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Today's rant about college

Posted by Kat, 20 May 2014 · 1002 views

rant school college shit
So today was fun. Long explanation incoming or else no one will understand this story xD

I've been trying to get in to this summer program with a college to take a CT (Computed Tomography) course. It's class with clinic hours, about 16 credit hours total. The director of the course is literally the most difficult person to get in contact with.
Last year I tried to get into this course and it didn't work out. He basically jerked me around and didn't get back with me over email, and told me I wouldn't get in because I didn't send him all the paperwork he needed. That was false.. but I was willing to let it slide and try again next year. I thought maybe I couldn't done more or tried harder to get in. Whatever.
So this year rolls around, and I decide I would try and get in the summer course and get it done and over with so I can get a better job. I started emailing him around February, to I could make sure I have plenty of time to get him the paperwork and everything done. I eventually went to the school (which is about 2 hours away from me) to meet with him in person and give him all the paperwork in person because he was taking forever to respond to emails. He stated that he would give me a clinic placement if I would attend the lecture on campus one day a week during the course. I agreed, I prefer class in person and it guaranteed me a spot. We talked about possible clinic placements, and he basically said it would be difficult to place me close to where I live because there are limited spots, and he gives the sought after spots to those with the highest GPA. That's fair. I told him I had an Aunt in Houston I could stay with during that time so if he could place me in Houston that would work. He said he would call me when he had placed me and that school should start about the first week of June. So I waited.
I started emailing him again at the beginning of May. I wanted to know when exactly he would place me, as I was sure I needed time to get finances in order, prepare accommodations, etc. A couple weeks go by.. no reply. It finally gets to yesterday, and I'm at my wit's end. After leaving him messages at his office and several emails, I'd had enough. I emailed his supervisor a long email about what had been going on, and how I NEEDED to know where I would be placed very soon. I had to make arrangements with my Aunt, get finances together, and make sure I'd even be placed at all. I was rightly afraid he had messed me around again, it was getting way too close to the start date of the course.
His supervisor never emailed me back.. but my instructor called me the next day, today.
He was.. very irate. Apparently his supervisor had forwarded him my email and spoke to him about it. He was very rude with me over the course of the phone call, but I got what I wanted. He placed me at a clinic near my Aunt's (whilst saying he was only doing it to "please the bosses") and emailed me all the paperwork I needed to proceed. He also stated he had been placing people with higher GPA's (lol yeah ok thanks) and just hadn't got to me yet. Yeah, whatever you say. So that leaves me less than 2 weeks to get everything together and go to my Aunt's the weekend before to start on Monday June 9th.
So, I've definitely started off this course on the wrong foot with my instructor, but I'm so glad I did what I did. I can't imagine how long we would have waited to get back to me otherwise, and it probably wouldn't have been enough time to get everything done that I needed to. I have to make sure my financial aid is sorted, register for the classes, get a background check and drug screen, buy books, buy scrubs, go to orientation, not to MENTION sort things with my saint of an aunt who is so willing to accommodate me. I'm grateful for her. I'm also grateful to have @Dan who has been helping me do all this and keep my head on straight. :wub:

So yeah, and that wasn't even half my day xD I'm looking forward to this course, but not looking forward to having this guy be my one and only instructor for class and clinic.. :unsure: Awks.

Woo, you can do it!! >< As with most administrative tasks, nothing will happen until you bug them about it =_="

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It's absolutely worth being a pain in the ass about school stuff. Like Eefi said...nothing gets done unless you pester them. :p

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