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Daily Puzzle

??? Today's Answer

Answer: ???
Prize: ???

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Date Question Answer Prize
+ On the ninth day of Hiding, Year 2, this lovely Neopet was discovered: ???
+ What is the first step for drawing a Nova? ???
+ Where is Storytelling located? We want to know what happens next. ???
+ *slurp* Which species has its own delicious wearable lolly? ???
+ This makes your Neopet happy! Hurrah! The others, not so much. ???
+ Where is the Spring Shop located? We need a little spring in our step. ???
+ In what hidden cavern can you turn a Krawk Petpet into a Krawk Neopet? ???
+ What faerie element are the Drenched? ???
+ HI! Expecting a sad question? Sorry! We want to know which item is GLOWING! YAY!
+ Who is the main character of The Unlucky Blumaroo?
+ Where can you buy a Pink Lutari Morphing Potion? ???
+ Which lamp will add a nice glow to a room?
+ Okay, we chased away the last of the Kookiths. Whew! Which item can be found while fishing?
+ We, um, have a small Kookith problem. Where is the second level of Kookia located?
+ What colour can you NOT paint a Kookith? ???
+ What colour of Kookith resembles a present? ???
+ What sort of Petpet belongs to the Lab Ray Scientist? ???
+ *holds hat* On this day in Year 2, what site feature was added? ???
+ Who do you play in Biscuit Brigade? ???
+ What game features comets rushing toward Neopia? OH NO! ???
+ *ZOOOM* Who was that Shoyru Scout? He saved the cheese! ???
+ The Shop Wizard is your friendly guide to what kind of shopping?
+ This Neopet species is famous for its loyalty: ???
+ Which game do you play if you're applying to be Treasurer for King Roo? ???
+ This Korbat is locked up in the Darigan Citadel. Even we don't know why. ???
+ This alien Petpet is part plant: ???
+ The people of this place suffered a terrible curse: ???
+ What does a Zombie Jetsam love most? 400 NP (finder86)
+ This messenger game features Yooyus: 350 NP (finder86)
+ No Data

About The Daily Puzzle

This page keeps track of the Daily Puzzles found on the Pet Central page of Neopets. Automaticallly the system will get the question and the answer. Sometimes it will get the prize but not everytime. Users like you can help keep the prize database complete by submitting it. Trophies are awarded for most helpful members!

What are Daily Puzzles?
It is a poll found on the Neopets Pet Central page. Click Here to visit Pet Central. Each day you have one chance to get the answer correct. If you get it correct, you are awarded a prize. This prize is same for all winners. After you send in an answer you will be shown if you got it right or not, and on consequent visits to Pet Central you will see a Daily Poll in its place until the next day when you can try another puzzle!

Why a range for the date?
The logs are kept track in NST (Neopian Standard Time) because the events take place according to this timezone. For instance, if Tarla is not coming today, the ???, then there will be no drop in that 24 hour period no matter which timezone you are in. So if your timezone does not match NST (PST) it will show the corresponing range. An example using today's date and your timezone settings:

  • NST Date = ??? 12:00:00 AM - ??? 11:59:59 PM
  • PST Date = April 28, 2024 12:00:00 AM - April 28, 2024 11:59:59 PM
  • Your Date = -- - January 1, 1970 3:59:59 PM

All drop times will be in your timezone settings. You can change your timezone by going to your Board Settings.