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--January 1, 1970 Today's Answers
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3rd day of Gathering, Y11 September 2- 3, 2009
Across Down
2. poem
6. urgoni
7. cry
8. gone
9. tekel
11. hat
13. half
14. dirt
1. donny
3. snow
4. pickle
5. branches
8. gold
10. karma
12. thorn
1. new
2nd day of Gathering, Y11 September 1- 2, 2009
Across Down
4. cup
5. math
6. wand
7. ten
8. meturf
11. shy
12. well
13. flash
1. ona
2. red
3. kau
4. chicken
6. water
9. felf
10. chase
1st day of Gathering, Y11 August 31 - September 1, 2009
Across Down
3. shadow
8. tech
9. grarrg
10. gone
11. bob
13. ranaka
1. eesa
2. ona
4. dachoo
5. thugs
6. jar
7. dart
9. geb
12. oak
14. ant
31st day of Hiding, Y11 August 30-31, 2009
Across Down
3. galactic
5. yes
6. ixi
7. tax
9. neodeck
10. faerie
15. thyora
1. mayin
2. mystic
4. cloud
8. felf
11. albat
12. ruki
13. eamann
14. chia
1. new
30th day of Hiding, Y11 August 29-30, 2009
Across Down
3. bluenegg
5. dull
6. faeries
8. bikiwan
9. boy
10. sketch
12. tent
14. apis
1. quiguki
2. egg
4. eesa
6. flash
7. robot
11. train
13. evil
29th day of Hiding, Y11 August 28-29, 2009
Across Down
1. nigel
4. vira
5. ltd
6. eating
10. acara
11. achyhead
14. gone
15. kentari
2. golden
3. transfer
7. jade
8. orrin
9. kau
12. ylana
13. art
28th day of Hiding, Y11 August 27-28, 2009
Across Down
3. kanrik
6. ruki
7. techo
8. yes
9. faeries
12. kass
13. almost
1. kau
2. arkmite
4. cry
5. scissors
10. apis
11. jam
14. one
15. tax
27th day of Hiding, Y11 August 26-27, 2009
Across Down
3. gathering
5. meat
6. koi
8. meowclops
9. one
12. lava
13. brucicle
15. avatar
1. shy
2. crystal
4. lime
7. apple
10. train
11. acara
14. cyan
26th day of Hiding, Y11 August 25-26, 2009
Across Down
4. starry
7. set
9. plotboard
11. kau
12. goregas
1. ltd
2. bruceyb
3. goatee
5. mystery
6. drop
8. two
10. thugs
13. red
14. gone
15. six
1. new
25th day of Hiding, Y11 August 24-25, 2009
Across Down
1. evil
5. apis
7. hostile
9. gold
10. hidden
12. sandals
14. koi
2. laugh
3. national
4. yes
6. maid
8. egg
11. edna
12. six
13. set
1. new
24th day of Hiding, Y11 August 23-24, 2009
Across Down
2. petpet
3. random
5. bat
7. jeran
8. negg
9. grundo
10. ixi
11. ppl
1. ten
2. pink
4. maraqua
6. three
8. noil
9. gabar
11. pet
23rd day of Hiding, Y11 August 22-23, 2009
Across Down
5. cookie
6. drop
8. attack
9. noil
12. spoiler
13. mika
14. ixi
1. red
2. two
3. cola
4. fir
7. palmplat
10. aisha
11. neopian
13. mipsy
22nd day of Hiding, Y11 August 21-22, 2009
Across Down
4. rock
6. meepit
7. greyday
10. lunara
12. ant
13. star
14. ixi
1. cooty
2. zed
3. dice
5. kelland
8. death
9. ona
10. lutari
11. acorns
21st day of Hiding, Y11 August 20-21, 2009
Across Down
No Data
20th day of Hiding, Y11 August 19-20, 2009
Across Down
No Data
19th day of Hiding, Y11 August 18-19, 2009
Across Down
No Data
18th day of Hiding, Y11 August 17-18, 2009
Across Down
4. bluenegg
6. icecaves
8. poem
9. pet
10. ixi
12. waterdog
14. escape
1. jub
2. sun
3. mutants
5. jimmi
7. stix
