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Did curiousity really kill the cat?

Posted by Jozie, 26 November 2014 · 931 views

questions ask about me anything
Hello everyone!

So I am going into the world of Psychology once I graduate school and I know I will be asking a lot of people a lot of questions! So, I wanted to throw this out here!

If you could ask me anything, what would you ask?

Please remember to stay within the rules of NeoCodex!

You can ask one question or 100, it doesn't matter to me, I will answer them all!

Comment your questions below and I will gladly answer any and all questions in the next blog!

I am an open book and I love question and answers blogs!

Can we post vlogs on here?

Also, questions can be about me, Neopets (I love those) or world events or political views etc. as long as nothing turns into attacking someone else for their opinion or views!

If you had to pick a favourite fictional character, it would probably be Harley Quinn right?

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She is pretty sweet! @Dazz but I think I would choose Erza from Fairy Tail, she is bad ass!

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Are there any words you live by? (favorite proverb, quote, expression etc.)

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Seriously: "Smile and laugh!"


I believe smiling or laughing can change any mood that is negative. I am a very positive person. If I can't make myself laugh, I make someone else laugh! I do not like being in a foul mood so I do what I can to change my mood as soon as possible. It helps make other people's day happy. And as for smiling, smiling helps make others feel better and can make a difference in their day as well!



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What is one of your biggest regret that you're most comfortable sharing? If you even have any, of course.

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@Alexiel My biggest regret, I have many of them actually, but I guess I will say not fighting hard enough for my best friend when she decided that our friendship wasn't worth it once I moved out of Ohio to TN. She didn't think it was worth it to have an online friendship even though I visit Ohio a lot! I miss her and she was my girl. She knew everything up until the point she unfriended me on facebook! I miss her so much!


On a positive note: The best decision I ever made in my life was moving to Kentucky and finding my current boyfriend of almost 3 years (July 21) and my life just blossomed from there!

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@0ryx my new words to live by are:


"The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others."

-Mahatma Gandhi

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Do you believe in miracles? Have you experienced any?

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Do you believe in miracles? Have you experienced any?

I do believe in miracles, but not the kind you read about in the bible. Miracles happen every day, every minute of the day! It just depends on what a person deems is a miracle. A miracle to me is something that happens when you thought it 100% impossible to happen or occur, especially in situations you are oblivious that you are in! My biggest miracle is getting out of a psychologically and emotionally abusive relationship! There's no way I would be here to this day if I had stayed in that relationship. I left when it became physical abuse. The second biggest miracle is being able to go back to college and it being paid for without me having to work. I believe the next miracle for me to experience, will be having babies.

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