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So today my daughter and I ....

Posted by ohyoufancy, 27 May 2015 · 629 views

So today my daughter and I went to the store and I handed her (shes 5) my wallet so she could give me some change for our purchase.
She loves going through my wallet and helping out when we are at the store, plus she is learning to count change.
So why not.

So she proceeds to take out a quarter, and 2 pennies.

The cashier says "what do you got there sweetie?"
then my daughter says, as she hands the cashier the change..

The cashier's face went from a smile to a WHAT DID U JUST SAY look
My face got red, but couldn't help it and started laughing.

I told the cashier my daughter has some trouble saying certain words, and she calls pennies, penises. LOL

She laughed and thought it was the funniest thing she heard all day. My embarrassment overwhelmed my face and quickly walked out after that.

When your kids are learning to talk, they will say things that don't sound like the actual word they are trying to say. Some are cute, some are funny, and some may embarrass you. This time, it was all three to be honest, haha.

This is fucking hilarious! Story deserves to be on all those buzzfeed lists about cute /embarrassing kid stories.
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Thats adorable, and can I ever relate to this.... My 2 year old was obsessed with clocks for a month straight but kept saying cocks

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Thats adorable, and can I ever relate to this.... My 2 year old was obsessed with clocks for a month straight but kept saying cocks

OMG my two year old does the same thing! Lol He points to any form of clock and always comes out with 'cocks' xD

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Thats adorable, and can I ever relate to this.... My 2 year old was obsessed with clocks for a month straight but kept saying cocks

Hahahahaha! Love it


Mine calls firetrucks, firefucks.

I'm sure lots of other kids that age say that too, hahah.

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@Strategist it freaked us t for awhile, clocks were all consuming and because she wasn't completely verbal yet we couldn't figure it out. Turns out it was a halloween episode of Dora the Explorer where they have to take little monster home before the clock strikes 10. No big deal. But super spoopy not knowing.

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