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Bees. It's okay to be scared.

Posted by danibanani, 21 May 2015 · 838 views

So yesterday after having had the most scary experience of my life, I felt the need to record it and share with everyone.

I'm deathly allergic to bumble bees. I could die if not given a shot right away, or taken to the emergency room. I stepped on one when I was little, and thank god for my grandparents. They knew what to do, before they anyone even knew I was allergic. Now wasps and other bees, they just hurt, but I won't die. Which is nice when you think about it.

I babysit for a living. I also have my own kids. One was at school, and I had two boys at home, both of them 2 years old and I swear, they had the time of their life just watching me, sitting on the couch like I asked because I was scared. A bumble bee managed to get inside my house. I spent the first 15 minutes after finding it, debating on how to capture it. Or kill it, but since bumble bees are good for the Earth, I decided to trap it and release it. Good on me, right? So deathly allergic and I still won't kill the stupid thing.

It landed on an empty raisin box on the kitchen table so I thought, perfect! I'll just drop a cup over top of it and it'll be trapped. It took a couple tries because I was so scared and slow that I didn't want to go near it but I knew I had to. I could hear my boyfriend laughing from the bedroom. The guy was supposed to be sleeping since he works nights, and instead of helping me, listened and laughed at me.

Finally caught the stupid bee!! I asked the boys for help to find a piece of cardboard to slide under the cup. That took a while. They thought it would be funny to let the bee go. Now it was flying around, pissed off that he was trapped. I threw a towel at it. Managed to get it under that cup again and told the boys to sit on the couch again and I would find some cardboard myself.

Fast forward to when I finally manage to get out the door, without the boys or my dogs and cat getting outside with me while I have this bee in my hands. I set the cup and cardboard on the ground, took me a few minutes to work up the courage to lift the cup up. Keep in mind, this was one of my favourite glass drinking cups, but it was the only thing closest to me, and I didn't want to go near the kitchen where this thing was buzzing about.

I finally lift the cup it, the bee is going, going, and it flies right at my face!! I threw my cup in the air and was in the door before it even hit the ground. I heard the smash. There goes my favourite glass.

The bee was gone.

Nothing else mattered.

Very funny, I enjoyed reading this.

I do agree that bees can be scary, and I know how allergies suck (peanut allergy myself).

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Looking back I am starting to see the humour in it lol. Allergies to suck. Sorry that you're allergic to peanuts. I couldn't imagine having to go through life with that.

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It's not as bad now as the law has changed so that packets must say what allergies they contain, and restaurants should have allergy menus. Means no Asian takeaways usually though, which is not so bad.

Bees are something which can appear anywhere, which is scary in of itself.

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