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Feeling sort of... oppressed...

Posted by Canis, 03 December 2014 · 1235 views

ferguson social issues justice etc close-minded ppl
Today I got into a really heated argument with my bf's parents about Ferguson, Mike Brown, Tamir Rice, police brutality, etc. That whole business.

It sucked so bad because Erik's parents are rather... close-minded when it comes to society. Which is funny because they're those type of parents who are on Facebook 24/7 and believe EVERYTHING they see on Facebook. It's a little sad.

They literally are on the couch browsing Facebook on their phones ANYTIME they are home, with the TV on in the background. Doing something in real life? Gonna take a picture for Facebook. Did you see this on Facebook? Facebook??? FACEbOOOK?!??
They're zombies almost. Yet they claim Erik and I sit on our asses playing video games, staring at laptop screens, etc. Like okay lol there is literally no difference here except what's on our screens.

His dad is very racist. He's white, middle-aged, hates homosexuals and ESPECIALLY black people. Black homosexuals??? He'd have a heart attack if one was even in the same room as him. (He doesn't know I'm bisexual... but I'm Asian and he's actually been respectful about that.) He watches COPS on a daily basis and is always saying "just shoot the bastard!!!" and he basically gets off when someone is tazed/tased(sp?).Doesn't matter what the motive is or who was in the wrong or whatever, "just fucking shoot the goddamn motherfucker". He often rambles on about "the damn Somalis everywhere".

His mom isn't as harsh as his dad, but she's still pretty close-minded herself. She overreacts about a LOT of things. She was trying to justify Tamir Rice's death. "Okay yes there is video evidence of the cop literally driving up to the 12 year old and shooting him, but what happened before that video?" Are you kidding me? 12 year old, unarmed, toy gun, and the police officer reported "black male down. appears to be 20, male." Are you fucking kidding me? A 12 year old??? ugh.

Excerpt from a blog post I made on tumblr:

And things like “how come there’s never any talk of non-black kids getting shot?”

Oh. My. Fucking. GOD.

"There needs to be another shooting so they can talk about someone else besides Mike Brown." -Bf’s dad

I cannot believe this household.

I was told to just shut up and that apparently I don’t know what I’m talking about.


And that I sound like a Texan. Okay then lmfao.

It’s just so frustrating. How do you get rid of ignorance? Through education? That didn’t seem to work obviously. I was just talked over, told to shut up, and then belittled because of my opinion, even though I did my research, and I was only able to explain maybe 3 or 4 points before getting interrupted and told to shut up. I did try saying back “you shut up and listen! You can’t just believe everything on Fox News!” But, alas, didn’t get through again.

I fucking give up trying to explain to people who are so close-minded and ignorant in their ways. I know for a fact that if this happened to one of their sons, or even worse their golden child granddaughter, they would start to see reason. How can I make them see? How can I put then into someone else’s shoes?

I can put the facts in front of them, but they won’t listen. I can lead a horse to water, but I can’t make em drink.

Society is fucked, honestly. Middle aged people with their “traditional values” and their “well its always been this way” shit. They won’t even give us youth the time to talk.

Erik's blog post:

I'm just glad that Erik isn't like his parents. If he was, I wouldn't be with him lol. So there's that.

They'll make the mistake of broadcasting these views on their beloved FB and someone, hopefully many someones will point out how wrong they really are. Fortunately archaic racist pricks are on the down trend. We all have our own lessons to learn, try not to let theirs weigh your shoulders. The universe will deliver, and they'll either change or die in 20 years anyway. Arent inlaws fantastic?

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People (ANY) who just sit on Facebook nonstop suck. Having said as much, I am rather Charles Barkley in my thoughts on recent events. That doesn't make me bad, and doesn't make me racist (even if the voices that tell you I am say it is so LMAO)...it just means I have my own distinct opinions that don't happen to be the ones pimped out fiercely by the current mainstream media "thoughts" on "what we should be thinking". Just thought I'd add my 2 cents there; I hope all gets better for you with your situation!

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@Kord I am a fan of Charles Barkley as well. It seems that more often than not in events like this, he says things people need to hear, but don't want to hear.

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Thanks you guys. :)

I don't mind opinions, but I draw the line at childish behavior such as "No I'm right and you're wrong" and "I'm just gonna talk over you while you try to explain why your argument is valid, so shut up". :/ 

Bf and I seriously need our own place, ugh. No means to do so quite yet though. ;_;

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I am very passionately on the same side as you. I get annoyed at my mom for saying things like "Well, the world isn't perfect, there's nothing you can do. Don't read these stories, you share too much on facebook about it, etc." Even though she generally agrees the police officers in these recent situations were in the wrong. I couldn't imagine people around me acting like these victims deserved to be murdered by police, I would flip the f*** out! Especially when children are harmed, or the Eric Garner situation. I block ignorant people on social media who share stupid shit about how we need to appreciate the police for their dangerous jobs! Like WTF?? All the men in my family work more statistically deadly jobs than law enforcement. Additionally, becoming a police officer is not difficult. The courts approved denying high IQ police applicants because they "may become bored". Like these are low IQ people who have went to police training for less time than it takes to become a barber. Why do people think that they are always right??? The simple fact is, police can mess up. You do not need to be totally for or against law enforcement, just realize they are people too, not invincible entities above us all who have a right to shoot us dead. 

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