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4th day of Hiding, Y11 August 3- 4, 2009
Across Down
4. bucket
5. ylana
7. cauldron
8. zed
9. koi
11. feepit
12. run
13. tent
1. scorch
2. gathering
3. race
6. mummified
9. key
10. six
14. ten
3rd day of Hiding, Y11 August 2- 3, 2009
Across Down
4. purple
5. fake
7. ppl
9. drenched
10. lair
11. mynci
12. toy
13. acara
1. one
2. three
3. arnold
5. faerie
6. crunchy
8. velm
10. loyal
1. new
2nd day of Hiding, Y11 August 1- 2, 2009
Across Down
3. spardel
6. maid
8. dua
9. esophagor
11. adopt
13. ltd
1. orb
2. fundus
4. poogle
5. sakhmet
7. arnold
10. sarah
12. one
13. lake
14. dive
July 31 - August 1, 2009
Across Down
No Data
23rd day of Swimming, Y11 July 22-23, 2009
Across Down
1. moffit
7. one
8. woe
9. kau
10. milo
11. red
12. negg
13. scram
1. cubefish
2. dipni
4. trove
5. kreludor
6. chia
8. woogy
9. karma
22nd day of Swimming, Y11 July 21-22, 2009
Across Down
4. cyan
5. water
7. nakron
8. ona
9. shearing
11. monocle
12. poem
13. day
14. neoflu
1. dua
2. fyora
3. donations
6. tooth
9. spooky
10. peanut
1. new
21st day of Swimming, Y11 July 20-21, 2009
Across Down
3. talek
6. invisible
7. key
8. ppl
10. kentari
12. hagan
12. tombola
13. ltd
1. slice
2. chia
4. evil
5. blumaroo
7. koi
9. jeran
11. hot
20th day of Swimming, Y11 July 19-20, 2009
Across Down
2. half
4. elders
6. sketch
9. arnold
10. roo
11. scarab
13. sewage
1. evil
3. lyins
4. expellibox
5. acara
7. hidden
8. carma
12. red
14. geb
19th day of Swimming, Y11 July 18-19, 2009
Across Down
4. scarab
5. six
7. uparrow
8. yackito
12. exam
13. jade
1. matic
2. ruki
3. carpet
5. strale
6. dua
8. ylana
9. cove
10. ixi
11. cards
1. new
18th day of Swimming, Y11 July 17-18, 2009
Across Down
5. quadrupus
7. plaza
8. meuka
9. meepits
12. bows
13. lake
1. maid
2. tonu
3. kau
4. turdle
6. puzzle
8. mop
9. mipsy
10. evil
11. six
17th day of Swimming, Y11 July 16-17, 2009
Across Down
4. spaceslush
7. good
9. bows
10. pants
12. evil
14. yes
15. fleapit
1. ppl
2. acara
3. fungus
5. malkusvile
6. neomail
8. dorak
11. thyora
13. ixi
16th day of Swimming, Y11 July 15-16, 2009
Across Down
1. roo
2. two
3. nuk
5. kilogram
7. faerie
8. drop
9. eating
12. kiko
13. lake
1. rock
3. neofriend
4. pantdevil
6. goo
10. acko
11. bika
1. new
15th day of Swimming, Y11 July 14-15, 2009
Across Down
3. boss
5. web
6. torshac
10. lair
11. one
12. fiery
13. bug
14. koi
1. air
2. genie
4. starry
7. sundried
8. cloud
9. daily
14. kiko
1. new
14th day of Swimming, Y11 July 13-14, 2009
Across Down
2. sentient
5. oak
7. purple
9. plesio
10. yes
12. space
13. egg
14. lake
1. set
3. nuk
4. trophy
6. spring
8. zed
9. pickle
11. eyrie
1. new
13th day of Swimming, Y11 July 12-13, 2009
Across Down
2. blew
4. games
7. good
10. turbo
11. hissi
12. mop
14. jar
1. hero
3. feet
5. allita
6. spoon
8. dust
9. drop
11. half
13. orb
12th day of Swimming, Y11 July 11-12, 2009
Across Down
2. darigan
4. rock
7. toy
8. fir
10. three
11. eliv
13. hidden
14. moehog
15. matt
1. card
3. aisha
5. croissant
6. neolodge
9. random
12. velm
11th day of Swimming, Y11 July 10-11, 2009
Across Down
4. ona
5. chia
6. usul
11. robot
12. feet
13. hidden
