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Rags To Riches - Initial Development Day 1

Posted by xWa, 10 July 2013 · 913 views

I will title this the official initial development day 1, while yesterday would truly be day 1... I have started neotracker today and thus felt it appropriate for today to be the official day 1 as yesterday's statistics were unrecorded.

This blog, right now, is meant more of a place-holder and sneak peak into what's to come. In these initial development days the information provided will be limited to ensure the safety of my accounts as well as simply the fact that the sample size of information is rather small. So for the first week to two weeks the information, while limited, will be provided as insight into the initial development for those who are interested in maybe making this journey at a future time or are interested in seeing as things progressed from the beginning to end.

Once I get a fairly decent amount of accounts built up, I will be giving a lot of detail into the daily (can't guarantee every day as I do have other obligations, but will do most,) weekly and monthly outcomes. I will be sure to include graphs at this point in the weekly and monthly results for those who enjoy graphical eye candy. :)

Just wanted to throw this out there and sorry if I disappointed you on not providing a lot of information early on.

Anyways, official initial development day 1.
Brief statistics:
Total buys: 3x (left out for account safety)
Total spent: 10x,xxx
Total estimated profits: 2,6xx,xxx

Have to go for now, so this will be all for today. I will be using the NP to buy more shells in these initial development days.

Where have you been ABing?

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2.6m profit in one day? Wow

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2.6m profit in one day? Wow

Yes, yesterday I made about 2.6m, today about 2.6m.  This is with 2 AAA shells which yesterday was the first time I've used an AAA shell and only AB'd for 3 days now.  Lol.  Maybe I'm just lucky?  Both days, one of the accounts made nearly nothing while the other brought in the majority of it.  They swapped lucks today.


Where have you been ABing?

I switched shops after yesterday due to someone telling me I'd get iced for ABing in the magic shop, but I still managed to make over 2mil where I AB'd today, lol. 

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some items are a lot harder to liquidate then others, you might want to take that into account when calculating profits as well :)

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