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30th day of Relaxing, Y12 June 29-30, 2010
Across Down
1. skyfire
3. poem
7. grey (Lando)
9. cavities (weke)
11. robot
12. mug
13. shy
15. kelland
2. fungus
4. meepit
5. bearog
6. bearog (weke)
8. garoo
10. gothic
14. jar
29th day of Relaxing, Y12 June 28-29, 2010
Across Down
5. aaa (TheWu)
6. donny
7. nml (Hydrogen)
9. blumaroo
10. one (jcrdude)
11. feet
13. tasting
15. egg
1. bonevault
2. lead
3. jellybeans (Noitidart)
4. capara
8. nose
12. tiger (Noitidart)
14. two
28th day of Relaxing, Y12 June 27-28, 2010
Across Down
4. ixi
5. moehog
6. usul
8. derby
11. turmaculus (Noitidart)
13. zenco (Noitidart)
14. egg
1. khonsu
2. mug
3. tigermouse
7. lava
9. hat (Hydrogen)
10. cube
12. race
13. zed
27th day of Relaxing, Y12 June 26-27, 2010
Across Down
4. mipsy
6. matic
9. roodoku
10. gallion
13. royal
14. kalora
1. koi (Hydrogen)
2. nml (Hydrogen)
3. cyan
5. pink
7. acara
8. chokato
11. nachos
12. chia (Lando)
15. ant
26th day of Relaxing, Y12 June 25-26, 2010
Across Down
3. four
5. matt
6. half
9. chia
10. starry
11. puce
12. kentari
1. lostdesert (Hydrogen)
2. evil
4. thyora
7. nine (Hydrogen)
8. kau (Noitidart)
9. cylara
13. nml (Hydrogen)
14. ixi (Hydrogen)
25th day of Relaxing, Y12 June 24-25, 2010
Across Down
4. one
5. sentient
9. fungus
11. ixi
12. rocktree
14. snot
1. yes
2. uni
3. hat (jcrdude)
6. trousers (Lando)
7. myncis
8. egg
10. six
13. turbo
15. two (Noitidart)
24th day of Relaxing, Y12 June 23-24, 2010
Across Down
3. stix
5. bagatelle
7. ten
9. one
10. aboogala
11. run
12. brain (Lando)
15. eliv
1. blue (Lando)
2. arbiter (Lando)
4. tree
6. tombola
8. fleapit
13. red (jcrdude)
14. ixi
23rd day of Relaxing, Y12 June 22-23, 2010
Across Down
3. half
4. feet
6. roo
7. oak
8. jar
10. eyrie (jcrdude)
11. foodclub
12. lamp (Noitidart)
13. egg
14. one
1. kalahnto
2. neogitus
5. three (Noitidart)
8. jacques
9. windspeed
22nd day of Relaxing, Y12 June 21-22, 2010
Across Down
3. vitality (Hydrogen)
5. lake
7. nml (Hydrogen)
9. ryshu
10. quiguki
12. mutant (Lando)
13. soup
14. ditrey (Noitidart)
1. slingshot
2. pteri
4. roll (Hydrogen)
6. kari (Noitidart)
8. sun
11. usul
12. maid
21st day of Relaxing, Y12 June 20-21, 2010
Across Down
2. tonu (Noitidart)
3. geb
7. blumaroo
10. art
11. bow (Noitidart)
12. lyins
15. acara
1. mug
4. bomatoge
5. chomby
6. graveyard (Noitidart)
8. lumps
9. grey (Lando)
13. nigel
14. brown (TheWu)
20th day of Relaxing, Y12 June 19-20, 2010
Across Down
3. bow (Noitidart)
5. evil
6. web
8. draphly (Hydrogen)
10. plaza
11. urgoni
12. kau (Noitidart)
14. gragarex (Noitidart)
1. nabile
2. petpet
4. werhond (Noitidart)
7. lizark
9. lava
12. kentari
13. acara
19th day of Relaxing, Y12 June 18-19, 2010
Across Down
2. robot
5. nml (Hydrogen)
8. cobrall
10. usul
11. key
12. six
13. green (Dru)
15. milo
1. pate (jcrdude)
3. bumbluz
4. wocky
6. magax
7. brucicle
9. bruce (Ints)
14. nox
18th day of Relaxing, Y12 June 17-18, 2010
Across Down
4. nimmo
5. run
6. five (Noitidart)
7. roburg
11. khonsu
13. dieter
1. worms (Lando)
2. cubefish
3. weewoo (Hydrogen)
4. neoflu (Noitidart)
8. bruce
9. red
10. leek
12. nox
14. ixi
17th day of Relaxing, Y12 June 16-17, 2010
Across Down
1. petpet
3. dorak
4. verb (jcrdude)
7. illusen
10. evil
12. shy
13. one
2. puddle
5. blurg
6. greevix (Noitidart)
7. ixi (Hydrogen)
8. nose
9. fyora (Noitidart)
11. leek
13. oak
16th day of Relaxing, Y12 June 15-16, 2010
Across Down
1. purple
4. dust
5. cybit
7. bearog
11. dorak
12. draik
13. cherry (Noitidart)
2. petpet
3. sitar
4. dofrey
6. bug
8. roo
9. skyfire
10. mika
11. pack
15th day of Relaxing, Y12 June 14-15, 2010
Across Down
4. box
8. air
9. kau (Noitidart)
10. zambra (Noitidart)
11. hog
12. petpet
13. ixi
14. ant
15. island (Noitidart)
