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Being a cop, atheist, liberal, & female, in Oklahoma can be conflicting...

Posted by ausername, 18 February 2015 · 1519 views

So, being as this is my first blog post... I will post some background...

I grew up very poor, on welfare, with a single mom, one of 3 kids, moved around alot, raped, molested, mentally abused, drugs in the home, criminal activity, filthy houses, roaches, dog feces covering the floor, no heat in winter....
I had about 2 friends all through high school, never went on one date, never had a boyfriend, no prom, went through a depression, attempted suicide, transferred schools, graduated.
After high school, in 2007, I moved 100 miles away from home as soon as I could.
I had a condo, a new car, enrolled in school, working making about 65k a year, and a blossoming social life. I was seeing a guy with marriage potential. In 2008, I fell down stairs, ruptured several discs, dislocated my pelvis, tore three muscles...
I lost everything, guy I was dating said it was too much, dropped out of school, and moved back home, to the same conditions as my child hood.
In the year or so of my injury, I was completely isolated from society minus the internet. I became very introverted, and insecure about my future. I had no friends, my family sincerely believed I was a pill addict and there was nothing wrong with me up until the day I met with a neurosurgeon. I had no one to talk to, nothing to do, and was left alone, unable to walk. I thought a lot about life during that time.
In November of 2009, I finally had a surgery to repair the damages in my back. I was released to work in the spring of 2010.
In 2011, I moved back to Tulsa, enrolled in college, was working, started paying off my debt. I lived alone, and did things alone.
This is when I realized that no one will make it better but me. No one was there for me during the worst times if my life. God laid it in no one's heart to check on me, to see if I needed anything, or even pay back the money they owed me. No one cared about what happened to me, except for me.
This is when I realized I was an atheist. I cultivated my political and religious beliefs during this time. I read a lot and did a lot of community service type things, exposing myself to a variety of sociological situations.
Between then and now, I paid off all my debt, got a college degree, began a career, bought a car, got my dream dog, got promoted, and bought a house. I did all of this on my own with no financial support and very little moral support from anyone.
So here I find myself an atheist, progressive, political minded, opinionated cop in Oklahoma.
Many of the social groups I find my self in for one of my life aspects, completely clashes with the other.
I find myself being too liberal to be a cop, to conservative to be an atheist, and overall too everything to be in a functioning romantic relationship.

There are a few revolving themes that are used as insults towards me when things don't go how others plan in my life...
1. I am too proud of my opinions. I do not let others change my mind.
2. I do not apologize when I offend others' beliefs.
3. As an atheist, I will be unlikely to find people that share my beliefs as a cop as well.
4. As a cop, I'll never see the good in people.
5. I expect people to be like I am when it comes to humanity and service to others.
6. I hold people more accountable than they hold themselves.
7. I am unafraid to state my opinion even if it's offensive or not if the majority and I'll willfully alienate myself defending what I believe.
I see some of these things as potentially bad, but I don't feel like I'm a bad person.
I'm 26... no kids, never married... and at the end if every dating excursion, there is a conversation about what is wrong... these things usually come full circle. I'm beginning to think it is me, not them.
I never want to be the girl that puts her whole world in the hands of another, and I feel like my strong will has put off a lot of people... I'm independent to a fault, I would say. I don't know how to back down.
I'm not sure what kind of input I'm seeking, but I mostly am going to start blogging so I can vent. This is much cheaper than therapy and more convenient for my schedule.

All comments are welcome. No negativity.

Woooow... Heavy story! Love to see how strong you came out of it!

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Thanks for the compliment. 
Also, thanks for taking the time to read it.
I used to journal until I had a house fire and lost all my notebooks...


I feel like it let's stuff out... so that's why I will be doing on this...

No one really knows me, so I don't have to worry about it affecting anything in my life...

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4. As a cop, I'll never see the good in people.

When you take off the badge for the night, does this change? If you can -never- see the good in anyone, at any time, I kind of feel sorry for you. I do however understand not being able to relate to others, and closing myself off to any sort of emotional connection to someone. A member here, who I am very close to, said that I am an "emotional fortress" -- I wish I wasn't like that but being fucked over by others, especially ones who I thought I could trust, has ruined pretty much everything.


Blogging is a very powerful release for some, myself included. Being someone that can sympathize with the way you feel, I am always open to vent to if you need; just please don't internalize your feelings -- no good ever comes from that, trust me I know. 





6. I hold people more accountable than they hold themselves.

I am a strong believer in this one; I hate it when people aren't responsible and can't tell right from wrong. Get a fucking grip people!!

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I didn't say those things about myself - they are things that are constantly said to me.
I do try to see the good in others.
I get so sad seeing certain people booked in for bullshit charges...

I am getting better at not being a bleeding heart for the criminals of Oklahoma, but our system is kind of broken, and some people are losing... That is something I am not going to get passed.

