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Daily Puzzle

??? Today's Answer

Answer: ???
Prize: ???

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Date Question Answer Prize
+ What is the Sewage Surfer's name? ???
+ How many mouths does a mutant Aisha have? ???
+ Which of the following is NOT an ingredient in Hot Magma? ???
+ Who plays Left Defender for the Virtupets Yooyuball team? ???
+ What flavour is the bun of a Cookie Hot Dog? 350 NP
+ Which fruit is said to help you gain knowledge if you eat it? ???
+ What is the name of the Usul heroine of Nuts, A Love Story? ???
+ How many Virtucreds does radar cost in Evil Fuzzles From Beyond the Stars 2? ???
+ Which Petpet species does NOT wear a hat when painted Christmas? ???
+ What is the name of the main character of Where the Elephantes Roam? ???
+ What is NOT included in the Purple Slorg Usuki Set? ???
+ The Tyrannian Foods shop is in the shape of which Neopian species? ???
+ Who is the main character in Tunnel Tumble? ???
+ Who adores the Grilled Ummagine Slushie? ???
+ Other than bread, what is an Altalaphus's favourite food? ???
+ The shopkeeper at Cog's Togs is a member of which Neopian species? ???
+ Which Neopian land had its own themed birthday cake for Neopia's 7th birthday? ???
+ What kind of fruit is served on the Neovian Cannoli? ???
+ What colour are a faerie Poogle's markings? ???
+ What is Squire Venable allergic to? 425 NP
+ What symbol is on the end of the wizard's wand in Spellseeker? 325 NP
+ What species of Neopet can be seen on the roof of the Toy Repair Shop? 300 NP
+ What kind of sea shell is pictured on the Stained Glass Shell Window? ???
+ Which illness can be cured with Dried Orange Peels? ???
+ What is the name of the main character of The Pterrible Pteri? 425 NP
+ What kind of herb is used in The Faerie Queen Burrito? ???
+ Which Neopian species does NOT wear a headdress when painted Desert? ???
+ How many points is the Nova worth in Lost in Space Fungus? ???
+ In which Neopian month is the Koi celebrated? ???
+ What does a Maraquan Slorg have that other Slorgs don't? ???

About The Daily Puzzle

This page keeps track of the Daily Puzzles found on the Pet Central page of Neopets. Automaticallly the system will get the question and the answer. Sometimes it will get the prize but not everytime. Users like you can help keep the prize database complete by submitting it. Trophies are awarded for most helpful members!

What are Daily Puzzles?
It is a poll found on the Neopets Pet Central page. Click Here to visit Pet Central. Each day you have one chance to get the answer correct. If you get it correct, you are awarded a prize. This prize is same for all winners. After you send in an answer you will be shown if you got it right or not, and on consequent visits to Pet Central you will see a Daily Poll in its place until the next day when you can try another puzzle!

Why a range for the date?
The logs are kept track in NST (Neopian Standard Time) because the events take place according to this timezone. For instance, if Tarla is not coming today, the ???, then there will be no drop in that 24 hour period no matter which timezone you are in. So if your timezone does not match NST (PST) it will show the corresponing range. An example using today's date and your timezone settings:

  • NST Date = ??? 12:00:00 AM - ??? 11:59:59 PM
  • PST Date = May 3, 2024 12:00:00 AM - May 3, 2024 11:59:59 PM
  • Your Date = -- - January 1, 1970 3:59:59 PM

All drop times will be in your timezone settings. You can change your timezone by going to your Board Settings.