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25th day of Hunting, Y11 May 24-25, 2009
Across Down
4. extreme
8. plaza
10. nova
11. nuk
12. kugar
15. invisible
1. cockroach
2. lupe
3. six
5. mint
6. singer
7. evavu
9. acko
13. geb
14. ant
1. new
. ???
24th day of Hunting, Y11 May 23-24, 2009
Across Down
1. meaty
5. cloud
6. exam
7. bruce
10. blooky
12. two
13. neomail
14. yes
2. trove
3. blobikins
4. rainbow
8. hog
9. plains
11. boss
12. tax
23rd day of Hunting, Y11 May 22-23, 2009
Across Down
5. lair
6. achyfi
8. math
11. doglefox
13. moon
15. ummagine
1. vira
2. fish
3. felf
4. hat
7. yurble
9. hidden
10. goregas
12. run
14. orb
1. new
. ???
22nd day of Hunting, Y11 May 21-22, 2009
Across Down
4. itchy
5. alton
7. ring
9. warehouse
11. acorns
14. tuan
15. six
1. well
2. kingroo
3. shy
6. woe
8. hagan
10. evil
12. orb
13. smile
. ???
21st day of Hunting, Y11 May 20-21, 2009
Across Down
3. avatar
5. tonu
6. eel
7. compass
10. tax
11. shield
14. dipni
1. jacques
2. quest
4. roo
7. cry
8. meepit
9. ant
12. lair
13. onion
. ???
20th day of Hunting, Y11 May 19-20, 2009
Across Down
2. uni
4. shy
6. ixi
7. pink
8. four
9. mystery
11. adee
12. grow
13. bows
1. draik
3. nimmo
4. sourmelon
5. dirtysnow
10. red
12. gold
. ???
19th day of Hunting, Y11 May 18-19, 2009
Across Down
2. meri
5. laugh
7. velm
8. fuzzitus
11. ixi
12. dreeana
14. dive
1. mika
3. mug
4. neopedia
6. hostile
8. faerie
9. zed
10. tavi
13. rock
18th day of Hunting, Y11 May 17-18, 2009
Across Down
4. lizark
7. ant
8. grundox
12. scurvy
14. tonu
15. ltd
1. well
2. jar
3. cloud
5. kau
6. tax
9. novelty
10. usul
11. moon
13. uni
17th day of Hunting, Y11 May 16-17, 2009
Across Down
2. grundo
4. slushie
5. feast
8. evil
9. pet
10. yes
11. water
14. one
15. bug
1. plushies
3. blew
6. sitar
7. glowing
12. thorn
13. geb
16th day of Hunting, Y11 May 15-16, 2009
Across Down
4. wingoball
7. terror
9. masila
11. dua
13. uni
14. vira
1. club
2. von
3. olive
5. godori
6. art
8. kau
10. airax
11. dive
12. koi
. ???
15th day of Hunting, Y11 May 14-15, 2009
Across Down
2. break
5. gnorbu
7. six
9. geb
11. acara
12. pack
13. nimmo
15. darigan
1. egg
3. avinroo
4. buzzaway
6. orb
8. nakron
10. eating
14. mini
. ???
14th day of Hunting, Y11 May 13-14, 2009
Across Down
3. eating
5. lime
6. half
9. yes
10. fernypoo
11. jade
12. ylana
15. funky
1. zed
2. stramberry
4. ona
7. fyora
8. uni
13. lake
14. ant
. ???
13th day of Hunting, Y11 May 12-13, 2009
Across Down
4. mirgle
5. nuk
7. dive
8. bites
9. dull
11. uni
13. soup
14. neoflu
1. six
2. clouds
3. kau
5. nova
6. arthur
10. lumps
12. usul
1. new
. ???
12th day of Hunting, Y11 May 11-12, 2009
Across Down
2. whip
6. wellington
8. cup
10. shock
12. glare
14. ltd
1. bluna
3. ppl
4. snowbeast
5. waterdog
6. wingoball
7. laugh
9. lake
11. orb
13. egg
1. new
11th day of Hunting, Y11 May 10-11, 2009
Across Down
3. zed
5. lair
6. soft
7. roo
8. ant
9. ona
10. triffin
12. grundox
14. magax
1. weewoo
2. coltzan
4. dartail
6. strong
11. fiery
13. negg
10th day of Hunting, Y11 May 9-10, 2009
Across Down
3. one
4. benny
5. chase
8. krawk
10. tonu
12. crokabek
13. red
15. vira
1. shenkuu
2. boy
6. shield
7. bob
9. warf
11. maid
14. eyrie
1. new
9th day of Hunting, Y11 May 8- 9, 2009
