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I feel like ranting about work and stupid shit

Posted by Kat, 02 December 2013 · 1087 views

Let me preface this by saying I'm PMSing like FUCK today and I just need to rant.

So, the past couple months I've been working a new job at a small clinic as an x-ray tech. It's just a temporary position while I fill in for someone on maternity leave. She's still here until the baby comes, so I've just been training 1-2 days a week. I don't really need to "train," since I know how to x-ray, it's just getting used to the flow and paperwork and all that jazz. Well of course I hate it. I hate most places and most people.. but I love my job. I love interacting with patients and making the world better just a little bit at a time. Lame, I know.
I hate it because:
1) They aren't organized. Me being here is messing up their whole routine they have going on. Well EXCUUUUSE me, princess. Not my fault your coworker got knocked up. They can't seem to assimilate or change their routine in any way just for 6 weeks. I understand their frustration, but don't take it out on me.
2) I'm the middleman. I'm taking all the preggo techs calls and transferring them all day long because people hate change and can't call a different number themselves. My boss won't train me how to do some of the things she did because I won't be here that long and she probably doesn't want to pay me more than she has to. That's fine, but it's not my fault when so-and-so didn't call whoever back or whatever. I do my job, don't gripe at me when others can't. Also these old 1980's phones can suck my dick.
3) These people can't WAIT for me to leave and the previous tech to come back. I understand she's their friend and she does a good job.. but can you try not to be a rude ass about it? At least some of them tell me to my face instead of behind thin walls. I don't have anything in common with anyone here either. They all are married and have kids.
4) ..Some days I just can't stop fucking up and making stupid mistakes. This is a new place.. I consider myself pretty adaptable, but I'm finding that really difficult here. The equipment at my clinical site where I studied was newer and just excellent, I really miss it and as much as some of the people there sucked, there were plenty of other people I liked a lot. The equipment here is old and almost useless.. I'm always having trouble with it. I don't have half the supplies I need either, so doing my job properly is even more difficult.
I'm also super nervous most of the time because I'm trying to make a good impression and that backfires 100% of the time and I just make it worse. It doesn't help having the social capacity of a retarded horse, either.

I can't think of anything else. I don't want any advice, because most of the time it's not so bad here.. but like I said I'm super hormonal/emotional today and I'm probably just blowing this all way out of proportion.
It doesn't matter. Just typing this all out makes me feel better and that's worth it.

I also have the social capacity of a retarded horse.
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That sucks. New person always gets shit on, because the established people seem to forget what a hard time they themselves had when they were new. I'm sorry it's overwhelming. But I look at it like this... even though it's 8 hours or whatever of torture and frustration, you get to go home at the end of the day and reward yourself with an alcoholic beverage and gifs of kittens on tumblr. 

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That really does suck, and I'm sorry you're having to deal with that sort of environment...it sounds pretty darn toxic, which isn't fair since you anjoy your work (and by extension, I figure you're pretty damn good at it, too).

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I also have the social capacity of a retarded horse.


Social retards UNITE!


That sucks. New person always gets shit on, because the established people seem to forget what a hard time they themselves had when they were new. I'm sorry it's overwhelming. But I look at it like this... even though it's 8 hours or whatever of torture and frustration, you get to go home at the end of the day and reward yourself with an alcoholic beverage and gifs of kittens on tumblr. 


That's exactly what I do, actually! and playing video games until I pass out.


That really does suck, and I'm sorry you're having to deal with that sort of environment...it sounds pretty darn toxic, which isn't fair since you anjoy your work (and by extension, I figure you're pretty damn good at it, too).


Thanks Kord :) It's actually not too bad.. I just gripe because I DO love what I do, but I'd also like to love where I work. *shrug* That's not  always going to happen, though. Life.

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Geez, it's not like you're stealing the lady's job. They're behaving as though you masterminded some elaborate plan to knock her up and bump her off the job so that you could join their wonderful, wonderful company. You should adopt a "fuck it" attitude with these assholes because you'll be leaving soon, and the only person you need to try and suck up to is whoever's going to review your performance. Just do your job so and be polite so that that kind of stuff can't be used against you, but don't bother trying to be out-of-the-way nice to anyone. Everyone else can go die. I've been there :( Hopefully, your next place will be nicer, but don't hope too much. People suck.

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