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--January 1, 1970 Today's Answers
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2nd day of Storing, Y11 November 2, 2009
Across Down
4. kipper
8. orb
10. ltd
11. kacheek
14. ixi
1. oak
2. mop
3. one (Hydrogen)
5. penelope
6. kalora
7. tombola
9. fish
11. kau
12. cove
13. evil
October 31 - November 1, 2009
Across Down
No Data
October 30-31, 2009
Across Down
No Data
30th day of Collecting, Y11 October 29-30, 2009
Across Down
5. petpet
7. gormball
9. lowfat
12. quiguki
13. apple
15. evil
1. cookie (Noitidart)
2. dua
3. ppl
4. kentari
6. ten
8. milo
10. funky
11. lumps
14. leek
29th day of Collecting, Y11 October 28-29, 2009
Across Down
2. sitar
5. onion
7. toy
8. vampire (Noitidart)
10. vira
11. dive
12. egg
14. potions
1. braintree
3. ona
4. hippalop
5. one
6. ixi
9. red
13. gold
28th day of Collecting, Y11 October 27-28, 2009
Across Down
4. chokato
6. bob
7. nine (Hydrogen)
9. hat (Hydrogen)
10. lupes
11. two
12. shy
14. spyder (Noitidart)
1. roodoku
2. alton
3. smile
5. potions
8. neolodge
10. lenny
13. hero
27th day of Collecting, Y11 October 26-27, 2009
Across Down
3. apple
6. teemyte (jcrdude)
7. gold
8. jetsam
10. three
11. ltd
13. rainbow (Noitidart)
14. eight
1. cove
2. spyder (Noitidart)
4. petpet
5. two
7. grimtooth
9. art
12. drop
26th day of Collecting, Y11 October 25-26, 2009
Across Down
5. plushies
8. goparokko
10. national
15. rock
1. adee
2. kau
3. kiko (Hydrogen)
4. leek
6. lenny
7. hog
9. pet
11. acko
12. ixi
13. neopox
14. nose
25th day of Collecting, Y11 October 24-25, 2009
Across Down
5. cobrall
8. ant
9. kau
11. extreme
12. rock
14. mutating (Hydrogen)
1. lair
2. roll (Hydrogen)
3. whoot
4. tonu
6. lime
7. water
10. ixi (Hydrogen)
13. osiri
15. tash
24th day of Collecting, Y11 October 23-24, 2009
Across Down
5. air
6. carpet
7. sundried
9. stix
10. dart
11. jimmi
12. nachos
1. dua
2. jeran
3. jar
4. seek
6. christmas
8. eating
13. cup
14. orb
23rd day of Collecting, Y11 October 22-23, 2009
Across Down
3. orb
4. cloud
7. good
8. ona
9. ppl
10. nerkmids
11. random
15. cheaphotel
1. darigan
2. roo
5. lumps
6. croissant
12. dorak
13. holly (Hydrogen)
14. shy
22nd day of Collecting, Y11 October 21-22, 2009
Across Down
1. transfer
5. geb
6. ltd
7. aaa (TheWu)
8. expellibox
9. tulip (Hydrogen)
11. aisha
12. ona
14. nuk
2. fullhouse
3. fishpop
4. fake
5. gallion
10. ixi
13. ant
21st day of Collecting, Y11 October 20-21, 2009
Across Down
2. beard (Hydrogen)
6. acko
7. warf (Hydrogen)
9. ona
10. hagan (Hydrogen)
11. tulip (Hydrogen)
12. morphing (Hydrogen)
1. fir
3. acara
4. lowfat
5. vira (TheWu)
8. cup
9. onion (TheWu)
13. hog
14. geb
20th day of Collecting, Y11 October 19-20, 2009
Across Down
3. roxton
5. sabre
7. koi
10. zygorax
11. galem
15. yurble
1. crisis
2. uni
4. chia
6. buzzer (Hydrogen)
8. hog
9. ona
12. lunara
13. mystic
14. plesio
19th day of Collecting, Y11 October 18-19, 2009
Across Down
5. ixi
6. tartan
7. roo
8. feet
9. mini
11. ten
12. shadow
1. dust
2. pinklet
3. nerkmids
4. zarex
8. fish