Across Down
3. comics
4. gothic
6. royal
7. adopt
8. eight
9. purple
13. velm
14. three
1. dirt
2. chocolate
5. crystal
6. red
10. poem
11. evil
12. ltd
8th day of Hunting, Y11 May 7- 8, 2009
Across Down
1. eight
6. bows
8. night
9. adee
10. achyhead
12. pet
13. air
15. pofew
2. goo
3. dirtysnow
4. genie
5. hog
7. wreathy
11. day
14. meaty
. ???
7th day of Hunting, Y11 May 6- 7, 2009
Across Down
3. mop
4. carols
6. gold
7. lutari
9. mystery
11. dice
12. milk
1. soup
2. edna
3. mug
4. cylara
5. editorial
8. isca
10. yes
13. kau
1. new
. ???
6th day of Hunting, Y11 May 5- 6, 2009
Across Down
3. lake
6. trophy
9. ummagine
13. rock
14. faerie
15. half
1. water
2. bloop
4. extreme
5. day
7. one
8. fiery
10. arkmite
11. skarl
12. ona
1. new
. ???
5th day of Hunting, Y11 May 4- 5, 2009
Across Down
2. draik
3. ryshu
5. space
7. egg
8. quest
11. random
13. gold
14. tax
1. toy
2. dust
4. lead
6. cards
9. elephante
10. hog
12. neowarts
1. new
4th day of Hunting, Y11 May 3- 4, 2009
Across Down
3. red
5. acko
6. lair
7. bugs
9. hagan
11. sitar
13. roo
14. sweets
1. card
2. plains
4. escape
5. arbiter
8. grarrl
10. boss
12. ant
. ???
3rd day of Hunting, Y11 May 2- 3, 2009
Across Down
4. rashpid
6. neodaq
9. pack
10. wreathy
12. dirt
14. noil
1. orb
2. ppl
3. mystic
5. shadow
7. alton
8. spyder
11. evil
13. rink
15. iron
1. new
2nd day of Hunting, Y11 May 1- 2, 2009
Across Down
2. acara
5. gone
7. bruce
8. ant
9. kauvara
11. key
13. crystal
15. shy
1. fir
3. altalaphus
4. geb
6. funky
10. usul
12. drop
14. air
1. new
1st day of Hunting, Y11 April 30 - May 1, 2009
Across Down
2. gathering
5. bloop
7. fifty
9. wheelie
10. red
11. mop
12. gold
14. egg
1. uni
3. hat
4. ruki
6. poem
8. flerper
9. woogy
13. dart
30th day of Eating, Y11 April 29-30, 2009
Across Down
4. orb
6. super
7. kau
8. adee
10. unimeadows
11. strale
13. one
15. bagatelle
1. lumps
2. fyora
3. raspberry
5. quinton
9. monty
12. lime
14. egg
. ???
29th day of Eating, Y11 April 28-29, 2009
Across Down
1. scorch
4. orb
8. warf
9. mystic
10. poem
11. feed
12. pinklet
14. aisha
2. carols
3. cup
5. jimmi
6. quiguki
7. jade
11. faerie
13. shy
. ???
28th day of Eating, Y11 April 27-28, 2009
Across Down
4. eyrie
5. jub
6. vacumatic
10. primella
11. big
12. uni
13. flotsam
1. velm
2. potions
3. vibraphone
7. cheese
8. mika
9. darigan
13. fir
14. one
1. new
27th day of Eating, Y11 April 26-27, 2009
Across Down
3. yurble
6. deluxe
8. quiguki
10. feepit
12. bowtie
13. hot
14. space
1. kau
2. ppl
4. box
5. courier
7. lair
8. quiche
9. krawk
11. fir
1. new
26th day of Eating, Y11 April 25-26, 2009
Across Down
2. faellie
3. ltd
5. grow
8. plushies
10. ant
11. nova
14. aisha
1. feed
2. four
4. teleport
6. ogrin
7. lunara
9. sun
12. one
13. shy

About Faerie Crossword

This page keeps track of the crossword answers for everyday. The answers are kept up to date by the members!

What is the Faerie Crossword?
It is a crossword puzzle game that can be played many times a day. It can be found on Neopets here. Everyday you get once chance to play for Neopoints. Beating it within 5 minutes wins you 600NP. This is the maximum payout. You can continue to play as your active pet will likely be awarded intelligence points.