1. chia (Noitidart)
2. socks (Noitidart)
3. zygorax
5. poem
6. prigpants (Noitidart)
7. buzzer (Hydrogen)
14th day of Relaxing, Y12 June 13-14, 2010
Across Down
4. kelland
6. hissi (Steezy)
8. frogarott
10. eight
11. poem (Noitidart)
13. nose
14. geb
1. lumps
2. nml (Hydrogen)
3. von
4. kikolake
5. fifty
7. kreludor
9. tent
12. one (Hydrogen)
13th day of Relaxing, Y12 June 12-13, 2010
Across Down
5. zarex
6. orb
8. sun
9. psimouse
10. aaa (TheWu)
12. bruce
13. kingroo
14. whoot
15. bow (Noitidart)
1. nox
2. purple (Noitidart)
3. vacumatic
4. anshu
7. rainbow
11. krawk (TheWu)
12th day of Relaxing, Y12 June 11-12, 2010
Across Down
3. kau (Noitidart)
6. tech
7. illusen (Steezy)
8. bruce
9. robot
11. royal
13. kari (Noitidart)
15. six
1. hiding
2. quest
4. thorn
5. elders
10. bori
12. yes
14. ant
11th day of Relaxing, Y12 June 10-11, 2010
Across Down
3. jar
5. lime
7. two (Noitidart)
8. matic
10. warf (Hydrogen)
13. trombone (Hydrogen)
14. corner
1. marrow
2. sitar
4. jam
6. ixi
9. taxbeast (Noitidart)
11. fir
12. snot
15. ten
10th day of Relaxing, Y12 June 9-10, 2010
Across Down
3. four (jcrdude)
5. proto
7. eating
8. eamann
10. isca
11. swords
14. koi
1. kiko
2. dump
3. fufonlui (Noitidart)
4. moltenus (Noitidart)
6. aaa (TheWu)
9. lake
12. web
13. dua
9th day of Relaxing, Y12 June 8- 9, 2010
Across Down
2. verb (jcrdude)
4. quest
7. hannah
10. maid
11. chokato
12. respirator (ToxicS)
15. six
1. dust
3. blue (Lando)
5. sarn
6. shed (Noitidart)
8. adopt
9. sophie
13. ppl
14. run
8th day of Relaxing, Y12 June 7- 8, 2010
Across Down
2. mud (Noitidart)
4. ham (Noitidart)
6. crisis
9. hog
10. fifteen (Noitidart)
12. magma (jcrdude)
14. lake
1. turmac
3. chia (Noitidart)
5. uni
7. sandals
8. shield
11. one
13. geb
15. kau
7th day of Relaxing, Y12 June 6- 7, 2010
Across Down
2. nakron
4. turdle
6. eliv
8. one
10. blue (Lando)
11. four
12. cup
13. woogy
1. good
3. evil
4. three
5. roodoku
7. pofew
9. edna
10. bruceyb
6th day of Relaxing, Y12 June 5- 6, 2010
Across Down
2. fan
5. kauvara
6. chia (Lando)
7. cup
8. babaa (Noitidart)
9. red
11. grey (Lando)
12. royal
1. edna
2. fireyooyu
3. evil
4. kau
5. kauboy (jcrdude)
7. coral
10. orb
5th day of Relaxing, Y12 June 4- 5, 2010
Across Down
2. chia
3. bites
4. flower (Zeeknon)
7. carrots
8. hippalop
10. acara
12. four (jcrdude)
13. strong
1. warf
3. bow (Noitidart)
5. lutari
6. yes
8. hair (Zeeknon)
9. proto
11. uni
4th day of Relaxing, Y12 June 3- 4, 2010
Across Down
4. ten (Noitidart)
5. carpet
7. dua
9. gwernial
10. math
11. eyrie
13. ixi
1. lamp (Noitidart)
2. sandals
3. jam
6. turtum
8. sidney
9. gothic
12. ryshu
14. isca
3rd day of Relaxing, Y12 June 2- 3, 2010
Across Down
4. werhond (Noitidart)
5. one
7. samrin (Noitidart)
9. skirt (TheWu)
10. orb
12. box
13. kau
14. krawk
1. blew
2. faeries
3. run
6. vinarok
8. airax
11. bow (Noitidart)
12. bug
2nd day of Relaxing, Y12 June 1- 2, 2010
Across Down
1. mika
3. maid
4. shoyru
5. gold
6. lunara
10. raspberry
13. red (jcrdude)
14. ltd
2. kikolake
3. mug
7. wand
8. eyrie
9. judge
11. ppl
12. roo
1st day of Relaxing, Y12 May 31 - June 1, 2010
Across Down
3. jub
5. usul
6. coral
7. egg
8. dua
9. super
11. woe
13. masila
1. gabar
2. apple
4. tulip (Hydrogen)
6. cracked (Noitidart)
9. shield
10. extreme
12. yes

About Faerie Crossword

This page keeps track of the crossword answers for everyday. The answers are kept up to date by the members!

What is the Faerie Crossword?
It is a crossword puzzle game that can be played many times a day. It can be found on Neopets here. Everyday you get once chance to play for Neopoints. Beating it within 5 minutes wins you 600NP. This is the maximum payout. You can continue to play as your active pet will likely be awarded intelligence points.