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Member Since 21 Oct 2017
Offline Jul 10 2020 06:16 AM

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Introduction - How to make money now? Let's chat...

26 June 2020 - 12:31 PM

Hey guys, I'm an F# developer and i've been writing software now professionally for 3 years (as a hobby for 8).
I've good experience with C#, F#, Java, and some javascript.

Generally i don't work with browsers i usually write hooks for programs running DX and inject my code that way. It's my understanding that abrosia and the SSers all just work through GET/POST requests, while i haven't done any of that type of stuff for some years i don't think it will be too difficult to replicate.

I had an idea moving forward, I plan to create a bot to automate buying the sticky snowballs, 2 an hour * 24 hours is like 48k per account a day?
if i SS for 55k ( people say the one here is unsafe though it's been fine for me so far. I might just make my own) and buy sticky snowballs for another 48k a day. That's 100k per day.
I figure if i run 10 accounts on proxies that's 1mil a day / 7mil a week automated. Hypothetically.

So my question is 2-fold.
Firstly, What do you think the freeze chances on this would be on buying sticky snowballs once every 30minutes?
Secondly, It was to my understanding that with a score sender, so long as it doesn't flag a review you will never get frozen from it. Is that still the case?

lastly, if anyone else has any ideas for bots, automation scripts etc which were never made here. Give me a shout and if it's worth it I may just build it and i'll be happy to share.

I had another idea for an alternative method of restocking. It's just an idea at the moment, something along the lines of utilising multiple shell accounts (say 10 accounts) in sync of each other, this would enable you to constantly refresh a shop (say battle magic) every second from different accounts, then as soon as it restocks a shop your 'side-account' who holds all the money will refresh the shop and attempt to buy the items.

This has multiple benefits over abrosia. 
-Firstly it means you can refresh the shop every second. Therefore bypassing the refresh minimum wait time.
-Secondly, as your 'side account' isn't refreshing at all until we know 100% that items are in the shop, there is no risk of having it RS banned
-thirdly, your side-account which holds your money (and the items you will subsequently buy) will only have actually restocked for a very small amount of time, as he only refreshes when we know items are ready to buy. From neopets perspective only the shells have been refreshing all day and they have 0 link to your side-account thanks to the proxy servers.

Lastly, This is highly scale-able. Example:
If you run 10 shells and refresh one account every second, that means each account will be refreshing every 10seconds. While updating you every second
If you run 20 shells and refresh one account every second, that means each account will be refreshing every 20 seconds. While updating you every second
If you run 30 shells and refresh one account every half a second, that means each account will be refreshing every 15seconds. While updating you every half a second.

If you wanted to go really extreme there is nothing stopping you monitoring multiple shops in this way (20-30 accounts per shop) and swapping to the shops as they restock on your side-account.
Let me know what you think. It sounds like alot of work but I don't think it would be as much as some of my previous projects I've done on other games.