14. tash
1. kau
2. eel
3. chomby
7. sloth
8. three
9. well
10. undead
15. hagan
10th day of Swimming, Y11 July 9-10, 2009
Across Down
2. fortune
4. thorn
7. lake
9. gone
10. snot
11. sale
12. kyishi
13. ixi
14. nox
1. set
3. bruce
5. neopoints
6. elephante
8. potions
11. stix
9th day of Swimming, Y11 July 8- 9, 2009
Across Down
3. hannah
4. meepits
6. isca
8. tax
11. fyora
12. yes
14. feepit
1. dua
2. three
3. hot
5. six
7. fake
9. airax
10. myncis
13. seek
8th day of Swimming, Y11 July 7- 8, 2009
Across Down
4. koi
5. court
6. noil
7. air
8. green
9. one
10. yes
12. disco
1. eating
2. kiko
3. lair
5. clovers
7. arnold
11. evil
13. ixi
1. new
7th day of Swimming, Y11 July 6- 7, 2009
Across Down
3. warf
5. bark
7. krawk
9. card
10. cyodrake
11. crossword
14. national
1. air
2. mika
4. fernypoo
6. race
8. krawkade
11. cry
12. royal
13. big
6th day of Swimming, Y11 July 5- 6, 2009
Across Down
3. dua
4. geb
6. lime
7. zombie
9. wingoball
13. eel
14. nakron
1. turtum
2. turdle
5. buzz
8. bob
9. white
10. ogrin
11. well
12. ruki
5th day of Swimming, Y11 July 4- 5, 2009
Across Down
3. egg
6. draik
7. mug
9. bug
10. laugh
12. train
14. ruki
15. disco
1. lead
2. palmplat
4. mirgle
5. smash
8. blumaroo
11. smile
13. noil
1. new
4th day of Swimming, Y11 July 3- 4, 2009
Across Down
5. bika
6. evil
8. nox
11. web
12. kau
13. slingshot
14. lake
15. jade
1. uni
2. koi
3. warehouse
4. vegetarian
7. codestone
9. blurg
10. nuk
1. new
3rd day of Swimming, Y11 July 2- 3, 2009
Across Down
3. red
4. lowfat
6. roo
8. sabre
9. six
11. meatballs
14. pickled
1. art
2. gwernial
4. lupe
5. web
7. aboogala
10. faerie
12. bugs
13. lair
1. new
2nd day of Swimming, Y11 July 1- 2, 2009
Across Down
2. games
4. bot
5. ppl
6. two
7. tunic
8. ruki
9. orange
11. spoon
13. six
1. noil
2. garlic
3. matt
5. potion
10. nox
12. pack
1. new
1st day of Swimming, Y11 June 30 - July 1, 2009
Across Down
3. achyfi
6. fullhouse
7. ona
9. talek
11. air
12. tree
14. red
1. chia
2. math
4. court
5. allita
6. faerie
8. jeran
10. apis
13. evil
1. new
30th day of Relaxing, Y11 June 29-30, 2009
Across Down
4. airax
6. hannah
7. jub
10. kelland
12. ruki
13. thoyra
1. caramel
2. kau
3. mini
5. churros
7. jhudora
8. zafara
9. leek
11. royal
14. run
1. new
29th day of Relaxing, Y11 June 28-29, 2009
Across Down
4. zombie
5. tavi
6. purplum
9. barallus
10. sneezles
11. bug
12. cloud
14. meatballs
1. four
2. grarrl
3. uni
7. marbluk
8. fundus
10. silver
13. dust
1. new
28th day of Relaxing, Y11 June 27-28, 2009
Across Down
2. cherry
4. fundus
7. highland
9. zoba
11. lake
12. dart
13. jar
14. magax
1. felf
3. hidden
5. six
6. altador
8. hannah
9. zed
10. frum

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This page keeps track of the crossword answers for everyday. The answers are kept up to date by the members!

What is the Faerie Crossword?
It is a crossword puzzle game that can be played many times a day. It can be found on Neopets here. Everyday you get once chance to play for Neopoints. Beating it within 5 minutes wins you 600NP. This is the maximum payout. You can continue to play as your active pet will likely be awarded intelligence points.