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Teaching is Not for Everyone

Posted by Nymh, 08 December 2012 · 1037 views

My biology teacher this semester is the worst excuse for a teacher I have ever had. And I've been in school for a long, long time.

My courses are online. I have no lectures, no classroom, no interaction with anyone unless I email them. The teacher is responsible for providing help when we need it, grading our quizzes and tests, and reading our essays. That's basically it.

The majority of my classmates are failing because this teacher does not respond to anything. It's like we don't even have a teacher. She doesn't answer any questions, she doesn't help us at all. She doesn't return any emails, she doesn't initiate any conversations, nothing.

I have had a lot of stuff going on this semester, and honestly I took this class (along with chemistry and calculus 2) for the excess aid and because I thought it would be fun. Biology has never been a favorite subject of mine, but I love science and I thought it would be neat to scratch the surface of biology a bit (especially since Joe is a biologist). But no. This class has sucked. I stopped doing work about five weeks ago, and my teacher hasn't sent me the first email asking what's going on. I wonder if she has even noticed. I bet she has, she just doesn't fucking care.

I hate this class. I hate that teacher. I gave her the worst marks possible on the exit survey they make us fill out for each of our classes, and wrote about why I gave her those marks. I plan to find out who I need to talk to about this teacher and let them know what's going on. I hope she gets fired. She definitely does not need to be teaching.

I feel you sister, macroeconomics 2020, an online course, is the bane of my existence. I personally would recommend to all never to even take an online course. Unless you are confident you can make it through the semester without any interaction, don't.
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well I had a math teacher that was bad and it was in person. he ignored when we asked any questions or gave us a round about. On top of that he got the powerpoints from the online book. Seriously didn't know shat
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Unfortunately, and I don't know if this is the case everywhere, but it is where I go to school, college professors are not required to have teaching degrees. In addition to that fun fact, a lot of the teachers that teach both online and regular classes on campus devote the majority of their time to their in-person classes, and pay little to no attention to their online classes. I've found that online courses are very hit or miss, depending on the professor and the class itself.
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Also, many professors have others job at the university and are required to teach as part of their job to do research or whatever else they do at the university. Thus, if they care more about that and don't give a shit about their teaching, then you might result in an awful prof.
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There seems to be a big problem with universities in America with teachers who are brought over from other countries. I've been to three universities, and at each one, I have had a professor who is not a native American (not a problem, honestly) and does not speak English very well (this is my big problem).

I'm paying thousands of dollars to get an "education" from people who can barely pronounce basic words, not to mention the complex terms I deal with in my courses. The worst part isn't even the language barrier. It's the result. I find that these professors are always the hardest to reach by any form of contact (email, phone, office hours, whatever) and when you eventually get in to contact, you never quite get the full answer to your question.

Here's a prime example: in my Communication in New Technology course this semester, we were instructed to write a 10-page essay. We weren't told what to write it on, given a rubric, or instructed in any way on how we should write our papers. It took us months to finally get her to post a sample paper, and she chose a graduate student's thesis as the foundation upon which we are supposed to write our papers. What a joke.

TL;DR College is totally being sold to us. It's a big freakin' joke and we're not the ones laughing.
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I'm in the same position, although the Dutch version will vary a little bit. I've got a *-face as a teacher to, so I asked my assigned mentor to get me a different teacher. Same problem, thought. Althought this one does respond to an email, the answer is unbelievably unsatisfying. Things like: "Althought you typed half the page in your email highlighting your problem, I think you should read it again and again until you understand the problem."
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