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The rules of the blog system, etc.

Posted by Nymh, 24 November 2012 · 886 views

I have been wanting one of these newfangled blog things for a while now, and I've come up with some stupid ideas for what I could write about over the past few weeks. Tonight I saw someone use "etc." on the forum and it just ran right through me, and then it hit me. I should set up a blog about shit that pisses me off.


I came here, fully intending to write about how much I hate it when people say "etc.", (before you go digging through my posts to see if I have ever used it, I have (oh look how quaint I've assumed anyone actually cares enough to think to do that)) but then while setting up this blog I saw this:

Blog Terms & Rules

Please take a moment to review these rules detailed below. If you agree with them and wish to proceed with the Blog creation, simply click the "Next" button below. To cancel this creation, simply hit the "back" button on your browser.

You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this Blog system to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.

We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary.

You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you.

Oh my god. BAaaaarhghhhh

The corners of my mouth hurt like I have pressed them really hard against something and they got bruised. I wonder what that's all about.

So anyway, about et cetera. I feel like the use of this abbreviated expression is lazy. I am differentiating this laziness from, say, the use of contractions and the like because in one instance you are just cutting a list short and putting in a few letters to finish off your train of thought, and in the other you are expressing the same thing and even the same words that you would be otherwise, you're just expressing it more like the way that you would out loud.

I especially hate it when people use it when it isn't even necessary. For example:

Person 1: Hey, do you like meat?
Person 2: Yeah, I do. I love steaks, etc.

That wasn't even a list. That was just one thing. Why would you say "etc." after one thing? Of course I have never heard this particular dialogue spoken aloud, but shit like that happens all the time and it isn't cool.

But how can I use "etc." properly and not sound like a twat?

Well, for starters, care a little more about how you sound. If you like sounding like a twat or you simply don't give a shit, then don't worry about it (also, why have you read this far if that's the case?). Secondly, use it sparingly. Third, only use it when it actually applies. Could you picture yourself saying, "and so on" in its place? If you try, and it sounds stupid, then don't use "etc." No need to put "and so on" in there either. Just end the sentence. Full stop. Bam. Done. And finally, consider other ways to finish out your lists. Like, for example, finishing out your lists.

I use etc. because I can't think of anything else to put.
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I use it in essays all the time. :D
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You use "etc." in essays? O_o You have to be joking.
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I've always used etc... if there are instances which require otherwise writing out an obscenely long list that should be generalized due to basic, mutual knowledge of the material.

I have many of the top tier Neopets items in my SDB; Super Attack Pea, Christmas Attack Pea, Bony Grarrl Club, MSPP (TCG), etc...

If I had stated only Super Attack Pea, etc... then that wouldn't have been a complete enough list to generalize the culmination of what I was stating.

I have not ever, nor will ever use it in an essay. That's just asking for marks off.
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Well I really hope you mean etc. not ect....
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Yeah. Stupid dyslexic moments catch the better of me when it comes to 3 letter acronyms.
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That's not how dyslexia works.
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Also, etc is not an acronym.
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That's not how dyslexia works.

Also, etc is not an acronym.

Put differently:

Stupid dyslexic moments catch the better of me when it comes to 3 letter acronyms.

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It only took the two of you two whole days to come up with that? Your speed on burns is impressive. -_-
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Or I just checked the blog post yesterday. Either way, you said something stupid.
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