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"One of the boys" that has a vagina...

Posted by ausername, 23 February 2015 · 1082 views

Being a female in law enforcement, a male dominated field, I find myself facing challenges. I don't think they are the challenges one would expect. I haven't been passed by for awards, promotions, or assignments because I am a female. I make the same, and a little more than some of my coworkers. I am given the same opportunities as the guys, and I am greatly appreciative of this.
This issues I face are more cultural and societal than they are professional.
A lot of cops are very work oriented people - we spend long hours at work, molding our career, and building our future. We get married to the job... We see our coworkers more than our families.

So, being that the ratio of female to male employees in my organization is likely 1:20, I find myself surrounded by men daily. Of the women that work with me, once you rule out those who are not into men, those who are married, or those with 5 children, I am one of a few young, single women here. I get a lot of attention. I am not saying it isn't nice to be flirted with, but these men get ridiculous. Several of them are married and in relationships. They think because they have a badge and a gun that they are stud muffins. I don't get it. I don't act different in my personal life because of my career. I don't walk into the club and walk up to a couple and tell the guy is dancing with me whether she likes it or not, but that is the mentality some of these guys have.

I don't understand it. It usually doesn't bother me. I brush it off, haha, whatever guys... but when I am trying to do my job and be taken seriously, but I keep getting called "honey," "sweetie," "darlin'," & "sugar," - it enrages me. It is one thing for someone's grandma to call me those things, but when my peers, who should respect my position and authority are calling me those names, it feels degrading.

I am not one to label myself with "feminist" because I don't think any human right, or dignified request should be labeled as a term like that. I don't know if that makes sense... Kind of like I am not a "gay rights" activist, or a pro-choice proponent... I believe we all deserve respect and the right to live our lives on our terms, pending you don't infringe on the life of another living being...

I digressed again - but basically - I want to punch them in the face when they use these pet names for me.
What set me off on this rant is this:

Coworker sends out mass text: I need someone to cover X shift at X location.
I reply: What date is the shift.
Coworker: Later today. Who is this?
Me: *my name* I will take the shift.
Coworker: Thank you so much sweetie
Me: You're welcome (even though you called me fucking sweetie!)
Coworker: Anything I can do for you let me know .... ;)

Seriously... this guy has a girlfriend and 4 kids.
Some might say, oh he is just being nice or maybe he doesn't understand emoticons.
He was being overly nice and he knows what he was saying with that.

I won't ever be the girl that can't cut it with the boys, so I never report this stuff, but at the very least, when this stuff continues - which it always does - it is harassment.

If I say "hey man, don't wink at me like that" or "stop being flirty" - it gets ugly or confrontational.

I don't know that I want advice on this, but I really wanted to rant about it.

Thank you for listening.

A lot of guys are assholes. Just up your sass and be more of a bitch in kind. :p

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Oh wow, I was unaware law enforcement was having these issues as well! I'm from an industry that's also very male dominated (well, hey, IT, no surprise there) & with less than one in ten employees being women I can definitely relate. Admittedly, in my country the issues don't seem to be as bad as elsewhere in the world, but D=! -hugs-

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I think it's really belittling to use such "friendly" nicknames like that. Heck, I call my dog sweetie, I wouldn't do the same to a coworker. I don't understand why people can't just remain professional when in a work environment/discussing work and leave the flirtatious behavior at home :/

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I don't get it either.

I had a meeting today with important people and they would cut me off, assuming they knew what I was going to say - and they were wrong every time.

It pissed me off. 

Then, the shift I covered, was guarding an inmate at the hospital... multiple A&Bs on police - attempted to attack me with a fork... but it was plastic and he was medicated so it wasn't a huge deal...


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This is kind of the reason why I hope to work in a more gender-balanced ratio career. As much as many careers interest me, I don't think I could handle that type of treatment. I admire those who are stronger than I am. Nice post!

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Thank you for the boost in morale! :) Today was a long day... I worked 16 hours from midnight on 2/23 to midnight tonight... and I am at work now. I requested a week off though, so hopefully nothing horrible goes wrong with Neopets... Haha.
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