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I fee like a bad friend

Posted by Mishelle, 28 October 2016 · 1205 views

Aurora's prison bae has finally gotten out of prison and everything I said would happen happened.


Apparently his name is Trey, I literally have been calling him prisonbae for the past 3 years and I still don't really care what his name is. I've been trying to get her to cut things off with him ever since she started this mess of a relationship with him (while he was in prison) because he just sounds like trash. He seemed to me like the type of guy who was just leading her on because he knew he would need a place to stay when he got out of prison. He was released 3 weeks ago and Aurora took off of work to drive 10 hours to Northern California to pick him up and bring him back home. I knew he would try to move in with her because he doesn't have anywhere to go. His sister's dad got a restraining order put on him so he can't live with his mom because of it. She assumed he would eventually move into a halfway house and told me that she would give him a week to find a new place to stay.


Lmao I knew that was a lie. I basically completely fell back. When she texted me about him I just kind of ignored her because if you're already complaining 2 days in this clearly isn't working out. I've been warning you for three years, what more is there to say?


Fast forward to 3 weeks later. She's texting me with pictures of her crying saying that she's done with him because he made her cry. He hasn't found a job, he hasn't even had an interview. He turned down applying for Jamba Juice because he felt that job was beneath him (bitch,,,) and he told her he wanted to do construction because that's "men's work". I'm assuming by "construction" he means the guys who stand in front of Home Depot and wait for a job. Meanwhile, Aurora is paying for everything. Letting him stay in her home. Buying all of their food, Basically she's sugar mama. And I told her not to fucking be sugar mama.


Like if he really loved you he'd want to do better and finally do something for you for a change. You've been putting money on his books, driving a damn near day to go see him, and jumping through hoops for him but what has he done for you? NADA.


So now she's crying in my imessage and shit talking about how she's getting drunk tonight and I'm just so not even remotely moved.


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I'm not gonna say I told you so, but god damn it bitch I told you so. He was an insecure, unintelligent vagabond and I'm glad he's finally gone. He had nothing going for him. He had no job, no money, and no home training. Good riddance. I'm trying so hard to be supportive but I really just want her to be over it already. I was over it 3 years ago.

Update: Aurora’s prisonbae is back in prison
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