10. von
12. six
13. ant
18th day of Collecting, Y11 October 17-18, 2009
Across Down
3. deakon (TheWu)
5. evil
6. red
7. peanut
8. sundried
10. oak
12. robot
14. tent
1. wand
2. green
4. nose
7. penelope
9. doubles
11. ltd
13. art
17th day of Collecting, Y11 October 16-17, 2009
Across Down
5. gothic
7. ona
9. teleport
11. yes
12. laugh
15. exam
1. kiko
2. ruki
3. hagan
4. frostbite
6. cooty
8. koi
10. evil
13. aaa (TheWu)
14. hero
16th day of Collecting, Y11 October 15-16, 2009
Across Down
No Data
15th day of Collecting, Y11 October 14-15, 2009
Across Down
No Data
14th day of Collecting, Y11 October 13-14, 2009
Across Down
2. red
5. meturf
7. split
8. koi
9. mirgle
11. isca
14. deakon (TheWu)
1. felf
3. pet
4. bugs
6. kingroo
8. key
10. jade
12. six
13. hat
13th day of Collecting, Y11 October 12-13, 2009
Across Down
3. acko
5. scarab
7. warf
11. fireyooyu
14. krawk
15. evil
1. bows
2. chia
4. glare
6. charnie
8. kau
9. pofew
10. kiko
12. ruki
13. yes
12th day of Collecting, Y11 October 11-12, 2009
Across Down
No Data
11th day of Collecting, Y11 October 10-11, 2009
Across Down
4. monsters
5. tiger
7. ten
8. ona
9. peanut
10. vaeolus (TheWu)
12. geb
1. bilge
2. uni
3. vegetables (TheWu)
4. meriball
5. tent
6. proto
10. vira
11. super
10th day of Collecting, Y11 October 9-10, 2009
Across Down
3. web
5. scary
7. slushie
9. star
10. rink
11. drop
14. wormholes
1. fiery
2. neovia
4. blurg
6. cherry
8. hannah
9. skirt (TheWu)
12. boy
13. ten
9th day of Collecting, Y11 October 8- 9, 2009
Across Down
6. primella
7. roll (Hydrogen)
10. snowbeast
13. conundrum (TheWu)
15. studded
1. lime
2. crossword
3. club
4. math
5. snow
8. lint
9. geb
11. six
12. roo
14. usul
8th day of Collecting, Y11 October 7- 8, 2009
Across Down
4. kau
6. dice
8. bruno
9. undead
11. ring
12. almost
15. chicken
1. peanut
2. race
3. godori
5. face
7. churros
10. ppl
13. maid
14. one
7th day of Collecting, Y11 October 6- 7, 2009
Across Down
3. dua
5. krawk (TheWu)
7. meat
9. blue
11. kalora
13. hostile
14. ryshu
1. jade
2. vibraphone
3. pack
4. lake
6. web
8. tekel
10. brown (TheWu)
12. pteri
6th day of Collecting, Y11 October 5- 6, 2009
Across Down
3. sophie
4. egg
5. bluenegg
9. pet
11. ixi
12. ona
13. benny
1. nigel
2. shy
3. sarn
6. ultra
7. green
8. city
10. bob
14. eyrie
5th day of Collecting, Y11 October 4- 5, 2009
Across Down
No Data
4th day of Collecting, Y11 October 3- 4, 2009
Across Down
4. grarrl
5. avatar
6. brains
8. dart
10. black
11. unknown
14. ixi
1. geraptiku (Hydrogen)
2. tiger
3. air
6. barik (TheWu)
7. nuk
9. two
12. nox
13. woe

About Faerie Crossword

This page keeps track of the crossword answers for everyday. The answers are kept up to date by the members!

What is the Faerie Crossword?
It is a crossword puzzle game that can be played many times a day. It can be found on Neopets here. Everyday you get once chance to play for Neopoints. Beating it within 5 minutes wins you 600NP. This is the maximum payout. You can continue to play as your active pet will likely be awarded intelligence points.