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Yes, what Gekke said - heavy! Glad you've emerged from the dark times. It's true, only you will always be there for you. Friends come and go and family isn't always right there. It's great to become your own best friend - but don't let that or your beliefs isolate you! I don't have any particularly close friends but I hang out with a lot of different people. Sometimes they say or do things I don't agree with and I'll politely tell them. The days of fighting for what I think is right are behind me. All it does is make me angrier haha. People are going to listen to the people they want to listen to and do what they want to do. Their mistakes are not mine to fix. At the end of the day - I know I've made at least as many mistakes as those around me so I try to accept people the best I can.


@Adam - the "emotional fortress" comment: I feel like that's just what life does to people. I've met very few people who have been able to stay truly open to this stage of life (mid 20s). It's just best to protect yourself until someone has proven themselves to you somehow.


Anyways, my one negative comment: change the font from that awful pink color! I had to highlight everything just to read it ;)

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The font is white... because my background is dark grey...


I don't know how to do much editing on this... I looked, but I didn't see it...
I wanted to make a whole new theme, but I wasn't sure how.

I didn't know if that editor thing would let me download wordpress or something and format that way, so I just left. it. 

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Oh ok weird! I only see pink writing on a white background
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@Captain -- You can change our theme to Blue Bohegha at the bottom of the forum. Thats what I did to see this font.


oh and sorry I missed that last line before the list; it's really hard to read this terrible pink font X_X

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Yeah I can't read it either D: !! 

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Okay, let me change it.

I didn't realize everyone's background wasn't blue!

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Okay, I went to mobile dark, and changed it back to black text. That should make it better?
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Given the traumatic childhood you had, It's normal to have some social issues (like struggling with dating or finding the good in people). How can you find the good in someone if very few people have ever been good to you?


Your obviously smart, you put your self through school, despite all the curve balls that have been thrown at you, and you made something out of your life from having nothing in your childhood.


Being a cop though doesn't help in some ways. For example, your job is to stop and fix the bad things people are doing. So naturally, you see on a day to day basis the bad in people.


The first step I think you need is to find people who you can befriend who accept you for who you are. That doesn't mean you look at all the bad in them, and steer yourself away. No one is perfect, everyone has a lot of bad in them. But finding a way to look past the bad, and look at the good things in their life will help.


Most of my friends for example are going no wheres in life. They are not in or done with school. But I look past that at who they are, which is loyal, generous, and happy people. I don't bring up the fact they are no in school, or even really think about it that much, because no one needs to hear that or think that. They are happy on their own path, and that's all that matters.

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I have an issue finding people that respect my career enough to at least not tell me about breaking the law...

That's why it is an issue for me. I think marijuana should be legal, but it isn't...

Before I was a cop, I had a lot of friends that smoked...

They can't do it around me now - I believe in the integrity of my position.

They don't get why it changed, but if I am going to enforce one law, I can't turn a blind eye to another...

Given, I won't cite or arrest people for possession, but it can not be in my social circles.

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hm... That's tough. Most of my friends smoke weed, including myself, but I live in Cali, and I am not nor do I plan on becoming a cop, so I've never faced that issue.


You need to get out and find people who don't smoke. Its tough is this day and age where smoking weed is becoming more and more common. Its also just a matter of time until the laws catch up to society, but you can't wait for that.


Have you ever thought about moving our of state? I don't want to push you, but I've never had any great impressions of Oklahoma (no offense intended). Sometimes, getting up and moving some where's else can really help. I grew up in a suburb on the east coast, feeling disconnecting from the people there. I moved across the country, and my life is completely different now, as i feel more part of the community, and connected to more like-minded people.

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I'm really glad to see you back here and love that you shared so much here...you express yourself incredibly well.

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Hi there,

Thanks for sharing your story, I really liked it. 

While I do not consider myself atheist (more agnostic-like), I find it hard to talk to my family about my problems since they are very religious and just tell me that I can ask God for everything and it will work out kind of attitude. It is a circle of "ask God" or "Pray about it" and it really bugs me when I feel like I need something more personal than that. I have had a lot of problems lately and I realize ultimately I am the only one who can attempt to address most of the problems. I can relate to some of the feeling there about how there are some things God can't fix. 

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Thank you guys for your feedback. 


I don't really have an outlet for this, so I am glad it was received well here.


I don't like to bash god, or demean those who believe, but if someone wants to make comments or push their god at me, I will destroy them. I debate very well about the things I am passionate. I have yet to meet a person of strong enough faith and high enough intelligence to actually debate theology with me. Usually they either get angry and say something like "that is why it is called faith" or they have an epiphany and get very sad and start crying...

So usually, I just don't bring it up. I just sit here or there listening to what an amazing god a person has, while children die from disease all over the world, and millions of innocent lives are taken through wars to prove which god is the best... 

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Wow, good on you for making it out of such horrible circumstances and functioning as well as you do. Romance may not be something you're able to share with someone right now, but I'm sure you will eventually find someone right for you.


I'm glad you have the integrity to uphold the laws you are responsible for, even when it creates difficulties for your social life. I know a cop whom I have difficulty respecting because he does not.

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I had that battle with myself... how far would I let my discretion go - but ultimately I realized that if I wasn't consistent with what I believed and what I would allow - that I would be consumed with worry over my decisions. I am happy for the most part.

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