lab/pitbull mix, Tipsy.


I have an amazing fiancee. 


My life in one post.

Unhandled Exception

10 January 2016 - 02:18 PM

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/cdx/svn/checkout/core/trunk/Program Manager/ProgramManager.py", line 1192, in run_with_except_hook
  File "threading.pyc", line 756, in run
  File "/cdx/svn/checkout/core/trunk/Program Manager/Lib/CodexSettings.py", line 101, in saveConfigFile
IOError: [Errno 22] invalid mode ('w') or filename: 'C:\\Program Files\\Neocodex\\Manager\\cdxSettings.63610.nc'



Not exactly sure what happened was washing dishes with the window maximized and saw this popup. Coincidentally it hadn't show any activity haggling or buying for over an hour at that point, but after the error I had bought out three 55K+ profit books? Probably not related, but thought I'd add.