9. puddle
11. tarla
13. edna
17th day of Hiding, Y11 August 16-17, 2009
Across Down
4. isca
6. halloween
8. ona
9. ixi
10. dirt
12. smash
15. fyora
1. jerdana
2. castle
3. mysterious
5. xweetok
7. big
11. itchy
13. meat
14. six
16th day of Hiding, Y11 August 15-16, 2009
Across Down
3. orange
5. pofew
7. yes
8. dust
11. kau
12. jimmi
13. sloth
14. sun
1. roo
2. bows
4. green
5. pet
6. fuzzitus
9. skull
10. aisha
15th day of Hiding, Y11 August 14-15, 2009
Across Down
4. cherry
6. games
8. katsuo
9. tax
10. dua
12. snow
13. royal
1. rock
2. dirtysnow
3. rise
5. kau
6. good
7. star
11. ant
12. scram
1. new
14th day of Hiding, Y11 August 13-14, 2009
Across Down
1. fish
3. drop
7. battle
9. feed
10. bomatoge
13. pickle
15. kau
2. snot
4. penelope
5. kitchen
6. games
8. exam
11. one
12. attack
14. kiko
13th day of Hiding, Y11 August 12-13, 2009
Across Down
3. ixi
5. nose
6. yes
8. acres
9. exquisite
11. ona
12. day
13. ant
14. club
1. snowbeast
2. boy
3. insanity
4. four
7. matic
10. evil
12th day of Hiding, Y11 August 11-12, 2009
Across Down
2. bug
3. feed
7. lava
9. supernova
10. dart
11. shy
12. three
13. turdle
14. one
1. dull
4. elivthade
5. castle
6. jerdana
8. spectre
14. ona
11th day of Hiding, Y11 August 10-11, 2009
Across Down
4. isca
6. bori
8. studded
10. silver
12. clock
14. gun
1. big
2. sabre
3. arms
5. fish
7. advent
9. daily
10. skull
11. lenny
13. court
1. new
10th day of Hiding, Y11 August 9-10, 2009
Across Down
4. lava
5. penelope
6. kreludor
7. ona
8. red
10. lenny
12. ryshu
14. aboogala
1. whip
2. galem
3. raspberry
6. kass
9. dice
11. eesa
13. kau
1. new
9th day of Hiding, Y11 August 8- 9, 2009
Across Down
2. dump
6. one
7. kau
9. pink
10. lint
11. airax
12. fan
13. talinia
14. egg
1. bucket
3. neopox
4. books
5. genie
8. ultimate
12. faerie
1. new
8th day of Hiding, Y11 August 7- 8, 2009
Across Down
6. four
8. ona
9. torshac
11. nox
12. fuzzitus
1. spoiler
2. dirt
3. chocolates
4. golden
5. daily
7. chia
10. orb
12. fan
13. zed
14. sun
August 6- 7, 2009
Across Down
2. aisha
5. yurble
6. ruki
7. trove
8. sloth
9. invisible
10. gabar
12. disown
14. jar
1. garlic
3. spyder
4. gun
7. third
11. bark
13. ixi
6th day of Hiding, Y11 August 5- 6, 2009
Across Down
3. mini
5. mug
6. race
8. smash
11. plushie
12. whip
13. six
1. breathe
2. kau
4. neofriend
5. meowclops
7. torshac
9. marbluk
10. bowtie
14. ixi
5th day of Hiding, Y11 August 4- 5, 2009
Across Down
3. nuk
6. supernova
8. yes
9. hippalop
12. egg
14. soup
15. meaty
1. train
2. lime
4. kau
5. tash
7. peaburger
10. purplum
11. petpet
13. zoba

About Faerie Crossword

This page keeps track of the crossword answers for everyday. The answers are kept up to date by the members!

What is the Faerie Crossword?
It is a crossword puzzle game that can be played many times a day. It can be found on Neopets here. Everyday you get once chance to play for Neopoints. Beating it within 5 minutes wins you 600NP. This is the maximum payout. You can continue to play as your active pet will likely be awarded intelligence points.